Superslug-A pacifist attempt at the HOF

Anyway, I've just played for sixteen hours straight

I thought I had some long sessions in the past but that blows me away Superslug. You kinda enjoy this game don't you!;)
Originally posted by Dirty Clint
You kinda enjoy this game don't you!;)
Yeah, CivIII is okay, I guess.:rolleyes: Sixteen hours doesn't compare to the love for I had for CivI when it was out though. I played that for three straight days once.:eek: I had to lay low for a weekend because the authorities were looking for me, but I couldn't sleep because I was afraid they'd discover where I hid my parents bodies. :mischief: Someone just knocked at the door, gotta run...and I do mean run!:lol:
I know what you mean. Civ1 was the first game I ever installed on a computer and I never left the house for about a week - had to eat my parents just to survive. Thats when I got the taste for Chianti and fava beans:p

Sorry folks, this post seems to be degenerating so I will leave it there!:vomit:
Sixteen hours on sunday, another eight on monday, and I've hardly gotten two hours in since. The games in the 2020's and only takes three minutes a turn yet I just can't seem to get home from work at a decent hour this week...

I'll probably finish tomorrow. At least I hope so. I have big plans for the 2051 celebration party. :mischief:
You're near the end of time!
Don't give in to sleep (never thought I'd say that)
Originally posted by boogaboo
Don't give in to sleep
I said that quite a bit on sunday, thinking I'd finish that day. I said it a lot on monday, thinking I'd finish that day...but I'm in the middle of a stretch of ten hour third shifts. Sleep may be for the weak, but that's okay, because I'm feeling quite week this weak...:sleep: (Had to use that smiley at least once this lifetime...)

Of course I am going to try and get up early so I can play a bit.:lol:
FINAL SCORE 6874![dance] Not only was I a pacifist the whole game, there were never any wars between anyone!

Of course if I had played on a slightly larger map, I could have placed a spot or two higher...:cringe:
congrats, superscorer!

May the light of Elune shine on u!
One last thing:
If anyone wants to do what I didn't in this game, namely killing the AI, here's a link to my 2049.sav. There's only one AI city off the pangaea, but I've placed Artillery and Armor on the island and it's also within range of a squad of bombers in the town of Kirk. For everyone else, you've got several hundred ICBM's and plenty of Mech Infantry you can draft. Please enjoy responsibly!,_2049_AD.SAV

I'd do them in myself, but I'm ready to start tinkering around on Monarch.

Superslug, signing off. :wavey:
Thanks all!

Originally posted by Svar
What is your next challange?
My next huge map is likely to be on Monarch, but I don't have an acceptable map yet. In the meantime I'm tinkering around with some tiny maps on Sid.
Originally posted by superslug
tiny maps on Sid.

Did my ears catch that?
Are you pushing yourself to places I cannot reach?;)
I don't have C3C, but u just wait!:goodjob:
boogaboo, keep in mind I said "tinkering". I've been trying for a day and a half and have lost every one...
I don't know if they are given more than 1 settler (and a city) at sid, but it is not aimed to be easy - that's 4 sure.
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