Just finished this myself. I felt it was too long, but not *overly* difficult. I set up my cities almost exactly like Kiwi Tyrant up there, except I had an extra city on the peninsula. Set up a defensive wedge on my right side, then built up waiting for war. My stacks frequently found the enemy's SoD trying to sneak by, and took them out. 2 cities focused on Boarding Parties (later switched to Longbows to defend new cities), one on siege, one on religion (RoK), and one on magic which later filled spots. With siege, it was an easy... but loooooooong... game.
Early hero helped. As did the Spring spell & economic techs. Wish I knew about the secret ending, though. I stomped the Luchuirp before going for a final Infernal city on the far coast that was acquired by early conquest.
Early hero helped. As did the Spring spell & economic techs. Wish I knew about the secret ending, though. I stomped the Luchuirp before going for a final Infernal city on the far coast that was acquired by early conquest.