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Superslug-A pacifist attempt at the HOF

Certain amount of culture pressure there super.:D Brings up an question in my mind Can an active capital be flipped? And arent you afraid of having some your villages flipped there? Guess that is two questions;)

Third question how close are you to the 512 limit and are all those Artemis powered temples hurting you culture wise. I assume that once you reach the dairy farmer stage you will abandon your Artemis city to slow your culture
Originally posted by Artofcybermars
Can an active capital be flipped?
I wish I knew. I think I once read the answer to this, but it was sometime ago.

Originally posted by Artofcybermars
And arent you afraid of having some your villages flipped there?
Not too worried. It's a distinct possibility, but the factor helping is my overall culture (6737). Sumeria is second with 546. If it does happen, I figure I'll come out ahead on flipping, and I do have settlers out and about still claiming territory. I'm still only at 40% domination wise.

Originally posted by Artofcybermars
Third question how close are you to the 512 limit and are all those Artemis powered temples hurting you culture wise?
I have 142 cities at the moment, although that number is going to go much higher. Once I claim the domination mass I'm going to go back and fill in all the gaps, as many of my towns are five tiles apart. I fully anticipate hitting the 512 cap, but that's nothing new for me.

Regarding the ToA, it's important to remember the changes in culture victory conditions in Conquests. Being a huge map, I have to hit 160,000, not just the old 100,000. I'm keeping an eye on it, but I'm nowhere close to it.

Originally posted by Artofcybermars
I assume that once you reach the dairy farmer stage you will abandon your Artemis city to slow your culture

At some point I will abandon the town with ToA or just research Education and render the wonder obsolete. The AI is still almost a dozen techs behind me, but I'm stuck still for now on research. I will kick science back into gear eventually, though. Proper milking will require railroads and Longevity. The one item of business that will require appropriate timing is Smith's. I cannot take the chance of the AI beating me to it.
superslug, u said:
"Regarding the ToA, it's important to remember the changes in culture victory conditions in Conquests. Being a huge map, I have to hit 160,000, not just the old 100,000. "

So... the HoF is being killed actively by Firaxis, since now C3C and PTW are not with the same conditions....
have 2 buy have 2 buy....;)
Originally posted by boogaboo
the HoF is being killed actively by Firaxis,
C3C hurting the HOF? I really doubt it. Ever since Aeson allowed it I've personally witnessed more activity than I can recall here in the HOF. Aside from that, the addition of the Ag trait is a divine-send to us milkers.

C3C also gave us two new levels, hence more open HOF slots.

In regards to the 160,00/100,000, it makes sense. 100,000 culture was easy on huge maps and almost impossible on tiny ones. In regards to my current game, the raising of the ceiling gives me a lot more breathing room, although in the grand scheme of C3C, this is a coincidental benefit.
As promised earlier, a screenshot of my attempt to "take over" some Aztec towns:

I remember playing GOTM06 much this way. That was using somewhat different rules though as I was able to 'capture' towns through diplomacy.

This playstyle is very interesting... especially the way the maps end up looking. Like the Aztec 'country' being peppered through part of your territory.
Originally posted by superslug


In regards to the 160,00/100,000, it makes sense. 100,000 culture was easy on huge maps and almost impossible on tiny ones.

100,000 is painful easy on huge maps especially at the lower levels. Had forgotten that Conquests raised the bar to 160,000. Don't have Conquests yet waiting until the new uber computer in April. debating whether to bother taking my shot at HOF under vanilla or waiting for the faster beast.

At any rate the higher limit does answer some of my previous questions more breathing space will help.
Originally posted by Aeson
This playstyle is very interesting... especially the way the maps end up looking. Like the Aztec 'country' being peppered through part of your territory.
I suppose from the screenshot they do look peppered through my territory. What actually happened was that their towns were founded first and then I flooded the gaps with settlers and kept dropping them anytime a border got pushed back far enough. I've practically invaded their space to be honest.
Originally posted by Artofcybermars
Don't have Conquests yet waiting until the new uber computer in April. debating whether to bother taking my shot at HOF under vanilla or waiting for the faster beast.
No PTW? Anyway, just old vanilla would still allow you options. You'd still be able to use the Palace Rank Exploit and RCP.
Gametime: 650AD, I concluded I had enough settlers mobilized to get close to the Domination limit, so I stopped cash rushing them and resumed research. I'm clipping through the bottom branch of the Middle Ages en route to Metallurgy. That way my research time between ditching ToA and getting to railroads and further will take less turns.

I'm snowed in today and my housemates are all sleeping off hangovers, so I'll likely be playing a lot of this game today.
Superslug will now begin his self portrait as bleary eyed dairy farmer while keeping his itchy trigger finger strapped to his side knowing one moment of intense boredom could erupt into an sudden military program amd destroy his noble pursuit. The world of Civ awaits the outcome:D

In all seriousness super, things are looking good so far. Keep up the good work:goodjob:
Will the computer give you culture flips now that you are maxed out on cities. If it doesn't this is going to be tedious. Even if it does, you may want to abandon some inner cities, because the culture flips will give you a new opportunity to build a city right on the (new) edge of the opponents empire.
@Artofcybermars: No kidding about the trigger finger. I'm having to blow up cars, beat up people and strafe random pedestrians in Vice City for at least an hour a day just to keep myself sane!:mad:

@pelmeister: Yes, the computer will flip cities when maxed out. The too many cities message occurs when there's 512 cities total. So it prevents the AI from constructing new towns, but doesn't affect existing ones changing hands. A few hours ago I actually had my first flip (Bablyonian, not Aztec :rolleyes: ).

Anyway, I have been abandoning some inner cities since I'm still not at the Domination limit quite yet, but I'm at 62% or something close. :king:
Okay, I apparently abandoned a few towns one turn and didn't replace them elsewhere because I was shocked to see an AI settler dump down and form a city. Oh well, I checked and they'll only get a town or two and then be capped again.

I'm within tiles of the Domination limit, so expansion is over. My preDemocracy anarchy should be over by 1260. My next tech will be Economics since a prebuild for Smith's is almost complete. Then it's on to Steam Power...

Score calc is projecting 5000, but that's only with partial irrigation, no railroad and no aqueducts yet. This is going to be long and boring...
Originally posted by superslug

Score calc is projecting 5000, but that's only with partial irrigation, no railroad and no aqueducts yet. This is going to be long and boring...

Yeh, thats why I take breaks and look for good starts for my next try. The first 80 turns are much more exciting.

Edited for a spelling error
Well, with Moonsinger's new utility, my new starts generate themselves while I'm asleep or at work. The start of a game is more exciting, although I usually prefer the combat phases where I kill everyone. Not happening this game though.:(

For breaks, I sometimes play GTA:Vice City, surf the net and throw my roommate's cat into the ceiling fan. I also like to run over bird nests and eggs with a lawnmower, but the ground's snow covered right now. Doesn't matter though, the lawnmower's busted again, but I'm not sure why.
@ superslug - there's a phrase for what you are doing to yourself, but I doubt the moderator will allow me to write it
superslug, u need to get some aggression out..
My suggestions:
1. Girlfriend.
2. Punchbag (or sister..).
3. Warcraft3 (at least there's war).

Moderator Action: Edited for content.
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