The Momus feedback

I think you should just have victory tokens. You need 4 victory tokens, each capital you capture gives you one.

Might make it wrap up a bit faster.
I am experiencing the problems loading scenarios - sometimes it works sometimes it does not. None of the following seems to have any influence on whether it works or not:
Loading a Scenario from turn 1 of a new duel size Erebus game, Loading a Scenario from turn 2 of a new duel size Erebus game, Loading a scenario from within another scenario. Sometimes it works sometimes it crashes.

Now I got a different CTD when starting this scenario - it even comes with a python exception :)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvWBInterface", line 47, in applyInitialItems

File "CvWBDesc", line 1818, in applyInitialItems

File "CvWBDesc", line 1151, in applyUnits

File "CvWBDesc", line 688, in apply

RuntimeError: unidentifiable C++ exception
ERR: Python function applyInitialItems failed, module CvWBInterface
well... if you're finding it too tough to follow perp's orders and only attack the chosen target, CoE's your friend~ Being able to weaken strong neighbours irregardless of Perp's decision helps a lot, while building up an army on his border waiting for one to kill him or a simple FFA.
Ah, finally, this game I got lucky, and had everyone attack each other, and then everyone on me, so I used the opportunity to steamroll the Hippus hella early. Now for the Infernals and I should be able to win.

So if Hippus and Infernals are taken out early, then it really should be mopping up.
Holy shit the infernals in this game have Pass into the Nether, I just finished Fanaticism, and I notice they took a city far back beyond my lines. I take it back with Saverous and a Cultist, and I notice they had an Obsideon Gate, and were porting in troops.

They're like half way down the scores too. :/
Ah, finally, this game I got lucky, and had everyone attack each other, and then everyone on me, so I used the opportunity to steamroll the Hippus hella early. Now for the Infernals and I should be able to win.

So if Hippus and Infernals are taken out early, then it really should be mopping up.

I did the same. My stack of swordsmen and catapults was 1 turn from razing Dis when Perp decided to declare peace and war with the stupid light blue girl on the other side of the map.
A lot of fun, but I agree that there needs to be a small number of victory tokens, or something to speed the match up.
Another random unwinnable game, or at least, not reasonably winnable. I was at war with every civ for the entire 60ish turns that I played. Built almost exclusively military (After a couple work boats) and just couldn't match the opponents military might.
Playing on Emperor: [the Menagerie was so easy I thought this one wont be much harder, it was the second scenario after all o.0]

I was crushed by stacks of stacks of doom. One AI got lucky and managed to grab someones cities early on. He then grew to 3k points [turn ~350] while others [me too] were at 1k mark. Had beastmasters backed up with prety high level longbowmen. Had a golden hammer on my beastmaster and rod of winds [with 4 air mana sources!!!] - that did not help. Was a fine game but not winnable :)

Started again on lower difficulty but apparently still to high. Without save/load I wouldnt stand a chance [with I never do :( here goes my moral spine] Now I have Chalid, 3 sources of mana, 3 uber promoted druids and bestmasters and I have killed one opponent [revenge is sweat, it was that infernal that killed me last time :D] Why do I have to wait till Perp declares another war? Little bit frustrating.

- I like the chaos theme
- the poems are great, I want more

- is it me or is this map very low on health resources?
- the map is too big there fore the game has to go to T4 even if you have a big advantage
- after you kill the one that is being dogpilled Perp should immediately declare another war
- units beeing mutated again when upgraded
- heroes mutaded

- the player should know the location of every capital
- make the map smaller
- there is no sense in this maddnes and we all know there should be one behind it, for example: building a carnival/theater should be rewarded by Perp in some way [a unit, if you are beeing dogpilled by every one then shift the dogpile to the other civ{dancing and throwing out festivities in the face of destruction should please the great clown}], after defeating a player/surviving a dogpile receive a golden age for 5 turns, etc, even give a way to manipulate Perp a little
- I like very much that proposal mentioned above were you have one opponent to hunt and one is hunting you, is it doable with civilisation engine?

Hmm, now I have to try the coastal fortress tacticks. This might actually work.
Then I got a settler with Blitz/Strong/Cannibalize/Heroic Offense! My settler is a 2/1 killing machine!

That's not fair! My settler had weak and withered:mad:.
Are you sure of this? This sounds like it might just be coincidence.

From what I am seeing, Perpy seems to have three states.... everybody fight everybody..... everybody dogpile the player with the highest score..... everybody dogpile the player with the lowest score?

With that in mind.... I always plan to be attacked by anyone and everyone since I usually have the high score.... lots of longbowmen and 2nd tier clerics for defense..... while creating cats and boarding parties to accompany my heroes to defeat those around me.....

Still a slog-fest... not really my cup of tea... I'm a builder, but have built little non-military in tis game. :p

I'll get through it though.... somehow!! :lol:
Note: Kael has announced in the Bug thread that patch "b" will include a new version of this scenario with a smaller map.
Something that worked well for me: I founded Empyrean. Those radiant guards can pretty much halt those stacks of doom in their tracks. And running the Conquest civic helps a lot.

So, I have Chalid casting loyalty when necessary. And have a stack with a couple archers, Chalid, Guybrush, a Radient Guard, a Priest and a swordsman who visit each stack of doom as it arrives, and kills it over many turns, while radiant guards in other cities just cast blinding light over and over.

Actually, I only recently built Chalid, and he makes it easier. He auto-castes crown of brilliance every turn, and still can caste one additional time each turn. After that, even the priest and archers can join the fight. I am on turn 259, and I think so far I have only lost one Radiant Guard. I only have 5 cities + 1 captured one, and have been mostly been playing defense. Which I guess is not really the point of this scenario. :)

Btw, it is important to make your first city in the starting location, build a port, and run Conquest. If you have money, you can upgrade to boarding parties in your capital, if you wan to do that. So far, swordsman + radiant guards are working.

Oh, and I do not have any earth mana, but I think I have had 3 mines find resources so far. Seems more than usual. I found 1 iron, and 2 copper. (I already had planted cities near those resources, so I didn't need them, but they do help with building things)

Lastly, I have a worker with the weak promotion, who has a strength of -1. Shouldn't strength be a minimum of 0?
Not a lot of fun to have Lanun on a land-only map, but I will have to try it again, maybe taking some thematically not-too-Lanunlike tactics to heart. I ended up terraforming the crappy coastal desert into plains, and going FoL to forest up all those plains, in the hopes of getting a rare treant defender for the horrible doom stacks, and also went Guardian of Nature in order to get lots of happiness from the forests and whatnot, since trading for luxuries in a wild wars scenario just wasn't going to happen. GoN at least lets you build super large cities with good health and happiness, which makes them half decent production centres as well.

I will probably try that again, currently I'm turtled with an "everyone attack the Lanun" type of scene going on, seeing the number of cities out there, I'm just not thinking it'll be my cup of tea to grind through all those cities, one at a time. Need to start crushing cities earlier next time (probably just razing, as opposed to defending nonstrategic spots, who cares with no AC anyhow?)
Oh, and I do not have any earth mana, but I think I have had 3 mines find resources so far. Seems more than usual. I found 1 iron, and 2 copper. (I already had planted cities near those resources, so I didn't need them, but they do help with building things)

Same here. Probably the laws of probability around Perp are also disturbed. That is why I got 3(!!!) acolites from a dungeon before their religion was founded [in two games on emperor and warlord level just to see the starting location {the resources are random btw}]
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