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The next expansion


Jun 9, 2003
Already waiting for the next expansion. Hopefully some of the of the changes from the better mods will be incorprated. Maybe I should have posted a poll asking what Civs, Units or Scenarios will be in the next expansion mod? Can't beleive they didn't do a Napoleonic or Age of Discovery mods.
civ3's was kind of weak to me (age of discovery), but yeah, if they can somehow make a nice one, it would definitely be fun. personally, i want a feudal japan scenario!.
maybe great admirals or more naval UU's. Another good change would be leader specific UU's
I prefer a new patch first that fixes the inadequacies of the AI before they move on to the next expansion.

I'll buy Civ 5 if that's Firaxis next planned release, as long as they fix the AI first.
I think improved naval action would be most welcome in the next expansion. Perhaps if there were specific trade routes across the seas that had to be protected would be a start?
I also would suggest some sort of focus on the modern age, whether that be scenarios featuring modern nations and situations or simply improving gameplay in the modern era.
Oh, can't forget this either: Mayans, Babylonians, Iroquious, Sumerians, Hittites, Portuguese, Dutch.... I'd mention my own country but I'm sick of the same old arguements :)
Now that religions are in the game, it would be great if the Televangelist from Call to Power made an appearance in the modern era (reflecting, perhaps, the influence that mass media has had on the dissemination of religion, e.g. the Christian Broadcasting networks, 'trendy' Buddhism in Hollywood, Islamic networks in the Middle East..etc..)

"Open your wallets to Salvation!!" *waves hands in the air*

It would also be interesting if there was someway of fitting propaganda into the game, perhaps by constructing a propaganda centre in the modern era and then tasking a city to 'build' a propaganda campaign which is then directed at a particular city, causing that city's cultural influence to decrease/unhappiness..
propoganda is cool,
id like to see arms sales, also being able to build your vassel's unique unit and trade routes which you have to protect or can sabotage.
i doubt any of this will be in an expansion,
more likely to be civ V
here's hoping!
It would also be interesting if there was someway of fitting propaganda into the game, perhaps by constructing a propaganda centre in the modern era and then tasking a city to 'build' a propaganda campaign which is then directed at a particular city, causing that city's cultural influence to decrease/unhappiness..

This is a great idea, but i also think improved naval play is a must, including things such as nuclear powered carriers, ballistic missiles, which they had in civ3 launched from a sub. not the nuke ones though. current nukes are good enough. And add a great admiral similar to that of the great general, but with different seafaring options, like create fleet which could be used to attack as one unit or something.
I say add in a barbarian civ.. or the option to live a nomadic lifestyle with a camp type unit that can become a city evantually.. or better yet be able to create a mobile camp.. that lasts say 20 turns and can produce units.
i want to see (although impossible) devshirme system for the ottomaN jannissary units..once you learn the required technology you can build yeniçeri ocağı( jannisary guild) and create expensive jannisaries.but these expensive jannisaries have a %30 chance of capture and enslave the defeated enemy and you have to escort the captured unit to jannisary guild and wait for almost half of original time to turn this unit to jannissary..it would be fun. maybe this may sound like a mod.
but you can think many different,unique gameplay for all civs..
i whould like 3uus and for every civ to have 4 leaders and more eras.how about them fixing the boring begining game(4000bc-100ad)
i whould like 3uus and for every civ to have 4 leaders and more eras.how about them fixing the boring begining game(4000bc-100ad)

I like the initial era when you are doing peaceful exploration and settling, building up the fundaments of your own civilization and trying to ensure as much territory as possible without going broke.

I prefer a new patch first that fixes the inadequacies of the AI before they move on to the next expansion.

I'll buy Civ 5 if that's Firaxis next planned release, as long as they fix the AI first.

It is already available in a beta test version.

It is called "Blakes AI".

Also I believe there will be another expansion, before Civ5 is even considered.
Well, assuming I get it finished in time, I would really love it if they included my 'Ideology Mod' in the next expansion-something to really jazz up the Industrial and Modern ages once everyone has switched to Free Religion ;).
First things first, though, as I said-need to get the thing finished first ;) :mischief:.

Oh and btw, Great Generals can already be attached to naval units-so there is your great admiral. What they really need to do though his have a naval equivalent of a barracks/stable, so that pre-medieval units can gain automatic promotions. Oh and TheLopez's naval promotions system would also make a fine addition to the game.

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