[C3C] The Nine Conquests

Well done on that Mesoamerica finish! The Maya may have prevented an attempt from winning peacefully, even if you hadn't decided to fight the Olmecs, but it added some nice dramatic effect to the story. Sneaky of them, sending just one Javelin Thrower back towards their homeland like that.
Great ending to Mesoamerica, fantastic Warrior defense! I was 100% sure you were going to lose that city. Have you decided on a nation for Age of Discovery? I assume the New World civilizations are out of the question on Deity:crazyeye:
Besides the C3C epic game, I made a German translation of the Conquests and a massive graphical improvement by using the specific Civ 3 units and graphics for leaders, buildings and so on and by correcting the partly historical nonsense in the Firaxis texts. The settings of the Conquests were not changed (with the one exception, that in the WW 2 in the Pacific Conquest B-29 bombers are not allowed to start from aircraft carriers) and all can be run with the English Civ 3 Complete.

I especially like the new look of the Sengoku Conquest with the buildings of ShiroKobbure. Even for civers who are not understanding the German language, it can be interesting to have a look at the pictures of the used units, leaderheads and buildings of those graphically improved conquests. You can find them here and in the following posts.
I'm only seeing download links for the Napoleonic :confused:
My main failure (as always!) was that I would tend to build up and cross the Channel too cautiously/ too late. Also, because of the Celts' starting position, it often takes a long time to contact the eastern Barbarian-Civs, so I usually also forgot to get anyone to fight extended campaigns against Eastern Rome, so they would usually win on VPs.

The main problem with this Scenario is that the Civ3-AI tries to play as if it was a normal epic-game: the large amount of colonisable space tempts them into racing to fill up the map with Cxx(x)xC'd towns, which, combined with the large swathes of Hills and Forests (and their perennial disinclination to build enough Workers!), means that they aren't able to grow/defend a lot of those towns effectively, leaving them very vulnerable to the city-elimination mechanic, which they don't "understand".

Arguably, all you have to do to beat half of them is to station stacks of 2-3 (fast) units around your borders to watch out for passing AI Settler-pairs, follow them until they found a town, and then (declare war and) capture it...
AFAIK, losing towns to flips doesn't count towards the elimination-limit, only losing them to conquest does
While reading this again, a thought suddenly struck me for an exploit that might work well (or at least could be used to solve your problem with East Rome):
  1. Get 8 crap towns ready somewhere
  2. Position a unit next to each town
  3. Gift those 8 towns to East Rome (will of course work the same with West Rome, or any other nation, but I assume we want to take out at least one enemy the "real" way...)
  4. Declare war and re-capture these 8 towns. ---> Poof, superpower eliminated instantly...
This of course assumes that gifted towns don't count towards your own elimination-limit. But if flipped towns don't count, then gifted towns will probably neither. This can easily be tested.
If this works, it is of course a very very cheap exploit for instant victory... All you need is a little space where you can found 8 towns, and contact to East and West Rome, so you can gift them those towns...

Edit: ok, scrap that... I just tested: towns are not tradable / giftable in the Fall of Rome scenario...
(And of course I forgot choxorn's test which confirmed that flipped towns indeed do count for the elimination-limit... :blush: )
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I wouldn't be surprised if gifted towns count towards elimination anyway if you could trade them
Okay, I tried making a custom scenario to test and it looks like checking elimination as an option just disables city trading.
You deserve a break after that emphatic victory. I honestly never realised that cities can overlap on the treasure resources to produce more than 1 from the same resource.
I'm only seeing download links for the Napoleonic :confused:
Oz, sorry for the delay in the answer, but I have noticed your post only today.

The download link for the German version, including all updated Conquests graphics is on page 1 of that thread. The small additional download at the end of that thread is only a fix for the Napoleonic Conquest.

The part for Sengoku, especially the new building graphics are starting here: https://www.civforum.de/showthread....ie-Conquests&p=8923672&viewfull=1#post8923672
However, as I learned in one of the PBEMs, despite having hidden nationality, it is not possible to assassinate a rival Daimyo, without first declaring war?! (Must be a bug in the game.)
If the Daimyo is in a city, you can't attack him since human players can't attack cities without declaring wars, but if the Daimyo is out in the open, you should be able to assassinate him just fine without declaring war. Or at least that's how it should work, I don't have any experience in PBEMs to know if the game's different to a normal single-player game of Civ3, though I did test the assassinations with the MP version of the Sengoku scenario.
To the best of my knowledge the AI never moves their King units from the place they start in.
At least in Sengoku, no, it never ever does move King units.
It does move units marked as King in games where Regicide is not a victory condition.
I could be wrong but I believe the AI does actually upgrade their Daimyo units, despite never moving them out of the capital. I must confess I have used the Daimyo offensively many times, especially when I was younger and played on easier difficulties, but obviously this caused too many defeats to remember😅
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