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The Historical Basis for Catalonian Independence

defended that Valencians and Catalans are the same people in different places and with a few different customs.

Some would argue that regarding Catalans and people elsewhere in Spain too, of course. :)
That's a map of the geographical distribution of the Catalan language and probably has about as much relevance to "Catalunya" as a similar map of the German language does to "Germany".
Catalunya is Catalonia and the French area. That map is of the so-called Catalan Countries, and it is what Arwon said, the places where Catalan is spoken.
Catalunya is Catalonia and the French area. That map is of the so-called Catalan Countries, and it is what Arwon said, the places where Catalan is spoken.

So if they all decided to form one state seperate from Spain, they couldn't call themself Catalonia? :huh:
So if they all decided to form one state seperate from Spain, they couldn't call themself Catalonia? :huh:

Of course! But I'd doubt there'd be much support for that name outside of the current borders of Catalonia. :p
I don't know. :dunno:
How about Castillos en el Aire?
That's a nice name... for a book, a painting or a film.
Oh! I thought it only had that meaning in Spanish.
I didn't realise it meant the same thing in Spanish. :)
I was actually surprised of your knowledge of Spanish. :p
That was actually Google Translate, to be fair, but I do have a Spanish friend, so it looked right. :)
No, I mean I thought you knew it was a Spanish idiom. :p
Oh well. That's yet another thing for which to blame the famous monk from Hippo!
Wait, so if Catalonia is founded we would not call it Catalonia?
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