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The Alternative Member's Photo Thread IV: Mug Shots

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It's true, I admit it! I am the Christ, this is the second coming. I might seem a bit strange for you Christians, but that's because you fubared up your bible.

Abbadon sees the girl is perhaps ripe for a bit of MySpace flirting and can't resist himself
Well she is pretty hawt... :mischief:

@ Soul...is it meant to be shiny?

Moderator Action: Use the edit button, so I don't have to do it for you.
it makes me giggle more and more each time i see it!
Which was only a celebration of reaching page 3... will go soon unless it is xmasized
it makes me giggle more and more each time i see it!
I'm gutted the actual start isn't on there so we can see you set off for lady fun!

Here's another pic of Abaddon. The Hawt Emo MySpace chicks think they're getting a young snowboarding student, the reality however...
Spoiler :
They love my pipm medallion...
Dawgphood001, What did John Kerry ever do to you?

(does anybody know who the guy in blue actually is, and what's going on?)

Hahaha, I would like to know who that dude is, he gets my point of the week.

By the way, are they playing football?;)
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