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The ew JNES - The Civil War

To Mexico
From Navajo

65 and 66 are mine, i ask you not to send your army north.

Thank you.

Alright,you can have 65 and 66,but I claimed the Baja California (32) and if you take it you can consider yourself at war with Mexico and its allies.

We claim 36, 37, 63, 38, 39, 41, 42 and 43 to be ours.

Anyone taking those will be met with war, however we will be willing to dicuss the fate of the Caribbean with our southern neighbours, so long as we get at least one province there.

there is no territory 35 ??? :confused:
I need orders from Trade/Warrior. I will wait for another 1/2 hour, but then I won't be able to get on 'till LATE tonight. You guys can vote to tell me if I should move for Trade/Warrior or not.
I had to move for Columbia, Canada, and Union

Confederacy has 12
Eskimos has 8
Navajo has 12
Columbia has 12
Quebeck has 12
Canadian has 12
Vikings has 9
Mexico has 8
Unionhas 12

Potential trading:

Navajo and Confederacy
Confederacy and Union
Union and Quebeck
Quebeck and Canada

This is Trading without trading fleets, of course. In your orders you must state if you are trading and to whome. Both orders of each nation trading must state that in their orders (to make it more simplistic for me)
I will use my RTTs with the Confederacy and the Navajo to begin trading with them.

Next turn I will open trade links with Mexico.

UK, :)

AAAAHHHH, if you guys dont stop getting the Confederacy and the Union confused, i am gonna go bonkers.
i assume you meant your RTTs with the UNION and Navajo (me)
To the Union
From Navajo

I again offer an RTT, please respond.

The Navajo

To Mexico and the Confederacy
From Navajo

I offer you both DPPs. if you feel that it is early for such heavy agreements, then how about a NAP (offering that too).
We hope to remain peacefull with all our neighbors. :)

The Navajo
Oops, yes I meant the Union, I was just in a rush this morning.

Anyway, from the Confederacy to Mexico and Navajo:

I agree to the DPP, and suggest we form a defensive tri-alliance.

I need orders from Toasty and Trade/Warrior. Good job on getting in orders everyone, I almost got everyone's orders in one night!
Mexico agrees with the DPP with Confederates and Navajo.
But,General Lee,be aware I will support my ally Colombia in every conflict which may arise in the Caribbean as both of you claim 41,42 and 43.
this NES is not doing so well if I can get two updates on the same page! Oh well, I will keep updating in hopes that conflicts will arise :) Update should be in about 1 1/2 hour. I have to catch up on the UKNES3...lol
Just had to move for Columbia and Canada

Confederacy has 12g to spend

Eskimos has 14g to spend

Navajo has 14g to spend

Columbia has 12g to spend

Quebeck has 14g to spend

Canadian has 14g to spend

Vikings has 10g to spend

Mexico has 14g to spend

Union has 9g to spend

From Columbia
To the world:

We, as Columbians, claim province 41. In no way shall we mettle in the affairs of the Americans, but this land must be Columbian land!
lol, it was pretty funny when only two nations, Union and Navajo, sent orders to trade with certain nations, but those nations didnt say anything. Therfore, they couldnt trade. I thought it was funnly that the two nations that tried couldnt even trade with each other! lol
[JTK,Revolutionary already claimed the whole Caribbean I think]

To:Navajo and Confederacy

I will order my merchants to trade with you this year and hopefully centuries to come.


Unionist troops close to Cuba and Haiti?Be aware I will support Colombia.
The Confederacy claims Cuba. Columbia can have Haiti, but Cuba is Confederate.


to jason.
dont worry its only a bit slow now cause there has not been much to discuss yet, we just claiming territories for now. It will pick up. :)

To everyone else.
i dont know how many people realized this (no many it seems). but i would like to clarify for everyone (sorry Jason if im stepping on your toes, but its making me loose money):
your orders HAVE TO say:
i am trading with country 1
i am trading with country 2
or something to that effect EVERY TURN. else your RTT agreements are USELESS. Jason correct me if im wrong, but i dont think i am.
BOTH countries have to have the trade in their orders in order to get money.
I CAN NOT believe that i didnt get EITHER of the trades i was expecting (confederates and mexico), i assume you guys misunderstood the rules, but you better shape up.
/end ooc
To Canada (does it have a ruler?)
From Navajo

we need to discuss the fates of territories 14 and 15.
I make no claims to territory 15, you and the Union can decide its fate among your selves.
however, i do have my sights set on 14. i think that because i am staying out of 15 i should be allowed to PEACEFULLY claim 14.
Please respond as soon as possible.

Also i had offered you a RTT and would like your answer (prety sure i never got one). once we have come to a decision on 14, i would also like to sign a NAP or even a DPP if you like.

Your Peacefull Neighbor,
The Navajo


To the Union
From Navajo

At the end of this year (are turns years in this game?) we will share a common border. i again ask you to sign an RTT as it will benefit both of our nations.
FYI i am staying out of the claims for territory 15 so you have to discuss its fate with Canada.

Your Friendly Neighbor,
The Navajo


To Confederacy and Mexico
From Navajo

I am glad that we have all signed DPPs with eachother. I hope that we can be friends for a long time.
I must make clear my stand on the Cuba/Haiti issue:
As per the DPP agreements, I will side with the first nation to BE ATTACKED (thats out of mexico or Confederacy, i have no DPP with Columbia). That means that if war breaks out (i hope it doesnt):
i will join the conflict only if Columbia attacks confederacy FIRST. then i will join the confederacy.
Mexico and the Confederacy start fighting, then i will join the one who was attacked.
Basicaly i am saying that the relationship of Mexico to the Cartel have NO bearing on my side in this conflict. I do not consider an attack on Columbia to be an attack on Mexico, even if Mexico does.

just wanted to be clear of my standing in case there was confusion.

The navajo
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