The Glory of Istanbul - OCC Conquest, Emperor Style


Angry Bartender
Apr 15, 2002
In 4000 BC, Osman of the Turks decided that he wanted to build a city - a glorious city - in praise of Allah. He therefore had to make sure his city was bigger and better than any in history. Upon settling Byz- er, Const- er, Istanbul, he also decided that his great city must be the only one to exist on the planet, to ensure that he had no rivals to vie for Allah's favor. But tired of merely being a Monarch, Osman strove for the title of Emperor of the world. Despite the heightened difficulty associated with the title of Emperor, Osman was determined to prove that his goals could be realized, and formed a long-term strategy to assure that his single city would one day be the only city in existence.

Osman's wandering warriors and curraghs reported that the world consisted of a single small pangaea, with only a few small islands scattered in the seas surrounding it. While his neighbors, the Vikings, Spanish, Zulu, Hittites, and Carthaginians concentrated on expansion, Osman could focus on building glorious wonders to further the glory of Istanbul, and ultimately, the glory of Allah. Upon completing the Colossus, began after recruitment of only a few warriors and curraghs, Osman wished there was a city named Mecca, as he had an inkling that Allah would prefer for him to pray in its direction, if it existed. Unperturbed, he prayed to Allah anyway, giving him thanks for the strength to take on this challenge.

In meeting his neighbors, Osman had discovered they had much scientific knowledge that his people did not, and found that his people's knowledge could be used to trade. He quickly got Alphabet, Pottery, and Ceremonial Burial, the only technologies he really needed to trade for, preferring to research only a few techs in order to gain the ability to build a Great Library, which would provide all the scientific knowledge his neighbors could gather. Osman did pick up a few other techs as well, for the hell of it, and found horses available right next to Istanbul.

Spending 50 turns on Writing and then maximizing research on Philosophy, Osman was dismayed to find out his scientists were not the first to discover Philosophy. No matter - his city was far more productive than any other, and he was able to complete the Mausoleum of Mausollos way before anyone else. In the meantime, his scientists had discovered Literature, and he immediately commissioned the Great Library. Allah had indeed blessed his people.

Osman now had the great wonders in place that he needed, as well as a temple, granary, and marketplace. A library would have to wait, as his first order of business was to begin a military buildup while catapults were still available to build. This was crucial because once his scientists discovered Engineering, siege engines would require 2 turns to build, unacceptably hindering his buildup. He managed to build 16 catapults before Engineering was discovered, so he next set out to build as many spearmen as possible, also at a rate of 1 per turn. After recruiting 10 or so, Osman wanted to ensure he was able to construct his next required wonder - Copernicus' Observatory, so he set out prebuilding with the Sistine Chapel. He also coveted Leonardo's Workshop, but realized that at the current difficulty level, getting both would be impossible.


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Dismying news came when Osman learned his neighbors had discovered Education before Invention. This would make it harder to get Newton's University. In the meantime, he was able to research Astronomy and build the Observatory. Construction was then hurried on a library and university, and after a trade for Invention, technologies could be gotten every 10 turns or so. This was good enough, and helped by a stockpile of 4000 gold obtained while getting techs from the Great Library, maximum research along towards Theory of Gravity and trades of Chemistry and Physics netted Osman Metallurgy, Banking, and roughly 120 gpt for each tech. This was crucial to Osman's plan to save up for a mass upgrade (and pay for all the units he had built), and he had been furiously building more spearmen in the hopes of eventually having enough to upgrade to infantry and artillery and take over the world. A few horse units had been constructed as well, for while his Sipahi could definitely help speed up invasion plans, they were not crucial and too costly to upgrade to.

In order to lessen troop costs, Osman decided to research Democracy before Magnetism, and then try for Free Artistry in order to get Shakespeare's Theater. Having recently completed Newton's University, there was little to lose, but his opponents completed it shortly after Osman finished researching Free Artistry, and the Vikings and Spanish had entered the next age. This was fine with Osman, and he traded a good deal of cash to the Spanish for Magnetism to enter the next age as well. Being scientific, he received Steam Power for free, and turned right around and traded that for all of his cash back, plus a lot more. He also got a decent chunk of change from the Vikings for Steam Power.

Looking at his blessed empire, Osman couldn't have been happier. He had over 5000 gold now with which to upgrade units. He was only 3 techs from Replaceable Parts, and the planned attack time was nearing. He had been able to build 35 or so spearmen and a few horse units, along with 16 catapults which, when upgraded to artillery, would be suitable for making all but the most well defended cities sitting ducks. He also had the tech lead he needed, and he would be free to get the Theory of Evolution while his opponents mucked about learning the treachery of espionage and the fearful, dangerous ideals of Fascism and Communism. Allah had also blessed his people with two great scientific leaders upon the discoveries of Theory of Gravity and Electricity, which would be useful for getting the final two necessary wonders - Theory of Evolution and SETI Program. Everything was progressing perfectly.

Once Replaceable Parts was discovered, Osman's thoughts turned to war. As expected, he had no rubber. The Spanish, who had managed to stay even in tech up to this point, did, while the Vikings had no extra. This was unfortunate though, as the Spanish had conquered all of the Zulu cities and most of Carthage to the east. They had also taken over the Hittites in ancient times, meaning they were a large empire, though vulnerable, particularly in the former Zulu and Carthaginian lands. It was preferable to make war on them immediately, but Osman instead decided to trade with them for rubber and honorably wait 20 turns before declaring war.

He didn't have enough money to upgrade all of his spearmen and pikemen, the pikemen having been built after Steam Power, when Osman had to trade for iron and coal with the Vikings twice in order for his lone worker to railroad his territory. His 6 horse units and 16 catapults were immediately upgraded, however, and had enough to get 30 or so infantry units through upgrading. In the meantime, he discovered Sanitation, building a hospital to allow room for more citizens. After researching Refining, he put one of his scientific leaders to work to hurry the Theory of Evolution, getting Atomic Theory and Electronics.

The trade agreement eventually ran out; Osman informed Isabella that it would not be extended, and commenced his attack. Knowing there was simply no way to take the Spanish alone, Osman immediately enlisted the aid of Ragnar and his fearsome Viking warriors to wear down the numbers of both Isabella's and his own troops, hopefully softening both of them up to make their conquest easier. On the first turn, a Sipahi took out a redlined infantry unit, beginning the Ottoman Golden Age! Sipahi could now be constructed one per turn for the next 20 turns, and Osman could research to Motorized Transportation before the age ended. In the ensuing 20 turns, Osman methodically razed every Spanish city on the Eastern part of the pangaea, leaving only two Viking settlements there. Osman used captured workers to build colonies on many of the resources there, gaining crucial luxuries to stave off war weariness.


After these 20 turns, however, Osman grew wary of his "friends" the Vikings. They had been seriously weakened militarily by the conflict, but with so much Spanish power now gone, they could quickly grow too powerful. So Osman signed a peace treaty with Isabella, and then proceeded to sign a military alliance with her against the Vikings! A treacherous move, to be sure, but by no means disreputable in game terms, and Osman had negotiated for an island city in the deal which was immediately abandoned. Osman would then, in short order, destroy several Viking cities, with his military advisor cheering him on with the news that his military might was now average compared to both the Vikings and Spanish. It seems that all Osman had left to do now was clean up the map of the rest of those pesky AI cities.

It took 2 centuries to complete the conquest of the world, but Osman's armies prevailed. The combination of artillery and sipahi/tanks was one that Osman's opponents simply could not handle. Despite a large numerical disadvantage for much of the fighting, his technological advantage once mech infantry became available sealed the victory. Now, he is able to sit back and marvel at his glorious city and receive Allah's blessings. Truly, his accomplishments show that anything is possible, with proper planning and sound strategic execution. He is unsure about whether or not the same accomplishment could be done at a higher difficulty level, but realizes that it will have to be attempted sooner or later.

My continent is cleared!


My invasion force for the last AI city, supported by artillery bombardment from across the channel:


And finally, the payoff:

The army was completely unnecessary for victory, and I only built it to test if it would be disbanded if I fell under 4 cities.
Great job. Get the AIs to beat up each other, then run the wretches over with sipahis!
Here's the city view at endgame. I scrolled the buildings to show the wonders I've built.

Awesome. I'm guessing you never got Nationalism? Mobilizing after building SETI my have been helpful.
I stopped researching after getting Rocketry and Synthetic Fibers, so I never got around to offshore platforms or a manufacturing plant, or even a nuclear plant.

Good point on the mobilizing - I never even thought about it. Would have come in handy for building the ships faster, but I wasn't sure that trading for Nationalism was a viable option.
Yep. Used to think conquest with one city was impossible, too.
Easy enough not to if you don't build a temple, cathedral, or colosseum.
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