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Succession Game Registry


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
Unlike the other succession game topic, this one will just be a list of basic info. so people can select/email who they want. (i.e., if you're looking for an all-diety game while being agreesive expansionists, look for that "trait"). That way, you can decide what type of game to have (and it'll make it more realistic too. In a real civ, one leader might be passive, while his/her successors (thuse the name of the game) may be expansionist, and open for trade). Also, your game version should be included.

Mine's in my sig, but I'll post it here as an example:

Name: Chieftess
email: jgasioro@mail.bcpl.net
Level: Chieftain
Version: 1.16f
Style of Play: Passive Isolationist Perfectionist

Remember, this is a registry, so just keep it to these 5 fields.
Name: Das
E-mail: das1@matav.net
Level: Monarch or Regent.
Version: 1.00
Style of Play: Agressive Militarist.
Name: Dominix
Email: mcmao2000@hotmail.com
Version: 1.17f
Level: Warlord (boy Monarch or above players scare the sh*t out of me)
Style of Play: Aggressive Militarist/Expansionist
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