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The Jarls Of Freyhorn

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Also I agree with Niccolo, we need to explore to the NorthEAST of Bjorgvin as well (NW is the sea where we came from on galleys)

Last thing: could you maybe name the units for each player/Jarl?

Oops :mischief:

I'd like to second that second idea.

If the southerners are hostile Jarl Rangfridr would urge that his fellow Jarls show restraint and only burn the cities that have no economic value and force the population to relocate to the other cities. The cities which occupy prime positions should be conquered and pacified so that they might be of use instead of merely piles of rubble and ash.
The mix of cold wind and warm water breeze lapped across the face of King Ragnar. His face was covered with purple scars, signs of severe thermal burns due to the freezing weather. For almost a year him and his company had tracked across miles of endless glaciers, fought off hundred of wolves, and mourned over the loss of many. But now, well now they were finally seeing the light.

After tracking hundreds of miles they had finally reached what seemed like the end of the forsaken land of frost. Before them were valleys of grass, hills that gleamed with gold, and rivers overflowing with fish. As they inched closer to their destination the weather got warmer, the cold winds faded and the biting cold faded. Finally, form the top of a rounded hill it could be seen, the ocean. A coastline stretched for miles and the sea could be seen extending outwards. As far as the eye could see the ocean continued and while to some this could be bad, to Ragnar it was glorious.

The sea could be navigated and an ocean path could be established between this new land and Freyhorn reducing both time spent traveling and losses due to the cold. Most importantly the ocean meant that there was further to explore, this was only the beginning.
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Another thing worth celebrating occurred on the day Ragnar found land, The galleys from the new land reached the harbors of Freyhorn and word of this new world spread like fire. From all over settlers and workers gathered to make of themselves a new home. In the wake of this great awakening two new things occurred. The Homestead Council of Freyhorn, a group of commoners put together to govern the land while the King and Jarls were away, made the Laws of Freyhorn. These laws gave direction to land claiming, tribute, commerce, and society as a whole establishing a base for order.
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Out of this great awakening and the overwhelming realization that there was a whole other world out there a new religion was founded, Confucianism. Missionaries of this new religion gathered to go onto the new lands, the captains gladly accepted them.
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The only one bit of bad news was that King Ragnar had still not been heard from. It was now coming up onto a year since he was last seen. With heavy hearts the captains loaded their ships with new settlers and provisions and were on their ways returning to the land with no news of Ragnar.
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In the south there was still an unsteady feel through the air. The Jarls finally decided to at least move and begin scouting the land while Jarl Rangfridr pursued his goals of commerce. He had little success when venturing further into this unknown territory. Some people fled, some people burned their crops and then fled, but others actually began to worship him and his men.

There was actually a big following growing within this land of pagan people as they were coming to believe that the Jarls of Freyhorn were gods from another world coming to visit. The barbarian armies had become hesitant to attack the Jarls because they too were starting to believe that they were actually gods. They had never seen anyone like them, big, muscular, well armed, and skilled in warfare. As Jarl Rangfridr moved further and further into the territory groups of people began following from behind and every night they would hold rituals. Occasionally they approached Jarl Rangfridr and his company with gifts, there really was no need to trade because Jarl Rangfridr was getting everything for free.
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OOC: Not sure what cities you would like to be saved or to be destroyed. Remember you do have more settlers that will be arriving shortly you can always use to rebuild. Sorry bout the miss-settle of Borg. Also you have another settler you can use for the meantime. I'm sending one galley NE to find a route to the new lands of King Ragnar.
Could I get a map of the island? The pictures are kind of hard to piece together.
Tentatively I'm thinking that I'd like to keep Hsung-Nu while razing Minoan to be rebuilt a tile to the West. Scythian and Chehalis would be razed and a new city built to the South of the sheep.

Jarl Rangfridr would like to sponsor a number of missionaries to the new island. His will protect and defend the missionaries to the death as they spread their faith.
That will work. Thank you.
Considering this my previous recommendations for the cities still stand.
Jarl Roburr had left Bjorgvin with his fellow Freyhorners, fought the Battle of Two Hills against the natives of the Green Land, and was now pondering what would be the next best course of action.
Reports from the Galleys had confirmed that this was, in fact, an Island (which the Freyhorners had already taken to calling Graent Eyan), of moderate size. Definitely this was not the whole of the rest of the world, but it could become, in the future, a great staging port for an even greater wave of Freyhornish exploration and expansion. However, the locals would have to be dealt with, first.

The friendly tribe that contributed to settling Bjorgvin was a minority in their peaceful ways, most of the other inhabitants of Graent Eyan were bloodthirsty savages... or were they?
Jarl Rangfridr and some of the troops had moved further than the rest of the Freyhorners into the natives' lands, and, for some reason, they seemed to be not as aggressive as before, even bringing them gifts and...worshipping them?

Jarl Roburr sat pensively near the campfire, gently petting Vovoff's head. If the locals were friendly, maybe they could be convinced to join the Freyhorners, like it happened in Bjorgvin?
Still, studying the rough maps that the Galley captains had drawn, Roburr thought that most, if not all, of the native settlements would need to be moved to better locations, to allow for future unimpeded growth of each town. Would the locals accept to relocate? Or would there be another battle after all?
Jarl Roburr was also kind of disappointed that the mountain pass to the northeast of Bjorgvin led only to a secluded and empty valley, he had hoped to find some more good land in that direction.
Vovoff, meanwhile, had no such thoughts troubling him, and was happily gnawing on some bones from his owner's dinner.

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Thanks for the map!
First of all, I motion for this island to be called Graent Eyan, which is "Green Island" ran through google translate in Icelandic.

Here's two of what I think might be good city sets:

1: all cities are coastal (better commerce), all resource tiles usable (except the Wine [that's Wine, right?], but as long as we control the tile with culture, that's enough), but sorely lacking in :hammers:
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2: not all cities coastal, but Red/Yellow city would get some production. Red is a better spot for production that gets those hills, however this results in one Wheat left unusable (and one Pig from Orange would have to be given to use to Red, but Orange has 2 Fishes and another Pig anyway).
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Still, this island is very :food:-rich, so whipping will be our preferred :hammers: source anyway.

And now, to write all this (and my previous post too) IC!

Jarl Borg sat in a makeshift arm chair while the company of Jarls ate at a table before him. The group had picked up and moved their camp a few miles east of Minoan and were currently waiting on what to do next. For several days they had waited, it was time they made their move. The barbarians had made no attempts to reach them, instead armies had massed outside their camp. Jarl Borg knew that the galleys they had sent home would be returning soon and with them would be more settlers eager to tame these lands. If they wanted their people to grow the Jarls of Freyhorn had to give them the room. Jarl Borg had spent time considering all the possible decisions and now he had made his. He stood and the group of Jarls grew quiet, looking at him as he rose.

"My fellow Jarls I have made my decision... It is time we go to war!!" With a war cry he raised his ax and the other Jarls joined in. They had been anxious to make their claims and now, they finally had their chance.

Jarl Borg quickly called over a messenger, "Find Jarl Rangfridr and give him our message of war, tell him to march to the nearest city and raze it to the ground. The time of these barbaric people has come to an end, the people of Freyhorn will rule these lands." The messenger obediently ran off.

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OOC: I like the name! And also I think it's best to use this island as our main hub of commerce and possibly :science: as well as trade. Freyhorn is high with :hammers: so units can be pumped out from the motherland and sent to the new settlements. I think it's best to quickly wipe out the barbarians and completely destroy everything besides their improvements and road networks. We have settlers waiting to settle and there are more on their way from Freyhorn to Graent Eyan. The quicker we wipe out and settle the quicker we can load back up on our galleys and keep exploring. We still haven't ran into any other Civs and have no idea who, or what, we are dealing with in this world. Of course you guys can refuse to go to war if you want but Jarl Borg and the others will follow suit in the decision and it might leave you in a bad spot. Also I am sending one galley north east to find a sea path to King Ragnar.
While Vovoff happily barked along with the shouting Freyhorners, Jarl Roburr Noyyausson remained silent, then approached Jarl Borg.
"Should we really attack these primitives? After last week's battle, they seem to have understood our superiority. The seem to be actually worshipping Jarl Rangfridr and his men!
We should attempt to make these natives work for us peacefully, before we decide to exterminate them. There's not so many of us here on Graent Eyan, and even if we won, we still lost too many good men on the Two Hills.
I think that if the natives will accept to be relocated to where we tell them, they should be kept alive, and made to work the lands for us.
I for one certainly do not intend to spend years here farming when we could use the locals for it!"

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My previous posts have been updated with a few proper IC paragraphs.
Gameplay-wise I don't think there is any way to convince the barbarians to join us and resettle from their current locations (except WB, of course).
So war with the natives is inevitable due to the constraints of the game's rules.

What's our technological situation?
What about the economy? From the screenshots I see that we're making a nice profit even though we're at 100% :science:, so Freyhorn can't be that bad after all ;)
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I'm going with this layout and choosing red. I'll post a next update on the story before the settling commences. Let me know if you have any objections.
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Are we keeping Phrygian and Chehalis as they stand or are they to be razed and replaced as well?
Jarl Rangfridr and his men would like to protest the brutal destruction of the natives. They respect our authroity and will likely move willingly given the order. Considering this Jarl Rangfridr would like to move in on the cities of Scythian and Chehalis with his men to assist in the movement of the population of Scythian to a more productive location and to bring Chehalis under Freyhorn control.
"I understand your point but there is simply no more time to waste. We can try to subdue them peacefully but if resistance is met we have no other choice, settlers are on their way to Graent Eyan as we speak. If we don't have this place under our control by the time our people arrive they might lose faith in us and in Ragnar." Jarl Borg had a respectful tone when speaking to Jarl Roburr Noyyausson. "I want you to take your company west to their city there (Minoan). If you can subdue them then so be it. If you can't, bring the down the ax." Jarl Borg had greatly taken into consideration what Jarl Roburr Noyyausson had said. So much so that he even sent a second messenger to Jarl Rangfridr with new orders.

"War is still being made, your orders are to push north. If you can, try to peacefully subdue the populace. If it is possible integrate them with us but if that is impossible than proceed with the razing of their cities. After the subjugation of the south Jarl Winfel and Jarl Hulga Vin'Kuf will march to your aid as supporting units."

Afterwards Jarl Borg made a decree, "We will make our first acts of diplomacy as this great conquest begins. We will make it known to peoples of this local nations that if they wish to surrender then it will be accepted. But any attempts to resist our takeover will be met with death. We do not have the time to waste. The takeover of this land begins now. Let those who wish to live join us, but those who wish to die oppose us."

As the sun of the next day rose the battle for Graent Eyan began. Jarl Winfel, with his elite ax men, tore into the barbarian camp. The barbarians fought for roughly fifteen minutes before fleeing from the field of battle. Jarl Winfel and his company suffered no losses while inflicting almost a hundred on the enemy. Whatever remained of the barbarian army fled back towards Hsung-Nu.
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To the west, outside Minoan, Jarl Roburr Noyyausson made his attempts for peace. From it looked like the workers of the city had no desire to fight but the garrison of a few hundred warriors felt otherwise. When Jarl Roburr Noyyausson sent a messenger to the city for negotiations the warriors killed the messenger and hung his body from a wooden tower. Jarl Roburr Noyyausson had his answer so with his ax he responded.
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The battle was brief and the barbarian soldiers fell to the wayside. There was little they could do as the mightier Freyhorn warriors slaughtered their way through the city. After an hour and a half of fighting resistance had ended. The workers in the city begged for mercy and pledged loyalty to the Freyhorn Jarls if they their lives were spared. It seemed as if Jarl Roburr Noyyausson had had some success after all.

The city itself had been reduced to ruin during the fighting but a group of workers had been salvaged. They would be used to tame the lands that the Jarls were in the process of conquering.
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To the north Jarl Rangfridr tried his best to send peace offers to Scythian. Yet unfortunately he got no response. He didn't think to send a messenger so instead he sent a group of worshippers that had been following him for the last week to see if they could convince the city to stand down. After an hour the bodies of about a dozen people could be seen dangling from houses, the group Jarl Rangfridr sent in had been mercilessly executed.

Jarl Rangfridr wasted no time responding. With his band of almost a hundred men he charged the city and ferocious fighting broke out. The barbarians outnumbered Jarl Rangfridr and his company of men but they themselves were out skilled. After frontal defenses broke down the battle carried into the streets of Scythian, brutal house fighting would continue for another day.
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To the south the assault on Hsung-Nu began. Jarl Borg led the charge with Jarl Winfel and Jarl Hulga Vin'Kuf acting as supporting units. The battle was similar to previous conflicts. Stiff resistance for fifteen to thirty minutes then a complete collapse of positions. The garrison of barbarians fled but similar to Minoan the citizens of the city surrendered. They agreed to serve the Jarls and pledged loyalty to these new "gods." The city was razed but from the ashes a group of settlers had been created to help re-start a Freyhorn rule over the island.
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The battle over Scythian continued but Jarl Rangfridr had secured the upper hand. Unfortunately the whole of the city was hostile to Jarl Rangfridr and he often found himself fighting civilians who were armed with nothing besides a pitchfork or a hammer. There was no chance of peace here, even women attacked with rocks and clay vases from balconies. After a day and a half of fighting the city had been cleared, with little remorse it was ransacked and burned to the ground. Jarl Rangfridr had lost a little over a dozen men yet even then it was a victory worth celebrating.
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Jarl Borg continued eastward stopping on the outskirts of Phrygian. All night he ordered his men to play heavy drums. By morning they would assault the city.
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When morning came a small group from the city came out to meet Jarl Borg. They had seen what the Jarls of Freyhorn had done to their land, many of these warriors had partaken in The Battle of Two Hills. They truly believed Jarls to be gods of war and there was no point in fighting. They pleaded for the sparing of their lives and the city and if they were given mercy they swore that they would live to serve. Jarl Borg was happy to not have to fight and burn yet another city, listening to the advice of Jarl Roburr Noyyausson he accepted the terms. Phrygian had become a Freyhorn city.
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To the north the last of the barbarian cities stood alone. Jarl Rangfridr continued his march. Jarl Winfel and Jarl Hulga Vin'Kuf were quickly making their way to support him. The armies before the Jarls stood no chance and with ease the warriors of Freyhorn pushed through.
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Jarl Rangfridr gave no time to rest and as the barbarians continued their retreat into the city he followed. While the workers and citizens of the city hid the last warriors of this barbaric nation gave whatever they had left to fight.
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Ultimately it was no use, Jarl Rangfridr had taken the city by nightfall and luckily most of the city still stood. Those who swore oath to the rule of Freyhorn were spared, only a handful of stubborn citizens were executed. Two groups of workers were secured and because of an agreement between Jarl Borg and Jarl Rangfridr the two workers were now solely under the command of Jarl Rangfridr.
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Just like that the barbarian nation that had stressed out the Jarls had either been destroyed or subdued. In less than a month the Jarls had steamrolled through the island crushing any army that stood in their path. Some of the locals were intergraded with one city swearing loyalty to the Jarls and another being captured and subjugated. On the other hand some of the population suffered the fate of the ax. Their bodies were piled up and burned. The Island of Graent Eyan had no other rulers besides The Jarls of Freyhorn.
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Still... As one galley continued to explore the nearby waters another land was found about twenty miles across the sea from the coastal city of Phrygian. The galley captain noted seeing tribal like warriors, different from the ones of Graent Evan, on the beaches of this foreign land. There was little they could inspect so after sending a row-boat messenger back to warn the Jarls the galley continued to sail northward.
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As the battles came to a close Jarl Borg sent messengers to all the Jarls. They were to meet and discuss the future of the island. Settlements, for the most part, had been decided upon but Jarl Borg wanted to make clear of worker priority and who would stay and who would continue on exploring.

Far north King Rangar and his band of travelers had finally found land worth settling on. Choosing a spot near the coast they were surrounding by rich minerals, fertile land, and plentiful sea life. The traveling, the suffering, and the death of all those who had partaken on the journey had finally paid off. Now all that was needed to do was notify the rest of Freyhorn that King Ragnar was in fact still alive and had in fact found a land of riches.
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So as you can see I made the story line fit with the desires of you Jarls. While the unwanted cities were burned the ones we did want to keep were left alone, one even joined our side :king:! I also gave us some workers and a settler, locals who we spared and then converted over to our side. Hopefully you guys are pleased with the results. I know this conflict went by fast without giving you guys much time to react but there really wasn't much competition. Let me know what ya'll think. I'd say the next move is firmly deciding where you guys want settlements like I said I was going to go with this layout
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which is why I kept those two cities. I can also relocate Borg one tile south and make an IC scene to fit the situation. Borg would suffer loss time on that work boat though. Secondly we need to decide worker priority for the island, what should be improved first ect.. ect.. Jarl Borg and Jarl Rangfridr made an IC agreement where Jarl Borg granted two workers to help him with the commerce of lumber. So you have free rights to do with those two workers whatever you want. As for the rest of the work force that is up for us to decide. Thirdly we should keep moving and continue our exploration of the world. After the big shipment of immigrants from Freyhorn gets dropped off we should take our galleys and continue.
1. Jarl Rangfridr has appointed Dagr Oleson to be his representative in exploration.
Dagr's mandate will be threefold:
1. To advance the movement of the Freyhorn people towards fertile land
2. To attain and protect Rangfridr's assets by any means but while acting in the same manner as Rangfridr would
3. To spread Freyhorn culture to the people of the subjugated lands.​
2. Jarl Rangfridr would like to land a party of armed explorers on the newly discovered island and dispatch two galleys in each direction to circumnavigate the island. Depending on the island's suitability settlers, with armed protection, would then be allowed to land and populate the island.
As the Chamber of Jarls formalizes Jarl Borg would like to push forward several possible choices on what to do next.

First he would like Jarl Hulga Vin'Kuf and Jarl Yelto to take their companies and explore the new lands discovered eastward. When it is deemed safe and if it is of good value Jarl Borg would like that to be the next spot of settling.

Second he would like to take Jarl Roburr Noyyausson, seeing that he is a prominent military commander, and Jarl Winfel to continue the explorations. There appears to be coastal waters leading south from the south-eastern end of Graent Eyan near Phrygian. It is possible that these lead to yet another land and Jarl Borg wishes to continue the exploration.

Third Jarl Borg has already given permission to one galley to make north to the glaciers and sail around it's coast. King Ragnar remains missing and Jarl Borg wants every effort committed to finding him. The galleys might find providence and spot King Ragnar if he has made it through the glaciers and to the coast.

Lastly Jarl Borg would like to appoint Jarl Rangfridr as Duke of Graent Eyan. After initial settlements and work priorities have been agreed upon Jarl Rangfridr would be in charge of the process. Along with that he will be responsible for the further advancement of the island. In charged with managing it's commerce, finance, stability, population, and military security.

With these propositions presented Jarl Borg would like to hear the opinion of the Chamber.
Jarl Rangfridr would like to formally and personally thank Jarl Borg for the honours he has bestowed upon him and would like to agree with the requests made by Jarl Borg regarding the further exploration of the world.
Jarl Roburr Noyyausson sat on the beach, the setting sun making him cast a very long shadow towards the ruins of Minoan. The waves barely reached his boots before returning to the great sea. His battle axe lay on the sand nearby, still spattered with dried blood from the day's battle.
Somewhere in the distance, Vovoff was running in the shallow water, barking at some fish that eluded him every time the dog attempted to catch it.

Many thoughts competed for attention in Roburr's head.
On one side, there was the temptation to settle here on Graent Eyan and live out an uneventful, if boring, life. He could find a nice girl when the coming settlers would arrive (or even a local one, some were quite pretty...), start a family. The land here was idyllic compared to Freyhorn, there would be no difficulty in having a decent crop every year.

But would that really be a life worth living? Despite his attempts at peaceful negotiation with the locals, Roburr could not deny that he loved the thrill of battle, the rush of adrenaline that gave him the fury to charge against the enemy, the feeling of raw power that only deadly combat could provide. He had been truly bored the last three years, since becoming Jarl of Dalsnes and earning the name of One Eyed Kraken. No one had dared oppose him or harass his village, and the day-to-day duties of a local Jarl weren't too exciting. There was little joy in feasting, if you had no true reason to do so.

Thank the gods, Jarl Borg offered him an easy choice. The galleys with the first wave of immigrants from Freyhorn would be here soon, and with them the chance to cross to the next landmass and once again step into the unknown.
Roburr stood up, took the axe, whistled to Vovoff and began walking towards the Freyhorners' camp, already hearing the sounds of a victory feast beginning around one of the campfires.

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I like Jelling! That'll become a very nice city. Pity we don't yet know about it :lol:
Let's hope to make contact with our King as soon as possible!

Let's keep exploring, we just began our conquest of the world!
The growth of our people begins! With settlement of Graent Evan underway the nation enjoys the benefits of having fertile ground. The population begins to grow.
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The first arrival of immigrants land on the shores of Bjørgvin. Bjørgvin sees a great population increase as well as extra protection with the arrival of an archer company. Jarl Yelto, upset that he missed most of the action, eagerly heads eastward to explore the new lands. The workers begin construction on a road to link Bjørgvin with the rest of the island.
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Mencius continues to spread culture. As new settlements begin to spring up he goes to each and every one of them telling stories of how the Jarls heroically fought for this land. The people marvel at the stories and begin to hold the Jarls in the highest of esteem. Wanting to honor the Jarls several settlements change their names. In the north Rangfridge to honor Jarl Rangfridr. To the south-west the newly founded city is named Noyyassø for Jarl Roburr Noyyausson. Jarl Winfel becomes a bit envious of this so he, wanting some honor, has the citizens of Phrygian rename the city to Winfel.
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The galleys continue southward with more immigrants.
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To the far north the small fleet of galleys looking for King Ragnar re-enter frigid waters. They arrive along the coastal glaciers.
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With desperation they begin their search for King Ragnar.
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Another galley continues its sail around what appears to be another island. Mountains line the coastline and thick rainforest clogs the view. The galley captain remarks that the land looks like the gateway to another world.
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Back in Freyhorn word has reached the people of this new and amazing land. In hordes the people mass to relocate their lives. A well armed force of warriors has also been organized. They will be responsible for the defense of Graent Evan as the Jarls and their companies continue onward.
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We have another settler if you guys want to maybe settle another city in Graent Evan. If not he'll just wait until other lands are found. Also we need to dedicate a few galleys to immigrant service. Freyhorn is just going to continue pumping out units so galleys will be needed to go back and forth. Also what do you want the workers to focus on?
Jarl Hulga Vin'Kuf and Jarl Yelto safely make it to the shores of this new land. As they wait to un-board and go ashore they notice natives scouting them from the coastline. These natives look different from the ones they dealt with on Graent Eyan. They have different features, clothes, and seem to be better armed.
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To the far north the lone galley searching for King Ragnar enters the glacial sea. Ice bergs surround them as they carefully navigate the waters.
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Back on Graent Eyan progress continues to go well.
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Jarl Hulga Vin’Kuf and Jarl Yelto make landfall. They notice city ruins as they come ashore. The natives from before had left and gone inland. The two Jarls are a bit unsteady that the natives did not greet them.
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Jarl Borg, Jarl Roburr Noyyausson, Jarl Yelto, and Dagr Oleson have loaded up in the galleys and their exploration begins. Navigators set a course eastward where they believe is an ocean path.
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After sailing through the glacial sea the galley finds a fertile coastline.
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After another day of sailing the galleys come across a city. The captains can barely hold their excitement, it’s King Ragnar!
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After galleys complete their circumnavigation of this new land it is confirmed that it is indeed an island.
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King Ragnar and the captain of the galleys celebrate with a feast. The captain shares the good news of Graent Eyan and how it is a land of fertile resources. The captain continues to tell King Ragnar that many Freyhorn people have been immigrating to the island. King Ragnar is extremely pleased with his Jarls. Him and the captain make plans to return.
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The band that had traveled with King Ragnar had become hardened people. The many fights with wolves gave them experience, enough so that they could defend themselves without the protection of King Ragnar and his company. While King Ragnar plans to leave the newly found settlement he places one of his most loyal warriors, Vel Gering, as the governor of Jelling. Vel Gering recruits several dozen citizens and they are armed with spike clubs. There is no sign of any other people in this area and the only threat seems to be wild animals. With confidence in their survival King Ragnar begins his journey towards Graent Eyan.
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Jarl Hulga Vin’Kuf and Jarl Winfel continue to move inland. They are bogged down by thick rainforest jungle and have difficulty moving through the terrain. They come across natives who quickly flee from their presence.
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Wanting to establish contact the two Jarls follow the trail. They come out of the jungle into an opening and are stunned when running into strange beasts. These beast are large, grey, have huge hanging trunks, make loud sounds, and have huge spear like tusks coming from their face. The Jarls have never seen anything like them before and marvel at their beauty. The beasts seem to not be hostile so the Jarls do their best not to disturb them. As they set up camp they can see the glowing torches from more natives who continue to spy on them.
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The galleys carrying Jarl Borg, Jarl Roburr Noyyausson, Jarl Winfel, and Dagr Oleson come to a stop. It seems as if they were incorrect. They turn back to try and find another ocean path.
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Workers are continuing to link up the cities and build improvements on all resource tiles. I have two clearing the forest around Roskilde. King Ragnar is going to return to Graent Eyan and help with the progress there.
OOC: A galley should be built and sent exploring from Birka, on the western coast of Freyhorn.

Also, the image in the OP that should show the whole of Freyhorn isn't working.
In the wild lands of this new island the northern natives turn hostile on Jarl Winfel and Jarl Hulga Vin'Kuf. A group of natives launch an ambush on the two companies as they camp within the thick jungles. The company of Freyhorn warriors easily defeat the tribe sending them into a retreat. The two Jarls make the decision to go on the counter attack.
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Jarl Hulga Vin'Kuf marches east and wipes out a tribal group along a river plain.
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Jarl Winfel and his elite ax man head north. They invade the tribal grounds of one native group and a fierce fight ensues. The natives are no match for the more skilled Freyhorn warriors and they are easily defeated.
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While clearing the village a group of civilian natives seek peaceful resolution. They give no resistance and instead offer their services as scouts. Jarl Winfel happily accepts their loyalty.
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Jarl Hulga Vin'Kuf and her company continue to fight within the river plains as they are hit with a counter attack. Their defenses are impenetrable and they force the natives to flee further into the jungle.
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Jarl Winfel presses onward invading another tribal village. The natives hold for a few hours before falling back. After clearing the village it is discovered that they were built upon a farmland of incense.
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The two companies surround the last group of natives. They rest until morning when they will make their final assault.
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To the east Jarl Borg, Jarl Roburr Noyyausson, Jarl Yelto, and Dagr Oleson have discovered new lands. They make it ashore safely but see that the land offers no suitable ground to settle on. For miles and miles they see nothing but barren desert wasteland with high mountains.
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As the settlement of Graent Eyan continues the nation of Freyhorn find themselves dealing with a progressing financial struggle. The immigration, settlement, and fighting has cost a lot of money and the treasury is starting to decline. With new technologies waiting to be discovered hopefully Freyhorn will find a suitable knowledge that will address their financial concerns.
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I fixed the main picture of Freyhorn with a more recent one. Workers are still improving land tiles of Graent Eyan and I changed Birka to build a galley instead of a library. What technology should we choose to research and how should we solve our debt problem before it gets to extreme? Also how should the Jarls conduct the exploration of this new desert island? Also Jarl Rangfridr you are in charge of choosing when to send settlers/workers/more soldiers to island east of you where Jarl Winfel and Hulga Vin'Kuf are. This is because you, the Duke of Graent Eyan, have settlers waiting there already and control the first process of immigration as everyone is coming to Graent Eyan.
We have enough gold to last us over a hundred turns, even if the debt was four times what it is. Right now we should focus on building a few cottages on Freyhorn and Graent Eyan as this will resolve the financial trouble and buy us some more gold in the future. To this end I propose that we go for currency to build markets and follow up with calendar, monarchy and civil service to allow us access to the plantation and winery improvements. Civil service would allow us to build the ultra-powerful maceman and for our farms to spread irrigation.
Jarl Rangfridr would like to begin the movement of settlers from the Northwest end of Graent Eyan to the Southeast where they can rendezvous with military escorts and ships to carry them to the next island in the chain.
Jarl Rangfridr has requested that Dagr Oleson continue inland with his party, ensuring that supplies last and would urge the exploring Jarls to do the same. That this island may be settled by the Freyhornians.
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