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Strange & aggressive AI behaviour

Celtic Warrior

Aug 29, 2004
In my current game I have not started a single war yet I am constantly in war because the AI keeps attacking. So far have crushed and defeated the enemy.

Now all the other Civs say I am a warmongering menace. :confused: In the lastest turn a whole bunch of civs declared war on me. Their only reason is because I am a warmongering menace :mad:
Hard to say without more information. Did you wipe out any of the civs who attacked you or seize/raze a bunch of their cities? The AI civs get really wary of you then, regardless of who attacked first. If you have a powerful military, or one way more advanced than anyone else, the other civs could be allying out of fear you'll pick them off one by one.
Yes. I leave them all as puppets.

I wipe out the civs who start the wars, which has been about 3 or 4, can't remember exactly.

I see what you are getting but I don't start any of the wars. Secondly the enemy will not often accept a surrender.
You're expecting the other civs to see things from your perspective. The problem you're having is they have their own perspectives - one that sees four other nations left in ruins, regardless of who provoked who.
Destroying a nation completely leaves you with warmongering hate from other nations, leave them alive with 1 city. In other words, cripple them. :)
Well indeed the civs are very irritating and over agressive. But if you complet destroy one civ then you have a warmonger sighn painted on your back (unless its a popular war with a =nother ai war monger. I dont like it but the other featues in the game help keep me from stressin about it to much. Im not a warmonger so i dont realy attempt start wars unless its a cooperative war.

Also i know accepting delarations of friend ship is un popular but i like, it gives character to the game and helps push out conflict and diplomacy.
Yes in my recent game as china i had not attacked anybody but barbs,egypt just told me that i like to pick on civs that are weaker than me what gives?I have 150 hours playing and this is the first this has happened without going to war with another civ.all of the sudden im the bloody one lol.
I'm interested in what people's responses are regarding the fact that warmongering AIs don't stop trying to war you until you utterly destroy them. How is it fair, in that case, if you're painted a warmongerer if another AI constantly wars you and you have no choice but to suffer war wariness or completely kill off the invading AI?
I've left civs with only a couple of cities before. I find they just end up building a COD and then attacking me back. Every time it has happened though they are way behind in tech so their 15 knights do nothing to my mechs
Diplo is beyond belief (I would've said fupped) and AI vs you has no intelligence at all.

Deny them and they hate you.
Help them and they hate you.

Only way is to ignore them and win.
Buying tiles also makes the AI mad if it is in their direction, but they often won't warn you first, they will just declare war. If they like you they will ask you to stop, and if you don't, expect a war. Culture expansion doesn't seem to get them riled up.

My best tile-buying trick: Elizabeth had a settler right next to my border. So I bought that tile, and it bumped the settler next to a barb, who did my dirty work and got rid of the settler. :lol:

Also: the AI declaring war doesn't diplo hit you (but wiping them out really does), I have used buying tiles when a Civ borders me as a way to get the AI to DoW me, so I don't get the diplo hit.
I'll try to leave the next warring Civ with one city, however often the aggressive civs will not surrender.

At this stage I've giving up playing the diplo game. The AI is just crazy. I've mentioned in another thread were I gave egypt friendship and a lot of money yet the next turn the denouce me for no good reason (reason given is that my friends have denouced me & I'm a warmonger).
the simple answere for this is that div 5 diplo is broken.
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