• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


The World: 400BC

Lots of stuff went down in these 100 years, at least compared to what happened the last hundred years.

We will start in the middle East. It was looking like the people’s of Babylon would be able to live happily until suddenly their homes were assailed by fierce warriors. They lost the majority of their army and are now begging for their enemies to spare their lives, they will join peacefully they say.
(-300 Babylon, -100 Haketi)

In the far east the three civilizations located there come into contact finally. No one knows what will come of this.

In North Africa, the Carthaginians have expanded onto islands in the Mediterranean Sea. By doing this they have come in contact with Sicily and the Tartessians. Hopefully these civilizations can get along. The Carthaginians have also begun to speak with the Numidians, who now would like to trade with them. There is also a distinct possibility of the Numidians being culturally assimilated if they keep getting these wonderful stories from their neighbors (;)).

Speaking of the Tartessians, they expanded a lot into the Iberian Peninsula, convincing many primitive peoples to join their wonderful culture. They have also secured their dominance of the entrance to the Mediterranean sea, and are beginning to investigate strange materials buried in the ground.

Sparta has also spread greatly, expanding to Africa and Italy. If they reach Asia soon they will be the first civilization on three continents.

On the Mediterranean things are going peacefully, but not so in Northern Europe. Up North the slightly less civilized, and more warlike tribes are in power. The Celtic tribe of Jorina has begun violently subduing their neighbors. As has the Germanic tribe of HmmmLand(Im sorry to say this makes it hard to take my NES seriously, and I wouldn’t appose any name change you feel like making ;) :p). The HmmmLanders have kin to their south who appear to be starting to form a civilization. They call themselves the Swedes, and for now they are just another tribe, but a very large one.

In the Pacific, not much happens except the Norkia reach the borders of the barbarians to their south.
The borders on the map are so...straight. :p Make em a little more curved.:p;)

How come you don't differentiate capital cities? Not even put a white border round em?

I am very pleased with this. but I do recall asking attempting to install a walled city on the heel of the Italian boot. Why is it not there? Most any alibi is good, I just want to know why.:)
Well, when I advance up the "heel", will you make it visible?;)
Shiver me timbers I will work on econ and finish off those barbs and expand north next turn!
~ The Might of Carthago ~

Melek Hamilcar Barca of Carthago proceeded to the Numidian city from his fleet of glorious quinqueremes. He was going to personally greet the Numidian ruler and hopefully, increase Punic-Numidian relations. The Numidian port city was large, but no where near as splendid as Carthage. Its buildings were made of fine mud brick, compared to the splendid marble courts of Carthago. Its port was a small one, and just barely fit the quinqueremes. Sounds of awe came from the commoners along the docks, never before had they seen such large and powerful ships. The sailors hoisted their sails and prepared to dock. The dock was a scramble of activity as the Numidians hastily prepared for the Carthaginian arrival. Hamilcar proceeded off his ship, flanked on both sides by his elite Phoeni Guards.

Him and his delegates proceeded to walk down the Numidian city, until finally reaching the palace of the King. A slight man with large, curious eyes, greeted them and told them that he was the King of Numidia and welcomed the 'mighty peoples of Carthage' to his humble city. Hamilcar and the Numidian king discussed a trade deal, Hamilcar would protect numidian shores with his navy, and give them Carthaginian jewels and dyes, if in return, the Numidians allowed the Carthaginians some of their fine bred cavalry, the Numidian Light Horse (Regular light cavalry). This Deal, if followed through, would bring the two empires closer together than ever before, and would basically afford the Numidians protectorate status, if they allowed the Carthaginians to some of their superb cavalry.

(Norse, can you accept that deal or decline it as the Numidians in the next update?)


- Send an expedition fleet of 10 Quinqueremes and 20 Triremes to investigate these new 'Tartessians' along the pillars of hercules, these men control a strategic point near carthaginian territory, report on their navy and armies....

- Send a delegation to Sicily, begin trade talks, offer them our luxuries in exchange for their large grain supplies.

- Send a colonial expedition to the Balearic Islands and Italy, along with 50 spearmen each, (colonize me in Rome)

- Build a road from Carthage to the Numidian capitol, Increase trade (Economy gets a boost)

-Expand north with 400 troops.
-Keep other 100 troops on the border with sweden and prep deffense
-Raise economy by boosting the fishing nonsence of HmmLand.

-Continue Wonder
-Grow Spartiates x4
-With my current troops in the north, and 2 growths worth of the newly recruited Spartiates, Advance on the barbarians. Use the rocky terrain, and my superior armor to my advantage. Try to cut them off in a valley. Remember that the Spartiate is more or less the perfect warrior in terms of discipline and courage, and for this period in time, technologically as well.

-Set up a colony around the Trojan area with another 2 growths worth of Spartiates.
-Advance east and west along the African coast, adding more land.
-Advance from the heel into the "leg" of Italy. *secret*IF possible, attempt to cut off Sicilian Expansion into Italy via land.*secret*
to Babylon:
Your army and people and everything you got will join us. Full annexion. Agree or all your people will be sacrifised!

to whoever is there in the north:
To Carthage
From Sparta

We only wish to have a small power base, and nothing more. You have the Spartan word.
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