• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Sullla's AI Survivor Season Seven - begins today!

Meta question:

If you could craft your own AI leader to put in these games, what AI flavors, Traits, etc. do you give them to optimize their performance?
Meta question:

If you could craft your own AI leader to put in these games, what AI flavors, Traits, etc. do you give them to optimize their performance?

Mansa and Hyuana Capac both have 8 1st place wins, so I'd try to combine them picking the best shared traits and adding some other ones.

Financial + Creative
Flavors: Gold (Medium) + Military (Low)
Peace Weight 3?
Unique building - Terrace with +2:culture: (Combined with Creative trait, each city with granary gets 40% city defenses and 2 border pops after 25 turns :))
Unique Unit - Praetorian (Everyone gets 1 Iron eventually it seems. Goes good with 40% city defenses and killing everyone else.)
Religious nut? Sure, attack people who don't like me and don't attack people who do like me sounds like a good way to avoid backstabs. -3 different religion, +5 shared religion

Builds Units 6/10
Builds Wonders 6/10

Nothing consistently blows away all the other AI than a super early culture win.
Conquering the world and building the spaceship can only be done so fast!

This super AI kind of looks like Willem doesn't it?
What's his problem? :lol:
Oh ya, he won't research Rifling for some reason.
Among the many AIs I created, the below one almost always spirals into a gigantic civilisation with hundreds upon hundreds of Cavalry/Rifles/something, often (close to being, or) is the tech leader, and all in all is the most competent AI I have seen in Civilization IV (without specific AI enhancements, that is). I have never analysed why that is so, and I have never run conclusive experiments to back up the above subjective observations, but feel free to take a gander:

            <!-- BBAI Victory Strategy -->
            <!-- BBAI Victory Strategy -->
            <FavoriteReligion>RELIGION_TENGRISM</FavoriteReligion> <!-- Change? -->
This is a great question and with @need my speed's post makes me wonder whether we could do an all-CFC AI Survivor!

If I were combining Mansa Musa and Huayna Capac, I would probably just keep Financial/Spiritual. I also have a soft spot for Philosophical and Organized, as it seems to incentive mass adoption of universities and factories, from what I can tell, and early Education/Assembly Line bodes very well. Imperialistic is a mixed bag, but can lead to mass land grab when it matters most.

The single most influential factor is probably being able to declare at pleased, as it gets the AI out of so many more problems than it gets them into.

I have been most impressed this season by science flavor, somewhat appreciative of culture, gold, growth, production, and military, and just not impressed with religion. I enjoyed observing Joao's AI for Game Four, as he could consistently bulk up into the mid-game and can mount some impressive defenses from the middle. That more or less tells me the AI I would be looking for would progress well while maintaining forces and some appetite for war, be that in flavor or unit/diplo preferences.

I agree that cultural victories can be very early, but I do think domination is competitive in the T250-300 range.

On a side note, I have been wondering about how the AI would fare if you allowed for unrestricted leaders, but it would probably be more fun for us to come up with traits on our own.
In response to a query from @NickGabben I reran my tests for the opening rounds on Immortal and Deity. I generated new data for Deity (rather than reusing my own) to standardize the tests based on improvements over the season. While I initially focused on games with Imperialistic AI, it seemed pertinent for trait comparison to include all the leaders. At only 5 runs per map per difficulty, this already took up a fair bit of time, so we will have to settle for now for broad strokes.

We can start with victory distribution, where a broad structure emerged with certain differences (Immortal on left, Deity on right).
Immortal Victories.png
Deity Victories.png

Space and Domination made up the majority of victories, perhaps with less of the former than one would expect. Compared to Deity, Immortal came through with two more Culture and Diplomatic victories apiece at the expense of Domination. From Season 7, I think a figure akin to 5% seems reasonable for a Diplomatic win rate. In Game 6, the Immortal AI came up with three Diplomatic victories--two for Willem, one for Darius. That probably skewed results a little. As for wars, there was little difference in the average and median (both between eleven twelve) but Immortal had a higher variance. My anecdotal observation here is that the Immortal AI struggle more to effect decisive military campaigns to resolve late-game tensions, and so end up generating high war counts.

It pretty much follows that Immortal would feature longer games than Deity.
Turns Immortal.png
Turns Deity.png

Notably, where the average and median for Deity coalesced at T320, for Immortal the average and the median never quite met up, T362 and T349 respectively. Here again, Immortal featured higher variance, with seven games going past T400. As far as turn and war count go, it seems safe to say that the picking contest for Deity is more predictable. Where a Deity AI has the chance to win before T300 but doesn't, that's groan-inducing enough on its own, but the Immortal AI had only two victories under T300 despite numerous opportunities. In Game 5, for instance (not to overly delve into the details), it was not uncommon to see Asoka or Roosevelt's capitals in the late-game with 90-100k culture while their second and third cities were under 5k. Anecdotally, it seems that Deity is more competitive with regard to victory.

Traits were interesting to watch over the course of the tests, as they frequently changed in rank and comparison between Immortal and Deity. That said, it seemed necessary to rerun the whole opening round to get around some of the factors like which AI perform best/worst for each difficulty, which positions are strongest, and so on. Below, the traits are ordered by greatest advantage for Deity on the left to greatest advantage for Immortal on the right, calculated by dividing their difference by the geometric mean.

Deity clearly favored Creative and Financial (ack--Willem!) while Immortal clearly favored Philosophical and Imperialistic. The reasons for these discrepancies are not entirely obvious based on my own observations. On Immortal, the AI only start with one settler (imagine that, mere humans), and they are more likely to have a holy city capital in the first forty turns. This means Creative and Imperialistic (more the former than the latter) are powerful for increasing their footprint. On Deity, the early holy cities are almost always second cities, so the AI can carve out more tiles in the opening turns of the game when it matters most, especially if one settle cuts off another. Financial almost comically proved middling for both difficulties, but was stronger on Deity. I suspect the difference in bonuses has something to do with the economic traits. The success of Philosophical for Immortal I can only explain by saying the leaders who did well on Immortal just were not on the radar for Deity. An example of this was Game Four, where Immortal favored Peter but Deity favored Gilgamesh...

More tests would be needed to draw a clearer distinction between the two difficulty levels. Thrasybulos' own project shows the complexity of determining AI performance. Anyhow, hopefully these results will be enough to satisfy general curiosity, and we can all return to Deity-exclusive tests :lol:
For sure, the T400+ games are slower and slower as they continue, and Immortal features more of them. That said, perhaps comparing AI performance on different difficulties can help with understanding trait performance at Deity, or the effects of bonuses, for instance.

Of course, Immortal has even more laugh out loud moments than Deity where I find myself remembering the things I had trouble with when first playing Civ IV years ago :lol:
Thanks - didn't find anything there, though, so I started season up 7 again and it got off to a crazy start with Gandhi's declaration on his supposed buddy Pericles. I remembered that coming later in the season, but it was an instant gem!
Thanks - didn't find anything there, though, so I started season up 7 again and it got off to a crazy start with Gandhi's declaration on his supposed buddy Pericles. I remembered that coming later in the season, but it was an instant gem!
Yeah, and I bet he would have won without doing that, too. Gandhi DOWing and ally was a prophecy regarding what Season 7 would be like for sure.

Also, on that page I linked under the updates area:

Saint Patrick's Day is here and with it a long-delayed update to the front page of the website. Since the last posting, Set Ten of Teamfight Tactics has come to a close which means another retrospective article taking a look back at the set. This was arguably the best set ever in the history of TFT so my review is highly positive in nature; we've moving on now to Set Eleven which looks like it's going to be quite a bit weaker. Aside from Livestreaming TFT games, I also played through a Master of Orion game with the Mrrshans which is summarized in this written report. Offline, I did a complete Octopath Traveler solo run with the Sorcerer class which has its first part here. It had been well over a year since I last played the original Octopath Traveler and I still need to finish solo runs with the last few classes at some point.

In even older gaming news, I also spent some time running solo characters for the original Final Fantasy. I had to play through the quest of a solo Thief at some point which is written up here, which was amusingly done at the same time as Sir System Error was playing out the exact same challenge without either of us knowing about the other. Then I returned to the game again for one last run: the melee-only solo Black Mage, what I consider to be my magnum opus for the game. This is probably the last run that I'll do for the original Final Fantasy as there isn't any more gameplay left to explore. Finally, I am still hoping to put together Season Eight of Civ4 AI Survivor later this year, look for more details there in a month or so. Thanks as always for following along!
So, now I've gone through the season 7 games one more time. Turns out I didn't really remember anything, except that Gandhi-v-Pericles war and one of Darius' stompings. I didn't even remember who won in the end, so it was all refreshing to rewatch (at 2x the speed). Ah yes, and I remember nailing my all-in on the Monty FTD bet that Fippy forced me into when I had tried to be too cute. :)
So, now I've gone through the season 7 games one more time. Turns out I didn't really remember anything, except that Gandhi-v-Pericles war and one of Darius' stompings. I didn't even remember who won in the end, so it was all refreshing to rewatch (at 2x the speed). Ah yes, and I remember nailing my all-in on the Monty FTD bet that Fippy forced me into when I had tried to be too cute. :)
I will personally never forget Mehmed's stack of 120+ superior tech units attacking a Toku city and failing to take it or even do any real damage to his stack, then lose cities with rifles to samurai and elephants.

We can honestly say (at least I can) that this was the worst single attack of all time.
Yes, that was another highlight, for sure. More like a bug than anything, though. What did he have, one trebuchet and 119 other units?
Research Map making ([civ1]/[civ2]/[civ3]) and contribute! (Maybe that's the one tech that's missing from Civ 4...)
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