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The ew JNES - The Civil War

jason, could you do me a BIG favor,
Could you edit the original post to put in the names of who has which country?
i think (and kind of would like to be sure) that Canada dont have a player.
Revolutionary is on vacaion in Spain, which country does he have?
Toasty it turns out is also on vacation.
Troq is on some music retreat (though he seems to check in VERY regularly).
i am not sure what else is going on, but it would be nice to have one place to see who has which country.


EDIT: also i have a rules question:
how does giving money to another nation work?
if i give money this turn, when is the earliest they can use it?
do we BOTH have to have the orders for the money 'transfer'?
does gold given by another nation affect the max 'banking' amount? how?
Sure roddy, I will edit the first post on the names.

Bout money transfer: You get the same turn they give, and it can be any amount. So, if I were a country, lets say I give you 11g this turn, you can use it this turn. It does not affect your bank money, only if you don't spend it of course.
To Navajo and Union
From Canada

This is what I see fit should happen - I get territory 14, in exchange for the Union, I will allow them to have 15 and 16. How does this sound? Navajo still has an extremely good amount of land to the west, while the Union and I are gritting teeth just for the 6. I will pay Navajo 6g in 3g incraments for the territory.
sound fair to me. i would REALY apreciate the gold first instalment this turn (though i dont need it to be 3 gold, you want you can split it 1-5, it dont matter to me as long as i get atleast 1 gold now:))
OK for me

to:the confederacy
i claim the eastern half of cuba.

to:canada and quebecans
i offer you both an DPP or even a MPP if you want it, i also offer a RTT(canada:my answer to your RTT is yes).

Very well, you may have the eastern part of Cuba so long as I get the western part.

But in return I ask for a DPP between our nations to prevent the Columbians forcing us to retreat from the Caribbean.


PS: Jason, have I sent orders in yet? With this damned Toasty thing, I can't remember whether I have or not.
Sorry I havn't been on all day.
Nem: No, you havn't sent order yet. I'm sorry, I can;t wait, as you and one other person are the only ones who havn't sent orders yet, so I must update. It will be in about 1/2 hour, I will check for your orders before the update.
I had to move for the Union, Confederacy, Columbia, Quebeck, and Canada. Due to the amount of people I was moving for, I am sorry if I screwed up trading a little. From the people I recieved orders from, trading commenced as follows:
Confederacy traded with:

Union traded with:

Mexico traded with:

Navajo traded with:

Union traded with:

*Note, I will not do the above every time (are you kidding me? lol) This was just because I wanted to set myself up for next turn, and to make sure it is correct

Anyways, for next turn:

Confederacy has 22g to spend!

Eskimos has 14g to spend!

Navajo has 35g to spend!

Columbia has 26g to spend!

Quebeck has 27g to spend!

Canadian has 21g to spend!

Vikings has 10g to spend!

Mexico has 24g to spend!

Union has 20g to spend!


You can now conduct Espionage by doing the following:
Sending in, with your orders,
*a messange stating who you are conductiong in towards
*It costs 15g (has to paid in one turn)

I will role to see if you will succeed (adding and subtracting bonuses by looking how friendly you are with that nation, by observing the game [least important] and realising how many pacts you have with them). If caught, you do not get the information, and I will anounce it on the game. Most likely you will succeed if you have relievly good relations. If you succeed, I will copy and paste the victims orders and send it via PM pack to you.


Also, sorry about the map, guys. What was really supposed to be was a 10th civ, Sioux, in Montana, but there were to little province. Yet, there was too many for just 9, also! Anyways, sorry for the unbalance in Navajo and the American nations.

My goods will begin to flow into your country this year,I hope yours do as well.
timing questions:

1. can one army : build a town(or barracks), move, and build another town in one turn? (i think your answer before ment yes, but i want to make sure)
2. can a barracks built this turn build an army the same turn? (i doubt it, but again want to be sure)

because the way the map is it gave me a DEFINITE advantage to grab land, AND i have been able to abuse it to the max:
The navajo have decided that we need wiskey more then we need the holylands of our ancestors!
We are putting territories 54 and 64 up for sale.
we will only sell one of them this turn. (the other i will think about afterwards, but will proly sell too)

Let the bidding beggin, tell me which territory you want and how much you are willing to pay for it! you can give offers anyway you want, lump sums now (which i would prefer) or lump + per turn

To: Vikings
From: St. Jean-Pierre de Quebec
Subj: Newfoundland

The Viking seizure of this province, which had been previously claimed by Quebec with no disagreement on the part of the Viking nation, constitutes nothing short of a declaration of war against my nation. Therefore, you have until next turn to withdraw or face the fighting force of le Quebecois.

To: The Union of the United States and the Dominion of Canada
From: St. Jean-Pierre de Quebec
Subj: Trade agreements

We believe it would be in our nations' mutual interests to presume a peaceful trade agreement coupled with a defensive pact to fend off any enemies that may pose threats to our region.

I will buy 54 from you for 10 gold this turn.

Sound fair?

To Quebeck
I am sorry, but Canada dosn't wish for war yet, and that is what we shall recieve upon signing a DPP with you at this moment. Canada shall remain nuetral in your conflict with the Vikings.

To: Canada
From: Vikings
Lets trade and sign a MPP!

To: Eskimos
From: Vikings
Lets trade and sign a MPP!

I offer you 11g for 54.


You can't lock away the vikings on their island.


I offer you a DPP to protect from Quebecois aggression.
To Confederacy
From Navajo

i would like to make as much money as possible from this selling off of land, and there for would like to make it a bidding process.
if i do not have any bids by the end of the year then we have a deal. as i plan on selling both 54 and 64 eventualy, it does not matter to me which one i sell firts and to who, as long as i get as much money as i can. :D

/ooc UK i aint sure how exactly to make this work out timewize.
i could just put in the orders "take the best deal" but i aint sure Jason would like that (jason?), and it could "use up" money of 2 (or more) nations that make offers, which isnt good business.
if you want, give me a time by when to make my decision and i will tell you before then.

EDIT: wow, mexico (kennelly) posted while i was writing this. LET THE BIDDING BEGIN (countinue?)
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