Suggestions and Requests


I know that dynamic names are not our current priority, but Britain as a Vassal of France is such a iconic possibility, that I would love to hear better vassal name suggestions than the one we have now. I mean, Dutchy of Normandy makes no sense. If this is an allusion to the only time in history when French speaking Normans from Dutchy of Normandy successfully conquered England -- England didn't become part of that Dutchy, but rather the other way around.

I think about the names of French client states established by Napoleon, trying to guess how would he call England in the case of successful invasion. Perhaps Dutchy of London (like Dutchy of Warsaw, to hurt the English pride?)

As a historical side note, the entire amount from the sale of Louisiana was spent on preparations for Napoleon's planned invasion of the United Kingdom at the start of the War of the Third Coalition. The United States had partly funded the purchase by means of a loan from Baring Brothers of London, which essentially meant that a British bank was indirectly funding an invasion of the country :crazyeye:!
As a historical side note, the entire amount from the sale of Louisiana was spent on preparations for Napoleon's planned invasion of the United Kingdom at the start of the War of the Third Coalition. The United States had partly funded the purchase by means of a loan from Baring Brothers of London, which essentially meant that a British bank was indirectly funding an invasion of the country :crazyeye:!
But the invasion failed, so I think it worked out well for everyone except the French.
1) Should Nature Reserves be able to be built on Savanna and Taiga? They can't for now.

2) Maybe the victory screen could have for UHV, in addition to conditions fulfilled or not, an additional condition showing the year, turn and/or number of turns remaining.
For #2 you can see them if you enable an option in BUG menu.
- Natural Reserve can be built in Savannah and Taiga.

Hi Leoreth, I saw in the last update on GIT that tiles with the savannah or taiga feature can receive the natural reserve improvement. Could this also be implemented for tiles with the marsh feature?

This way, these useless tiles will have some use by generating +1 happiness in the city, in a tile that was previously a "lost" tile. Since it is in the "Civil Rights" tech more in LateGame, I don't think it will have any problems with being unbalanced.

If you think it is too early in the tech tree, you could put it in techs that fit well, such as "Tourism" or "ecology", or even in "aviation" since tiles with marsh are usually quite inaccessible areas in real life, and since aviation tech has few bonuses, it could also fit.
- Natural Reserve can be built in Savannah and Taiga.

Hi Leoreth, I saw in the last update on GIT that tiles with the savannah or taiga feature can receive the natural reserve improvement. Could this also be implemented for tiles with the marsh feature?

This way, these useless tiles will have some use by generating +1 happiness in the city, in a tile that was previously a "lost" tile. Since it is in the "Civil Rights" tech more in LateGame, I don't think it will have any problems with being unbalanced.

If you think it is too early in the tech tree, you could put it in techs that fit well, such as "Tourism" or "ecology", or even in "aviation" since tiles with marsh are usually quite inaccessible areas in real life, and since aviation tech has few bonuses, it could also fit.
Excellent suggestion! Everglades National Park was authorized 90 years ago, for example, which is certainly still falls into Global Era/Ecology. It would be very satisfying to finally improve Marsh in such a meaningful and realistic way!

I have some suggestions, maybe not all will agree: 1) give to +1 food and -1 food for slave plantation in caste system and respublic civics. Now it works only for usual plantation
2) Units could move on desert tile if this tile has improvement (like quarry on salt) (like reinforest with improvement)

P.S. Barbs sometimes upload on island with no city


  • slave plantation no +1.png
    slave plantation no +1.png
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  • respublic and caste system no +-1 for slave plantation.png
    respublic and caste system no +-1 for slave plantation.png
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  • cant move salt road tile.png
    cant move salt road tile.png
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  • barbs on island.png
    barbs on island.png
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@Nikk7 , those are very sensible suggestions, thank you!

I have some suggestions, maybe not all will agree: 1) give to +1 food and -1 food for slave plantation in caste system and respublic civics. Now it works only for usual plantation
2) Units could move on desert tile if this tile has improvement (like quarry on salt) (like reinforest with improvement)

P.S. Barbs sometimes upload on island with no city
One thing I noticed in regard to barb spawns is the Somali barb galleys spawning next to the island SE of Somalia, and being completely useless except for randomly harassing passing caravels. Not sure if it's only when Ethiopia controls Mogadishu or not.
This may be a result of late-game tech leads, but as I'm going through the post-1700 civs I'm finding that so many independently powerful civs are still vassaling to others voluntarily at surprising rates, even at a vast distance--like a Canada that's settled the West bending to the Netherlands c.1910! But I suppose I also noticed it most prominently in earlier games with the Swahili, who have a tendency to allow whatever civ they like the most vassalize them regardless of distance or religion--I frequently see them become a Mughal, Chinese, French, Mongol vassal. Perhaps the AI should be a little bit more reluctant to vassalize peacefully?
Concerning the Stored Data Screen - assuming the Python Error does not result in problems I was unable to detect - consider restoring it sooner rather than later? It's supremely useful for Playtesting, specifically forcing collapses.
Should the deadlines for UHV1 (currently 1650) and UHV2 (currently 1700) of Sweden be exchanged?
From a historical perspective, the Swedish Empire's efforts to seek hegemony in the Baltic Sea did not end until the Great Northern War in the 18th century. On the contrary, since the end of the Thirty Years' War in 1648, religious conflicts have no longer played an important role in Europe.
From a gaming perspective, the premature deadlines of UHV1 means that players must constantly launch external wars and rely entirely on forcing defeated countries to convert to Protestantism to complete UHV2. So I think it might be better if we exchange the deadlines for these two UHVs.
Hi, the Roman empire could use 2 more leaders, same with greece and maybe Byzantium.
Despite being, well, the Roman empire (and greek and byzantine), they all currently have only 2 leaders, which looks a bit outdated near other Civs that have many more than that.
Many civs have 3-4 leaders like india and poland.
Correct me if im wrong, but some of these leaders look new, and i never saw them before in the mode.
Is it part of the 1.18 update that was released ahead of time?
Congrats, cant wait to play them all !
It is kind of funny that Rome, a long lived civ, has two leaders who were not only contemporary but one was basically the other's heir and ideological successor. I'm not sure which additional leader would be best though. We're limited by leaderheads obviously.
We're limited by leaderheads but also the fact that the Roman form of government inherently precludes a standout leader (i.e. consul) for the Republican period. Scipio Africanus would probably be the best pick for that, and you could consider Constantine (exists but quite similar to Augustus) or Diocletian (who I don't think has an explicit LH) for the late period.
We're limited by leaderheads but also the fact that the Roman form of government inherently precludes a standout leader (i.e. consul) for the Republican period. Scipio Africanus would probably be the best pick for that, and you could consider Constantine (exists but quite similar to Augustus) or Diocletian (who I don't think has an explicit LH) for the late period.
These are all very good choices.
In my opinion, if more emperors are added from the golden age period and the pax romana, then i would suggest Marcus Aurelius and Trajan, both being considered the best roman emperors, trajan even nominated in the senate as "Optimus Princeps" (the best Roman emperor).
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