The Momus feedback

^.^ Im dominating the game utterly on Emperor.

That said... I have a question... For Kael really.

What happens if I take out Perpenatach? XD?
I loved this. Too bad the AIs didn't fight eachother though, they only went for me whenever they could. But, that adds to the challenge, and i REALLY enjoyed it! I'm a bit tired of Lanun right now though, and i can't seem to start Fall of Cuantine. I'll guess i'll check the files and stuff.

Thank you, Team Kael!

Edit: Nevermind, i installed Patch B in the wrong directory.
Kael, AWESOME rework of the map. This scenario is extremely improved. Now with the added water areas we can really take advantage of lanun. The kraken in the middle lake to make you fight for the pearls and coves there is a nice touch. I think this scenario will be much more manageable now.
I always thought when i'm going to defeat all the other players, Perpentach would declare war on me (because he's insane) and "kill himself" ;)
That would be pretty funny and especially after you took all the cities around his empire (what you should do).
And then, Falamar let him the choice to run away or put him into a prison/cage somewhere and takes his ships ;)
would be even funnier if you have to hunt him down, fleeing in a gypsy wagon :D
I just started on the new map, and when I researched honor, the game asked me "Which religion would you like to found?" and listed Runes, Leaves, and Esus. I picked Runes, just for kicks, and became the founder without ever researching Way of the Earthmother. I got the runes holy city, but no runes acoytle, just one for Empyrean. If it makes a difference, Empyrean had already been founded, so I wasn't expecting to found that. Just thought I would post my experience.

Edit: Just realized I got a Thane of Kilmorph too.
I don't know if this should go in the bug or scenario thread:

Ok, i slogged my way through every civ on the map except Beeri. Something comes up saying "TEXT_KEY_BEERI_OFFER or near that anyway. I click the yes option and suddenly I'm at war with Perp and peace with Beeri. Well, I guess that's OK, so I attack Perp, though I did notice my objective hadn't changed. It was very challenging with his oodles of cultists and guards, but eventually I take him down. And... nothing happens and I can't declare war on Beeri. This must be a bug, but fortunately I have an earlier save before the offer.

Edit- oh, and in an earlier try the same thing happened to me as it did to eddfire.
The new one was much better. I have some general concerns and the first one is that Tsunami is WAY too strong. I know it is situational, but still.
The Infernals don't seem to make good use of their manes, they had lots of spare ones in their capital when I found it.
I just started on the new map, and when I researched honor, the game asked me "Which religion would you like to found?" and listed Runes, Leaves, and Esus. I picked Runes, just for kicks, and became the founder without ever researching Way of the Earthmother. I got the runes holy city, but no runes acoytle, just one for Empyrean. If it makes a difference, Empyrean had already been founded, so I wasn't expecting to found that. Just thought I would post my experience.

Edit: Just realized I got a Thane of Kilmorph too.

Same thing happened to me. I researched Way of the Earthmother and got Empyrean.
I quite like the new map, there's at least a chance to bring some sea power to bear, especially in a couple of spots where you can make a city connect two bodies of water. Some ideal choke points here and there that I don't think existed in the prior version as well.

One odd point, maybe unfixable... area of effect damage spells, and not causing war. Well, I know declarations are all controlled by the scenario, but I'm able to do silly amounts of damage to different factions without DoW, for strategic reasons.

Example: I park the Black Wind in front of a Balseraph (Perpentarch) city in a little bay, their only coastal property. Perp and I will never, ever be at war.

I blockade it, make 12 gold a turn, and have two cultists standing there as well, doing a Tsunami every single turn without irritating Perp... but seriously crippling any naval vessels he manages to produce, to get rid of the annoying Black Wind. Unfortunately the BW is stuck in an inland sea, unable to go elsewhere, but it's worth it to make 12 gold a turn for hundreds of turns. Parking the BW there is perfectly valid, it's the Cultists thrashing all the units in the city, which is the exploity bit I guess. Call it a mad king then, who doesn't care if his people get a little wet (only other OO worshipper on the map, as it stands).
Using Tsunami on perp's units didnt cause war?, o damn, I wasted so many turns moving units and waiting for him to move his units before I casted Tsunami >_<
now it's perfect :P
I'm taking my time, don't know if the starting locations were the best. apparently (I didn't notice it before the patch), Perpentach picks the civ with the most score, at least in my current game everyone that's picked up is leading (or behind perpentach himself).

I followed the suggestion to go Empyrean and I have razed the Hippus. Weevil and co. got some cities to the southeast and northwest, and I couldn't finish him. when we (YES, the AI was "helping" me) were about to siege the last Khazad city, Perpentach switched the target civ :P

I think the most difficult one to raze will be the Duke, when he was picked he had some Balors and the city had more than 100% defense bonus haha right now I have 1 Chalid stack-of-doom razing civs, one stack with RGs, Vicars and catapults near one calabim city (I already got one from them) and another stack near the amurites, both just waiting for the green flag. still, without catapults or chalid I'm having some problems in 1x1 combat, I'm pretty sure that picking body mana wasn't the best choice, right now I have two adepts with haste, I had one with Air (I was trying to get him Maelstrom) but he died. well, at least I'm having fun, Chalid is awesome!

I think this should be in the other topic, but whatever :p
So "b" didn't fix the missing/broken texts in this scenario?

I think I'll wait that's done before giving it a new try - I play the scenarios primarily for their story, and there's no point in playing if don't get that. :/

I need more specifics than this, the defeated text messages that were broken before are fixed for me. What arent you seeing?
I need more specifics than this, the defeated text messages that were broken before are fixed for me. What arent you seeing?

Those are the ones I was referring to (haven't played the scenario with the latest patch yet - that's why I was asking, to find out if they were fixed yet). I got the impression that they wouldn't be from this message:

Ok, i slogged my way through every civ on the map except Beeri. Something comes up saying "TEXT_KEY_BEERI_OFFER or near that anyway. I click the yes option and suddenly I'm at war with Perp and peace with Beeri.

But I don't know what patch he was using - if everything is fixed, then thanks, great - I'll go play!
I picked the first option (with just the txt_key) last night (patch d I believe), and nothing happened.

I don't know if it's supposed to be that way, but a Civ is not destroyed if an item remains. I killed everyone in the scenario but Beeri Bawl was still there (and when I capture his last city the message that the Khazad/Luchuirp were destroyed appeared). I found a Scorched Staff that was left behind, and it happened to me once in a game. I lost my city but a healing salve was my only unit there, I could delete it from the WB, but in-game I had nothing to do, it can't move and I can't delete it (AFAIK).

it took me 450+ turns to finish it, but it was a fun game in Noble :P

And I scorched a lot of tiles without penalties.

And having permanent open borders is very funny. I mean, I leave my stacks in the cities gates and they don't even imagine what I'm waiting for :p
I really liked this with the new map, good times. Thanks so much for making good use of feedback!

Spoiler :
I finished on patch C and as it was just me and Beeri left, I got some kind of TEXT message about YES or NO to an offer which was buggy. My best guess was it was going to involve "don't kill me, let's team up vs. Perp", so I picked NO, and continued thrashing him. Maybe had I played at "D", it would've been a clearer set of options *shrugs*
I just finished playing and since I got the lead pretty early, every day was "Take on the Pirate" day, which make the Perpentarch seem not really crazy at all.

The mandatory mutation was fun and if would be nice to make it into a standard game option, although Chaos II suffers for it.

I also wonder if the complete lack of Reagents and Mithril are intentional, or was I just unlucky. I either case, I think that made the endgame drag out more than necessary.

To combat the late game boredom, I suggest making the remainder of a civ turn barbarian when their capital is captured.
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