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Chapter I
from the book of Jorinia

In the crisp cold air above Tristrum that day flew 12 doves to announce the union of Gad Dakin and his new wife, Abana. Gad was the son of Tranal Dakin the great lord of Tristrum a powerful city-state. Dakin, Tranals only offspring, of course inherited this from his father. However Dakin was never satisfied in just ruling his father’s city. He wanted to put his own mark on Tristrum and it had been his plan for many years to expand his city-state into a nation.

Abana on the other hand grew up the youngest of 4 daughters. Her conception was not intended and was neglected. When her parents died they had split their lands into 3 equal parts all going to her older siblings, which they had planed for many years. This put Abana into a rage and determination take her sister’s lands and to ease the pain of her childhood. She had formed a group of mercenaries who devoted their time to the art of war. Soon their services were well known and the mercenaries became wealthy. Abana’s sisters heard of this and out of jealousy and fear exiled her form the country.

Abana knew her army was not large enough to defeat the combined forces of her 3 older sisters. With summer was coming to an end so she turned to Tristrum to make a deal. After meeting with Dakin, plotting and strategizing how to defeat her sisters. They began to grow closer and on the first day of spring they wed. This also meant that war was on the horizon, and so the story began.

The Sturdy Walls of the City of Tartessos are well built, and stnad ready to repuls any assult

The Tartessians were mythic people in thier land, the first to come together, and found a mighty citadel, a true center peice of power, religion, government, and trade. Innovation, particulraye in metal working, and ship beuilding were a pride of the people, and a great necissity in the lands of Tartessos; surrounded by barbarians, and envious peoples, the might y tartessians early on had been forced into developign thier metal workign prowess into advantages for the art of war.

Th defences o fthe city, tall and strong rebuffed many an attack even when they were still being built, and over time, the barbarians fo the are had learned that Tartessos was no city t be trifled with; it wa ssuch, that Kings of tarsseos soon turned thier eye towrds the barbarian host; thier objective? Simple; They woudl educate the barbaisn, and bring them peacufully under Tartessian rule, and if not, it would be under the prowess of the Tartessian spears and sheilds that Tartessos would dominate its neighbors, and sjow them the enlightend way of life, and even treat them with benevolence and kindness, as would a man to a brother...

Orders: To be PMed
Nation name: The Carthaginian Empire
Leader name: Melek of Carthage, Hamilcar Barca
Economy: 3
Army: 500 spearmen
Navy: 100 triremes
Education: 1
Trade Routes:
UU: Carthaginian Quinquereme: A trireme, but with 5 banks of oars instead of 3, incredibly fast, but also a very heavy assault ship, these are the true masters of the mediterranean. Equipped with skilled heavy Archers and Pheoni Marines (note: just basic carthaginian spearmen, but better training), it is a perfect Ship for naval warfare. What makes this ship also incredibly fast is not only its 5 banks of oars, but it also has 2 sails, a large one on the mainmast, and a smaller one at the bow. The Dreadnought of its day...
The Founding of Carthago..

"It was said that, many years ago, A Phoenician queen named Dido formed the port-City of Carthage, now one of the most beautiful cities in the World. Records of the founding are mostly shrouded in legend, and little is known about it, although that it began what historians call the great Carthaginian ascendenscy, a great age of conquest and martime empire for our great people"
- Gisco Barca, Imperial Historian -- A concise history of Carthago

Carthage is indeed a grand city. Traders from around the world flock to its rich markets for luxurious goods such as the fabled purple dye, worth 10 times its wieght in gold and silver, Silks from Persia, and sacred Ivory tusks from the great elephants. Extremely rich because of its location, it has the means to hire a large mercenary army of Libyans and Numidians, whilst the Carthaginian citizens serve only as officers, elite Phoeni Marines, or sailors for the Navy, although a few have joined the armies aswell. It's Armies are hardened and trained. After many small wars with north African tribes, it has asserted its dominance in the area through good planning and manipulation of the African tribes. Skilled in navigating the oceans, the Carthaginians have created a grand fleet to protect its precious trade routes from dangerous pirates and marauders, the fleet has gained huge amounts of experience in the form of the Pirate Wars..

The Port of Carthage

The Pirate wars were great naval battles during the early riegn of Hamilcar, which began because Carthaginian trade lines were being harrassed constantly, until the council of elders decided to put them down with a creation of a large, grand fleet. Triremes were developed for the first time in Carthage and began small scale campaigns against weaker, but incredibly more agile, Pirate ships. These battles continued for several years, and at the hieght of these conflicts, a new Carthaginian ship had been invented... The Quinquereme...

Carthaginian Quinquereme without Oars or Sails

Person 1: I think i just messed myself...
Person 2: th..thats the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.. *tear*

Yes, I know, its awe inspiring :blush:

back to the point, The Quinquereme was the dreadnought of its day, 5 banks of oars, over the traditional 3, and 2 sails. Faster than any other ship before it, it cut through the waves like a knife through butter! Dont get me wrong though, even if it was incredibly fast, it is also an incredibly heavy and strong warship. It's hull is made up of stronger layers of wood and its 5 banks of oars makes it much larger than a Trireme. This revolutionized naval warfare during the Pirate Wars. The Carthaginians were now able to catch the Pirates other than when they were at shore on some island, and now pursued massive campaigns against them. At the battle of Syracuse, off sicily, a fleet of 10 Triremes and 5 Quinqueremes engaged a pirate fleet of 25 ships. The Quinqueremes and triremes formed a massive wall and charged head long into the Pirate formation... Things broke..

Not the Carthaginians.

Devastated, the pirates never again harmed Carthaginian shores on such a large extent and most went to other areas of the mediterranean with their tails between their legs. Oh yes... The Might of Carthage had prevailed!
Nation name: Egypt
Leader name: Ptolemy
Economy: 3
Army: 500 spearmen
Navy: 100 triremes
Education: 1
Trade Routes: 3

I'm in. I'll be in Egypt
Wow looks like we have someone trying to build a mediterreanian empire :)
Update 500 BC

Do not worry. I didn’t use anyone’s orders for this update. This was just an update for me to introduce you to your new neighbors. If you already sent in orders ill use them for the next update, which will be on Friday orders permitting. Here goes nothing.

Civilizations have sprung up all over the world. In China three civilizations have come into contact with each other, they are the Chin, the Wu, and the Fujin. They are wary of each other and not sure what to expect.

In The Middle East the Haketi civilization has been founded, very near to the ancient civilizations of Babylon and Assyria.

In the middle of a great ocean the Norkia have begun to settle down from their previous life and become civilized. On their island they are surrounded by non-civilized tribes.

In North Africa Egypt and Carthage become civilized and gain contact with their neighbors.

In Europe the Spartan civilization has come in contact with the island people of Minoa. Also the HmmLanders and the Tartessos find themselves surrounded by barbarians. The Jorinia find them assailed by barbarians, and hear news of the Scots a remote northern civilization.
One not so fine day,there was a chap...Some said he had the big one.But this ole chap came from a far away place...From the west...From the sea!He landed one day and was like "Hmm...Land".Therefore he went off hims ship,said "You guys!Some say I've got the big one!" and they bowed to his master oratory.He had a right hand man,a certain "Bwahu".Bwahu said "This is HmmLand melord?" and thus it got it's name...They erected the capitol of "Hmm..." and was like "Hmm..."

Then they found that there were barbarians all around...So they said "Hmm..." and thought of a solution.They found one.It was to expand north.

-Start wonder "Crappy Statue of The Big One" (+3 army)
-Increase economy by starting the first farm of HmmLand.(In an outskirt of Hmm...)
-Expand north.Have The Big One lead the expansion.
Story comes later.


-New UU: Spartiate The Spartiates are trained rom the age of 6 to the age of 20. 14 years of their life, they are trained to be the perfect soldier.
-Begin Wonder: "Spartan Ascension" +2000 Spartiates, +4 Education, +400 Ships, Huge expansion spurt in all directions.
-Grow Economy
-Expand north with (number to be PMed) spearmen
-Expand into Cyrene with (number to be PMed) spearmen
-Expand into Southern Italy with (number to be PMed) spearmen
- New Expansion plan: (wonder)
Mediterranean Dominance: + 100 Quinqueremes, 200 Triremes
North African Ascendenscy: + 1300 Spearmen
Carthaginian Grand Library: + 5 education

- Expand westwards with 100 Spearmen
- Begin talks with Numidian nieghbors.
- Explore and possibly colonize the islands of Corsica and Sardinia

Hail Carthago!
Empress Lina was at the palace when the priest entered.
"My Empress news for Great Hekata!" said the priest.
"What does the goddes say?" Answered Lina.
"She have talled us to conquer all other religions. All must be ready for Hekata. We must sacrifise more outsiders o Hekata might!" the priest rushed to answer.
"Than if the goddes wish, we shall do. Preaper the armies we go to war!" The Empress said quitly and preapred.

Hekati was a small city state, all in it belived in the great goddes Hekata. She ruled all and required human sacrifise. Hekata had great strengh and all belived she is master of the sky land and sea. She loved wars and human sacrifise, espaicaly humans that did not belived in her...

Use 2 economies to grow swordmen. Invade Babylon and sacrfise everyone on the way :)
Guess no update today, as i have to go, and im still missing the orders i asked for. OH! and form now on you can have as many wonders as you want. Thats to make it even that some people are building big ones and some are building small ones.
Fujin Orders
Increase economy
Expand in all directions
New Wonder(Modern City of Shanghai +3 economy)
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