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Mars Maps & Terrain

[TERRAIN] Mars Terrain 2016-10-05

This is awesome; it is a lot better than the previous Mars terrains, especially with TNT as craters (though, the previous two have their own awesomeness as well).

I really do not play Civ3, just start dioramas (I rarely finish them). I see the tundra irrigation as a modern-city and the terrain buildings and the old arcology-domes and the terraformers.

I might shrink the forests down to match the ones on the hills and mountains just to have an accurate alien-world.
I really do not play Civ3, just start dioramas (I rarely finish them)..

I've been accused of that before. Seriously, people get involved with this game for all sorts of reasons, and that's actually not a bad one. Folks spend tons of money on model railroading, often just to see how it looks when they finish.

I have SMAC, Deadlock II, Tiberian Sun, Outpost and Star Wars as floater files.

I wouldn't mind having a copy of those for my collection.

Having a problem viewing tundra irrigation in the editor; I have tried ctrl+shift+M.

I looked into it. Looking at the biq I posted for 'Wet Mars', I realized that the terraform bonus for Tundra Irrigation was set at '0' - it has to be set at least up to '1' for tundra irrigation to appear on the map. Furthermore, once I fixed that, I realized that the Tundra Irrigation pcx file in the folder was actually an old Lost Worlds file made with SimCity 2000 Moon Base buildings. So I quickly got to work and made a Tundra Irrigation file that will work with the Mars Terrain. I've attached a rar file with two possible tundra irrigation files, plus a re-colored roads file - a project I'd wanted to post some time ago. The picture below shows the new Tundra Irrigation, & the new roads. On the far left is the Mine, also a walled enclosure. I explain in the README that that's because they mark the areas of underground facilities, so that an idiot with a backhoe won't accidentally dig into one.


Let me know if it works, and thanks for your continued interest in this terrain.

The Barsoom files are almost done. I've been wrestling with the depiction of the canals, but this little project has given me an idea...


Yeah, trickier than it looks, isn't it? Okay, here's how it works: first, I took an image of a volcano and cut in up into 9 parts. When I did this, I had to take into account that each volcano image is actually larger than a regular tile, so each tile overlaps a little at the top (it's useful, when putting it together, to use a graphics program with layers). Then, on the map, I lined up 9 volcano tiles in such a way that each one was a different image. I used a template like this one to make sure they were all different: View attachment Volcanos numbers.pcx. Then I matched my parts to the volcano file, so that it would come out right on the map. After some adjusting, Voila! giant steaming volcano.

As far as getting 9 volcano tiles to line up without duplicating, that requires that the terrain that surrounds the volcano also be right. You have to play with that. Take a look at Mount Olympus on the Mars Map in your editor to see exactly what sequence worked for me.
Man I'm a big fan of your terrains. This is so good, and now with cities. This just looks like a new civ3 expansion. Turns out you were also behind one of my fav snow terrains lol.

Say I've been wondering about this. I've looked at your martian 'mountains forests.pcx' and it is basically a resized modified hill terrain, which is an awesome idea. I see how the terrain completely changes when you add trees close to mountains, giving that sense that the mountain is no longer dry/dead.

I love it! How'd you go about re-sizing those hills? A noob like me would just re-size, a couple dozen times before I'd be happy with the result, then get the final file. Is there a magic number, you just put in and you get this, or you just did it by eye?
Man I'm a big fan of your terrains. This is so good, and now with cities. This just looks like a new civ3 expansion. Turns out you were also behind one of my fav snow terrains lol.

Say I've been wondering about this. I've looked at your martian 'mountains forests.pcx' and it is basically a resized modified hill terrain, which is an awesome idea. I see how the terrain completely changes when you add trees close to mountains, giving that sense that the mountain is no longer dry/dead.

I love it! How'd you go about re-sizing those hills? A noob like me would just re-size, a couple dozen times before I'd be happy with the result, then get the final file. Is there a magic number, you just put in and you get this, or you just did it by eye?

Geez, thanks Zerg for the nice words, and I'm glad you like the terrains. But the oversized hills are from Ares' Terrain, where he used them as LM Mountains. I love them, and include them in terrains every chance I get. The idea of using them for Mountains forests actually came from working on the old west mod, where I wanted to create the look of the rolling mountains of the Northwest. Here is a comparison between Ares' originals and the forest mountains I created for the Mars Mod, and for the old West mod:

Spoiler :

In the new Old West terrain I use both, as seen for instance in this screenshot of the area north of LA, where very dry and very temperate areas co-exist very close to one another:

Spoiler :

The latest innovation is the smaller trees on top, which makes the rolling mountains look that much bigger. In that last screenshot, the base of the plains terrain and the desert terrain is also Ares, the Mountains are by Womak and Fireaxis, and I've added some of Ronning's grass to the grassier areas. The rivers and roads are recolored versions of Pounder's work. So it's a hodgepodge, and I stand on the shoulders of these excellent artists. I should add, by way of bringing this back to Mars, that Ares also suggested the texture that I ended up using for the 'grassland' tiles in this Martian terrain, and as I said in the OP, Rick FGS provided the water and desert terrain originals, which I recolored. I forget whether the template for the crevices/canals/rivers was Pounder's or Fireaxis' work, but I thought those turned out very well.
The latest innovation is the smaller trees on top, which makes the rolling mountains look that much bigger. In that last screenshot, the base of the plains terrain and the desert terrain is also Ares, the Mountains are by Womak and Fireaxis, and I've added some of Ronning's grass to the grassier areas. The rivers and roads are recolored versions of Pounder's work. So it's a hodgepodge, and I stand on the shoulders of these excellent artists. I should add, by way of bringing this back to Mars, that Ares also suggested the texture that I ended up using for the 'grassland' tiles in this Martian terrain, and as I said in the OP, Rick FGS provided the water and desert terrain originals, which I recolored. I forget whether the template for the crevices/canals/rivers was Pounder's or Fireaxis' work, but I thought those turned out very well.

One of the great things about this site is that all of these terrific artists are willing to share their work and allow other people to use and modify it as well.

Edit Note: Balthasar, as a novice when it comes to adding units or anything to the game, how does one go about putting your terrain and Mars into the game?
Balthasar, as a novice when it comes to adding units or anything to the game, how does one go about putting your terrain and Mars into the game?

The download file contains all the folders you need. Use your file explorer (if you use windows) to find the Conquests/Scenarios file and drop them in. If you want to add it to another scenario you'd have to swap out the enclosed terrain folder and import all of the map information in the editor. I included two biqs: one for dry mars terrain (named simply "Mars") and one for Mars with Oceans and Seas (named "Mars Wet"). If you want to create a new world with this terrain you will want to swap out the Volcanos pcx for the one named 'Volcanos unreformed' so that you don't get pieces of Olympus everywhere. I included martian forests that you can add in the terrain file, but didn't put them onto either map myself.

A Barsoom map is under construction.
I couldn't find the Old west mod. Are you still working on it? It looks good. I like the terrain variety.

Yes, thank you. Vuldacon & I are hard at work on it. We haven't got a version ready to share yet, but as you can see by the screenshot it's coming along. I still have dozens and dozens of icons to make for it and almost that many civilopedia entries to complete, so release is still some ways down the pike.
I've been wrestling with the depiction of the canals, but this little project has given me an idea...
Got half an idea (half-baked idea?) about using the floodplains as canals. would give a lot of freedom for creating a graphic with variety of walls, auxiliary buildings, etc. If the graphic matched the canal water's color to the rivers, the river would be "invisible" & it would look like the rivers on other terrains were feeders to/from the canal.
Got half an idea (half-baked idea?) about using the floodplains as canals. would give a lot of freedom for creating a graphic with variety of walls, auxiliary buildings, etc. If the graphic matched the canal water's color to the rivers, the river would be "invisible" & it would look like the rivers on other terrains were feeders to/from the canal.

I was thinking about something similar: after further research I've realized that Barsoom's canals were built underground to avoid evaporation. The simplest solution is to make them invisible. Burroughs map uses the same configuration drawn by Percival Lowell.
As I do (sort of) on my Barsoom map.

BTW, found this very cool documentary, THE MARS UNDERGROUND.
Lots of very nice CGI in this one, very handy if you're looking for, say, source material for a Mars Victory movie. A little over an hour of great stuff here:

Link to video.
Published on Oct 16, 2014
"The Mars Underground" Updated Edition/Director's Cut
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