The AI Thread

The way I understood the article is that the AI didn't use any factual game code. The emulation is based on the AI watching the game being played for very little time an then it replicates what it saw... I think the word hallucinate applies. I remember when I was a kid playing doom 2 through the night and making it farther then I've ever been. Then I went to bed for a very restless sleep is my mind kept on replaying the game. This still happens sometimes when I play till too late, I'd call it an hallucination.
Yes, but you're a human being with a mind and were seeing images in your mind. That's what hallucination is. An algorithm generating images on a screen isn't hallucination.

Hallucination is pretty standard term in AI/ML

Though in this headline it's indeed out of place. Only improperly generated parts of video can be called hallucinations, but not the whole process of generation.
I'd forgotten this usage. I think that's kind of silly too, but accepted jargon is accepted jargon I suppose. But yes, this story isn't using it in that sense anyway.
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It sounds cool, OK?...geez some people:lol:
It’s a hallucination when the AI generates false information in place of truth. It’s a great use of the word that matches how people hallucinate meaning all the time. I figured Manfred was complaining that generating doom wouldn’t count as a hallucination since that was the purpose.

Frankly I don’t know why any of you wouldn’t know ChatGPT lingo by now, there are approximately 0% of you that benefit from not using it for your work.
Frankly I don’t know why any of you wouldn’t know ChatGPT lingo by now, there are approximately 0% of you that benefit from not using it for your work.
That is a slightly odd way to phrase it, but there are lots of people who could be potentially harmed by using Corporate Generative AI in their work. Anyone who is producing stuff that they hope to hold the copyright on should be particularly careful, as should anyone with secret or personal data.
Frankly I don’t know why any of you wouldn’t know ChatGPT lingo by now, there are approximately 0% of you that benefit from not using it for your work.
The jargon is cool, the benefit is arguable. I know plenty of developers who are using it, but we then lose the casual chain in understanding why something works the way it does. "the bot did it" has become a common phrase at work.

Corporate are pushing it pretty hard, which in general is another warning sign (why do corporate care how many accounts are using Copilot, except to make a % meter go up, so they can look good to their bosses?). For me it provides next-to-no benefit. Any code it could write for me is trivial enough for me to write myself in the same amount of time (after getting the prompts accurate enough), and my value is in both design and root cause analysis, which any iteration of generative AI available to me pretty much sucks at.

"here's the most contextual result from Google" rarely, if ever, means it's the actual result in my line of work. I have to evaluate the result within my own codebases, plural, knowing the soft behavioural links between each one and the ramifications of changing one that depends on the other. Generative AI can't handle that amount of lateral thinking. Or, arguably, any thinking. It just regurgitates within parameters, and that in of itself is a use (like I said, some people use it, and some people even use it well, for concepting more than concrete code). But like I already said, it has very little, if any, benefit for me personally.
The jargon is cool, the benefit is arguable. I know plenty of developers who are using it, but we then lose the casual chain in understanding why something works the way it does. "the bot did it" has become a common phrase at work.

Corporate are pushing it pretty hard, which in general is another warning sign (why do corporate care how many accounts are using Copilot, except to make a % meter go up, so they can look good to their bosses?). For me it provides next-to-no benefit. Any code it could write for me is trivial enough for me to write myself in the same amount of time (after getting the prompts accurate enough), and my value is in both design and root cause analysis, which any iteration of generative AI available to me pretty much sucks at.

"here's the most contextual result from Google" rarely, if ever, means it's the actual result in my line of work. I have to evaluate the result within my own codebases, plural, knowing the soft behavioural links between each one and the ramifications of changing one that depends on the other. Generative AI can't handle that amount of lateral thinking. Or, arguably, any thinking. It just regurgitates within parameters, and that in of itself is a use (like I said, some people use it, and some people even use it well, for concepting more than concrete code). But like I already said, it has very little, if any, benefit for me personally.

Once the hard work is done and it is completely obvious what the code should look like, it does save me some typing. I am not sure how much time I would have spent typing it, but probably longer (but I am not very good at typing).

But, yeah, even if it helps me writing code a little bit faster, the benefits to me personally are marginal. It is not like I get paid more when I develop faster.
It’s a hallucination when the AI generates false information in place of truth. It’s a great use of the word that matches how people hallucinate meaning all the time. I figured Manfred was complaining that generating doom wouldn’t count as a hallucination since that was the purpose.

Frankly I don’t know why any of you wouldn’t know ChatGPT lingo by now, there are approximately 0% of you that benefit from not using it for your work.
I use it at work to generate nonsense to amuse a colleague with. It doesn't seem useful for much else. (Also I can't imagine refuse collectors, cleaners, gardeners etc would get much mileage out of it.)

Given that "hallucination" (you know, in the tradiational sense) is completely about perceptions, and language models don't perceive anything, I don't think it matches very well at all. It's just generating incorrect information.
AI can fight conspiracy theories

Researchers have shown that artificial intelligence (AI) could be a valuable tool in the fight against conspiracy theories, by designing a chatbot that can debunk false information and get people to question their thinking.

In a study published in Science on 12 September, participants spent a few minutes interacting with the chatbot, which provided detailed responses and arguments, and experienced a shift in thinking that lasted for months. This result suggests that facts and evidence really can change people’s minds.

Dialogues with AI durably reduce conspiracy beliefs even among strong believers.
(Left) Average belief in participant’s chosen conspiracy theory by condition (treatment, in which the AI attempted to refute the conspiracy theory, in red; control, in which the AI discussed an irrelevant topic, in blue) and time point for study 1. (Right) Change in belief in chosen conspiracy from before to after AI conversation, by condition and participant’s pretreatment belief in the conspiracy.
Which means, the LLMs has the capability to convince people, e.g. not only reduce conspiracy beliefs, but also vote for "right" candidate, support "correct" political system, depending on their training.
They will be used in election campaigns, assistance in speechwriting, etc. very soon if not already.
The new gpt model is insane
Has anyone experimented with competing brands - grok, llama, etc?

Chatgpt has been helpful over the past one and a half years, and some of its features (like multilingual dictation and answers) have been invaluable to me. Also "threads" is a useful feature, neatly compartmentalising conversations so that I can come back and pick up the train of thought where I left off.

However, ChatGPT's story ark has been that of a cheap annoying little propagandist and a censor, naturally, so I am looking around for alternatives. Preferably open source, but any will do.
Claude is probably the best competitor. I haven’t bothered to pay for it yet but I should.
Has anyone read this book? I've just started it - the beginning is interesting. Basically, the questions are not new - but the writing is interesting.

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