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The Alternative Members Photos Thread 2

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Im fair game.

Too bad its not maryland
After seeing some of these, I'm almost afraid to see when/if someone does one for me. LOL
looking for more here. I'm not sure what to think of silver's analysis of me as an egg.

I associate the letters C and U in your username with eggs for some reason.

@MJM and El Justo

Yes I like it very much....HAHAHAHAHAHA
Margim, obviously an Essedon fan:

Here is a pic Caprice:D!:
Birdjaguar said:
@Perfection: And a MTG player to boot. I'm impressed. ;)
Nah, they just were cool google image search results.


Perfection: You think of hands typing for me? :hmm:

Luceafarul: Yes were supposed to be that metrosexual on the right.

El Justo: Jasper Johns is the guy you were thinking of with the flag and ball bearings.

Whomp: Me as an Egyptian? wft?!

Here are some more, oh dang! They're all of Whomp! (can you spot the theme?)

Whomp Meets Classical Hero in a Demogame
Sometimes people turn into this guy:

And Cuivienieninenninen, you really do fit the image of an egg. I'm sorry but it's so true it's funny! :)

@TLC: Fez rocks!
Here is Rambuchan. Whatcha gonna do Brotha? Whatcha gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild on you?

Here is just plain old Dragoon, not the Ultima Version.

Here is picture that Mathlida would not be quite sure will fit here signature.

Here is Silver.

Here is Chieftess.

Here is Whomp.
Ultima Dragoon said:
Has no-one done me yet?

Your name always had me thinking of those giants of British radio comedy from the 50's "The Goons". They were the ultimate in buffoonery.


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ya know, this isnt just about googling someones name.. what images do you get by how the member posts, their av etc...
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