Superslug-A pacifist attempt at the HOF

Boogaboo, you do realize I was kidding about the cat don't you?

And you might want to edit the F word out of #4.
1350AD: I entered the Industrial ages. Five of the AI in my game are scientific, so I gifted them all up to my status. The first two got Medicine and Steam Power, and since two more got them, the techs got cheaper. I was able to purchase both with lump sums as well as trading of optional techs they didn't have from the middle ages.

So, my workers are working on the railroad all the live long day...
1455AD: I finally decided to run a score calculation. The projection puts me at 5900 points which would make this endeavour a success. However, since I still have a lot of aqueducts, marketplaces, hospitals and harbors to build, I anticipate a score considerably higher.
I understand this is your main game.
I don't mean any harm to any cat.
Pacificm and anarchy goes well... in my dreams.

Remember, it all depends on which side of the tunnel the camera is on..
Originally posted by boogaboo
I understand this is your main game.
I don't mean any harm to any cat.
Pacificm and anarchy goes well... in my dreams.

Remember, it all depends on which side of the tunnel the camera is on..
:confused: :( What the hell?! That's too esoteric to be spam but I really don't get it.
the cat from a few messages ago..

And.. people with no government (anarchy) when everyone is peaceloving (pacifists) is a perfect combination, but "in my dreams" since it is very unrealistic..

I didn't mean 2 spam u..
I didn't mean 2 make u cry.
Oh, that cat! Sorry. That might have only been a few posts ago, but it was also a couple of days ago....
1520AD: Railing/irrigation of all currently internal tiles is complete. My workers are now irrigating/railing unclaimed territory. When I had ToA still active, some coastal cities borders pushed rather far into the water, so I'll have more land tiles after the reposition.

I'm researching Steel, so I went ahead and set all towns to be abandoned (all but 4 :eek: ) to make Settlers. Since most will take 30 turns to complete, I'm hoping to have them just a turn or two before Longevity.

Longevity is more than 7 techs away, but by gifting up the Scientific civs, I'm hoping to save a tech or two.

Among the four towns not to be abandoned are my 'critical' wonders: Pyramids, Hoover, Smiths, FP, Palace. Three of the four should be maxed out on pop and shields soon so that I can prebuild Longevity and the UN.

I'll be damned if I'm going to risk UN votes...
Originally posted by superslug
When I had ToA still active, some coastal cities borders pushed rather far into the water, so I'll have more land tiles after the reposition.

As long as the water isn't coast tiles they don't count toward the domination limit.
Very true, Svar. And when practical, I do try and take the 'free' sea tiles.

The particular problem I'm facing under these circumstances though is that ToA induced border expansions have covered a lot of coastal water that's not inside any city radii, making them wasted space. I've attached a zoom below illustrating this.

Also, there's still hundreds of tiles of land left unclaimed. The AI can't seem to take the land since they can't build any cities. I'm not entirely sure who was responsible for the 512 cap being hit, but oh well...:rolleyes: :mischief:


  • borderstoofar.jpg
    78.5 KB · Views: 204
Nice screenshot, I can take them but haven't figured how to post them yet. 494 is a great location, you have 5 free sea tiles plus 2 fish. I would reposition 271 to the tobacco tile to get 3 free sea tiles including 2 whales.
It's going to make some tough calls deciding where to place cities during the reposition. Granted there's a few spots like this where I can grab free sea tiles, I also have to take into consideration that I get extra food in the deserts...
This really should have dawned on me earlier, but some of my current cities are already founded on my repositioned grid locations...I guess I won't be abandoning all my towns after all.
Right now my turns are down to less than ten minutes each. That's mainly because there's very few workers to cycle through as over 400 of them are manually fortified on mountaintops. It's taking less than a dozen to clean up the pollution every far...
what are they doing on the mountain tops? Wouldn't it make sense to add them to each city for the time being and get the extra citizen points?
Originally posted by pelmeister
what are they doing on the mountain tops? Wouldn't it make sense to add them to each city for the time being and get the extra citizen points?

I definately agree with pelmeister! That's what I always do when I've improved all my teritory. I just keep around 50 slaves to deal with polution but I add the rest to my cities to boost my score.
Gentlemen, I absolutely agree with you about adding workers back to cities when territory improvements are done and I usually do. However, not of all my improvements are done, just the ones I can do at the moment.

You have to remember I have a huge reposition phase coming up where there will likely be over 300 tiles of former city rubble that will need roads, rails and irrigation.

Once that is accomplished, I will dump most of them in.
1665AD: I completed construction of the United Nations. This eliminates what very little chance there was of my losing this game.

There still have been no wars whatsoever. If anyone is foolish enough to attack me, the MPP's triggered will not be kind to them. Of course, by nature of the game I can't counterattack, but I can draft Mech Infantry for defensive purposes if need be.

It really should just be a matter of score placement now, although the Turn From Hell is coming up.
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