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stMinionNES2: Bigger, Better, Betterer

Originally posted by amirsan
why do u think I was crying or whining? I wasn't even mad. I WAS ANNOYED. THAT IS ANNOYING. But too bad...

For you
Egyptian Orders

increase army
continue wonder "karnak Temples" (turn 5/10)
secrectly expand and block all of Lower egypts expansion routes
breed camels to help travel in the desert heat
Grow army
crush the Bohemians with entire army
continue work on wonder

to Frankreich: Ok we hope to maintain good relations with one-another. Feel free to ask for anything you wish.
Orders so I get them in and you don't start update while I am writing a story:

To Lydia
From Athens

Shall we commence the settling of Sicily?

Increase Navy
Finish Acropolis (it should have been 5/5 this turn, aaminion, so should finis this update)
Settle Sicily
From: Lydia
To: Athenea

Yes, yes we shall.

aaminion, I edited my orders to include sicily expansion.
Poland Orders (i just got back home, so dont feel like story)
Build road between Wilno and Warszawa.
*SECRET* Keep 1000 troops throughout Poland to make sure there are no rebellions and such.
Get 3900 troops to expand north (to completely surround Lithuania territorially).
Get 1000 troops to expand towards the south.
Keep enforcing the naval blockade of Lithuania. Turn back any and all Lithuanian ships. Don't shoot Lithuanian ships, just prevent them from leaving. If they ask why, say it's simply for their protection from "rogue pirate ships that are rumored to be treading the Baltic waters".
Send some more people across the Lithuanian border and incite either the people of Kaunas or the army units in Kaunas to start an armed uprising and kill the Lithuanian royals. Get a Polish person from Wilno to do it, as the Wilno Poles are somewhat similar in looks and accent to the Lithuanian Lithuanians.*SECRET*
3300 B.C.E.

The Romans continue to expand along the Italian peninsula, gaining full control of it. In the North, they encounter barbarian tribes in the Alpine regions. Across the sea, three islands remain unsettled.

In North Africa, the tiny nation of Carthage is seemingly reawakened under a new dynasty. A large donation of gold is made to the nearby barbars, but instead of forging a friendship the Carthaginians attack the next turn! Though stronger than the barbarians, their recently donated economy levels are making things far more difficult than it should be.

The remaining two berber nations are busy amongs themselves. The nomadic berbers have attacked their more civilized brothers of Mauretania, taking much of the Southern lands with which they are familiar with.

The Lydians enter a period of colonization. Their ships pass through Greek held posessions on their way to new lands. An expedition to Africa fails, but a small outpost called Ft. Persiseus is made on a land in the far West. Back home the city of Smyrna is established, but expansion routes are not deployed to the generals.

Meanwhile, Sicily is also settled by the other prominent Greek state; Athens. Their ships arrive s

In India, the mauryans easily take care of the nearby barbarian threat with a small contignent of troops. They then send the bulk of their army to a large collection of barbarian tribes in the South. After years of expansion through the jungles and plains, the Mauryans make contact with these barbarian lands.

In Japan, the Japanese conquer the bulk of the lawless lands after a series of brilliant military campaigns. Also, a new wonder is started in Kyoto, while work continues on the royal navy..

In Assyria the war with Babylon continues. The great Assyrian army is able to dig in against the Babylonians, while simutaneously expanding elsewhere. However most agree that if the Assyrians do not concentrate more on their Southern war, Babylon will eventually break Assyrian lines.

In Northeast Africa, the Egyptians have domesticated the Camel, which can be used for mounted combat, as well as transportation. They use this new beast to their advantage, blocking many of Lower Egypt's expansion routes. Lower Egypt emissaries are suspicious but say nothing.

In the Asian steppes, the Huns have overrun most of the Kievan Rus. Pillaging and looting the fields, all that remains of the once proud nation are some pasturelands in the South and the capital city, which has been under siege for several years now.

Likewise, the German conquest of Bohemia is almost complete as the ancient Polish soothsayer's prophecies appear close to coming true. The main city of Prague falls, while sporadic fighting continues throughout the rest of the country.

In Lithuania, a series of Lithuanian nobles have been murdered by masked assasins. Most of the accused seem to come from Wilno, and many Lithuanians begin to heavily discriminate against those sympathetic to the Poles. Lithuanian forces have succeeded in somewhat putting down the rebellions in Southern Lithuania.
aaminion, it seems you didn't finish the bit about greece settling Sicily, and it seems to be important since I am not on Sicily.
Meanwhile, Sicily is also settled by the other prominent Greek state; Athens. Their ships arrive s....

the suspense is killing me :p

you forgot a road i put in my orders, but its no big deal. orders tomorrow
I'm afraid I'll have to quit due to ever-increasing RL. And because usually a NES on the brink of death stays on the brink of death.
Upper Egypt Orders

increase army
continue wonder (turn 6/10)
expand northwest to surround lower egypt but do not do anything aggressive
train new units like camel warrior and camel archer
King Chandragupta watched his capital Pataliputra from the balcony of his palace. Today many poor men of his empire were allowed to get some food from the city granery. Chandragupta had invented this day, so the poor men would stop to steal food on the markets and making the streets a bit cleaner. There were still many thiefs on the marketplace, but his guards catched most thiefs and threw them into jail.
Meanwhile his Generals prepared to invade the barbarian tribes to the south. 3000 men were prepared to beat those wild men and conquer their lands and the King hoped, that this campaign wouldn´t last too long.


-continue wonder
-grow army
-attack southern barbarians with 3000 men
-use 400 men as police forces
-use 1000 men to etablish a border with Tibet
Germany was one of the strongest nations in the world now. It had a strong army, and a happy populace. It was a grand nation that had been the victor of many battles as of late. The Armies would continue to win and conquer the Bohemians. No one would stop the Germanic conquests!
In German Bohemia the people were treated fairly. The solders who were stationed at the border helped local villagers rebuild if their homes were damaged in war. The Bohemians would be completely integrated into German society. They would not become an oppressed minority.
Elsewhere throughout Germany the people continued to build grand homes and such in the cities, and the grand academy was still under construction. Once it was done the German military would have a magnificent home.

-grow economy through new constructions throughout empire
-use 4,000 men to finish the conquest of Bohemia
-use the rest of my men to expand south
-if I get far enough south into the Alps establish the city of Munich
-keep working on wonder

To frankreich:
how about we open our borders to one another? We should not inhibuit our peoples travel.
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