I am playing a game now with the AI mod and I have not seen them forward setting. You can find it in creation and customization for Civ 7 in the AI thread. Yeah it drives me berserk too, I can't stand it. Also can't stand them smooshing cities in 3 tiles apart. IU want to up the spacing to 4 min. I tried looking for the city spacing (I fixed it in Civ 3, 4, 5 and 6) but I just can't find it now. Need a modder smarter than I am.
As for replies on cheating AI, no, Civ 4 does not cheat more than 7. 2X as many units as I can build is not nearly the same as +8 combat strength, and here is why: In Civ 4, I can pick a defensive position and bait the AI to attack me there even if its 2:1 odds. With high defensive bonuses I can survive and counter attack. On the other hand, if my melee unit is 25 and theirs is 33, AND I can't even war support myself because they have 2X my influence, then I can't counter attack. Sure, I can still find a way to win but it's painful and not fun. If My ship meets thier ship out in the ocean, I have ZERO chance of winning, even if my ship is 1 tech level ahead. That isn't fun, its lame. So once again, I am ok if it costs them 50 to build a unit that costs me 100. I am NOT ok with them having a massive +8 advantage over me. ULTRA lame. I already fixed it myself so it's a non issue now. Also, Civ 4 can actually take a city from me now and then. I never lost cities in Civ 5 and 6. The AI might be cheating so hard I can't build a damn wonder or be ahead in science/economy, but they can't take a city. 1UPT was the WORST choice ever made for the franchise. I am honestly amazed they kept it in. Sadly, as others in this thread have said, the game isn't made for me. It's made for the casuals who want to win with no effort. I still dream that some day someone will make a Civ-like 4X that goes from ancient times-modern but has complex systems and takes a while to learn and master (feels so good when you do in those games) isn't over simplified and has good AI. I can hope.
I think EVERYONE agrees the AI is better than Civ 6, but that is an INCREADIBLY low standard. Again, it's like being in a WW2 German PoW camp is better than being in a Japanese PoW camp. Like its BETTER but uh... still horrible. That said, I think with Firaxis working on it + mods it might be pretty good decently soon.