The Radiant Guard feedback

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When Capria asks you to capture a city, the game should show you where this city is so it's less of a hassle to do the task.
I really think that Capria's reinforcements aren't substantial enough. I think she should send you a few Confessors and Crusaders instead of Champions. Her Confessors would be the only way you could heal yourself of the Withered promotion from all those Wraiths.
I really think that Capria's reinforcements aren't substantial enough. I think she should send you a few Confessors and Crusaders instead of Champions. Her Confessors would be the only way you could heal yourself of the Withered promotion from all those Wraiths.

I agree; the reward just isn't worth it.

Also, I was getting a marked performance drop on the Infernal turns due to the sheer number of units on screen.
I really think that Capria's reinforcements aren't substantial enough. I think she should send you a few Confessors and Crusaders instead of Champions. Her Confessors would be the only way you could heal yourself of the Withered promotion from all those Wraiths.

Thats a good point, Im boosting them a bit in patch "d".
This just wasn't a very fun scenario. You get your 100 units killed in only about 30 turns, and then afterward it's this very unguided process to 'win' it all. I mean, the enemies that are summoned are much stronger than your units are, and come in large groups. Bastradem looks like it's just broken. Why on earth should strength 12 demons spawn there? Pushing forward to capture a city is already a fair bit of a challenge without random unknowable changes to the game.

Lastly, the game doesn't end when you defeat 100 demons... very frustrating the first time I played through because around 90 or so, I stopped being meticulous in my unit management. Only to find out that an even more impossible challenge lay after the 100 were up.

I would suggest giving the Lanun some Angelic reserves once they defeat the 100th guy. Or maybe give them a 'surge of inspiration' and give all their units 10 xp. Something to help them heal up and reconnoiter.
Can't basium build his own units? I just stacked all my units up, killing every infernal i see an go like, "this is easy" but i lost
Killed Hyborem on the next turn in this save here but it doesnt unlock the next scenario. What gives?

edit: Oh wait patch e happend. all good now. :p


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went well, put units in the entries ( used wb to find them, naughty me) took guybrush and all the mages/ archmages on the queen of the line and moved it + arcane barge to bastradam and sacked it pretty well with my heap of fireballs. Got some champions and a confessor (awesome heal + blessings) took everyone back and defend. After 100 kills i went for basium to get my stack killed in two turns, reloaded and continued the war against hyborem and got him pretty fast.
Played this on Patch D, lost to Hyborem but kept playing and a few turns later killed Hyborem and got the victory condition, and unlocked the next scenerio. Should I be able to win even after I already lost?
Tried it out a bit, found it stupidly hard. Checked worldbuilder to find good strategic spots to place my defence in, and realized that the whole map was stupid. After several playthroughs, all i needed to do was to add one archmage with fire and mind at level three, and then the map was completely doable. Pretty hard, but doable.

Tips: Add one more archmage, get rid of the stupid Ira spawn. One Ira should be sufficient defence in a scenario as hard as this, you will just encourage exploiting by putting a ship of the line on the spawn spot (it almost seems like this was intended).

The Lanun campaign is the most pleasurable so far, storywise, but their missions might be the hardest. The meta-story with the empyrean knight was very enjoyable, thank you for not screwing up! :love:
I was so sure that
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the knight's family was going to be slain. It was nice to get some optimism in this game, especially after
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the Ljos ending in Splintered Court
This just wasn't a very fun scenario. You get your 100 units killed in only about 30 turns, and then afterward it's this very unguided process to 'win' it all. I mean, the enemies that are summoned are much stronger than your units are, and come in large groups. Bastradem looks like it's just broken. Why on earth should strength 12 demons spawn there? Pushing forward to capture a city is already a fair bit of a challenge without random unknowable changes to the game.

Lastly, the game doesn't end when you defeat 100 demons... very frustrating the first time I played through because around 90 or so, I stopped being meticulous in my unit management. Only to find out that an even more impossible challenge lay after the 100 were up.

While I agree that "Defeat Hyborem" is far to vague when you didn't know that the infernals even had cities besides bastradam, this scenario, while frightening, is in reality quite easy (on noble). Just form a defensive line, anti-greek style with strong units in the middle because the enemy comes in disorganized waves. Spread the mages out and have them use floating eye and then move to maelstrom the crap out of incoming stacks. Level up your weaker units on these damaged ones. Your archmage can take out strong units and defend himself with Earth Elementals, and get Air three and spell extension to snipe small units from afar with Air Elementals. Use host of enheijhar to your advantage.

Take two of your mages and Guybrush (get him CR3 asap) and a swordsman to bastradam on the fleet. All that maelstrom and fireballs makes that city an easy target for city raiders. If your raiders are attacked, fall back to the fleet. Be careful not to give defenders xp fodder in the form of fireballs.

The bannor - guybrush team can then move east and inward to eliminate that wraith - spawning lichs. I didn't know they existed yet when I played, but you may be able to take the rest of Hyborems cities (besides Dis?) at this point, if you can avoid the Ira lakes.

Once 100 enemies are Dead, Basium can fend your himself. Group all your units together, avoid manticores etc. Use stand off tactics with Ira stacks (use eye to spot them) and water elementals/your stoneskined arhmage should suffice in killing them once reduced with maelstrom.

You're units are without courage, but eventually, one'll get Hyborem. It was an Earth Elemental for me.

NOTE TO DESIGNER - please put the end of game message on a timer so we can watch Hyborem die.
I second the suggestion to give you visibility to Bourne from the beginning. I found it after a bit of scouting with Floating Eyes, but especially novice players may not come up with that, and it was pretty disorienting to try to arrange your defences before you even knew what direction you should be defending.


On the first try: I managed fine in the beginning, but soon the enemies started slipping past my lines and I had to break ranks in order to stop them. This was made worse by the fact that somehow I forgot that the Wraiths are summons, and so I sent my mages to a desperate rush after them... forgetting that most of them would have vanished before reaching Bourne anyway. I managed to rack up the 100 kills, but after that the rest of my main force collapsed, wiped out by those Beasts of Agares and whatnot.

At the same time, a crack team consisting of the archmage, Guybrush and a single Radiant Guard had reached Bastradam. Thankfully, by placing my units appropriately, the Balors spawning in the city just ignored them and rushed towards Bourne while I kept bombarding the actual defenders with fireballs and elementals. I managed to destroy the city, then took the reinforcements I got and went looking for other Infernal cities. By the time I reached the second city, most of the team had been wiped out, leaving only Guybrush, the Archmage and a single Confessor left. Then I spent quite many turns bombarding the city with a Fire Elemental, slowly wittling away the defenders and the units that kept spawning there.

I finally managed to take it down, but lost Guybrush in the process. Before I could move on to the next city, I got a message saying that Hyborem had won a conquest victory, so I suppose he had broken through Basium's defences. A pity, it would have been an epic story had I succeeded.
I was so sure that
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the knight's family was going to be slain. It was nice to get some optimism in this game, especially after
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the Ljos ending in Splintered Court

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This is probably more about the themes of Erebus than people really care about but Mikel was only allowed his happy ending because he had been willing to sacrifice his family for the safety of Bourne. It was that dirt, especially cast against his history in the Sheaim (so we know he understood what he was risking) and his own shortcomings, that made it possible to have the victory. Had he have been a perfect hero archetype the laws of Erebus wouldn't have allowed it and it would have felt out of place in this world.

Plus, should you opt to turn on Basium in the scenario things turn out much worse for Mikel.
I found this scenario to be very easy. Stacking the mages and casting Maelstrom 2 times every turn as waves of enemies approach almost seems like an exploit. The Archebus defended the stack well against the weakened deamons. I used the Archmage to cast Air Elemental every turn to get a free kill.

I killed the 100 units by about turn 30. I agree that the reenforcements provided by Capria are a bit weak. Perhaps have the champions start with Deamon Slaying or some other nice bonuses would make them more useful. They were added to my stack, but all they did is shorten the conclusion by one turn by killing one warrior each in the city in the southeast.

When I attacked Hyborem the scenario just ended. I was able to read the end game text, but I was not actually able to complete the game. Text at the bottom of the screen read "Falamar wins a Conquest Victory" but the popup for end game or play one more turn never came up. At first I thought the game had frozen because I could not hit escape to pull up the menu. I was worried that the trophy may not have been awarded and tried to click the trophy scren to check and it too was unfunctional. Fortunately, the menu button in the upper right worked and I was able to exit to the main menu. Starting another game to check revealed that the trophy had been awarded and the next scenario unlocked despite the strange behavior at the victory.
I found this scenario to be very easy. Stacking the mages and casting Maelstrom 2 times every turn as waves of enemies approach almost seems like an exploit. The Archebus defended the stack well against the weakened deamons. <...>

did you put your defenders all in a single stack?

i did not have the experience that the Arqubus defended the stack well; the weakened demons beeline for Bourne rather than attacking the stack; and i felt like we don't have enough firepower to pick them off :(

glad to read that some others are having a better experience though
I had my forces split into two stacks. The stack in the north took the brunt of the action. I kept my units stacked so that the Maelstrom spell would only weaken the enemies. All of my caster had Air II. After that they all got combat promos until they reached Combat V. The toughest part was taking the city for Capria. I lost both of my Boarding Parties who were promoted by earlier fighting and got the lackluster Champions in return. I would recommend not taking the city for is a waste of time.
Good scenario, seems well balanced and easy enough on Monarch even on the first play-through if you know how to funnel the AI. (I didn't use Maelstrom at all until well after the 100 were dead - my strategy required only one gap in the defensive line so it was fireballs and the water elemental for me)

The wraiths rushing Bourne were disconcerting. When one slipped through with several turns of life left I assumed I had lost, not sure why I didn't (does Bourne have defenders? are summons prevented from attacking the city?)

I like the Capria side-quest, aside from anything else it gives you a target and then roads to follow to finish off the scenario. The blessings and troop boost are handy.

I didn't like the fact that elemental/host summons seem to be the only way to defeat Hyborem because of the fear factor. Since you have a limited number of units to work with anyway the possibility of a final victory being denied to you because your mages didn't survive seems harsh. Perhaps an acolyte with spirit magic as part of the Capria award or some other work-around could be added?

Good scenario, enjoyed all the ones in this chain so far.
I find this one quite entertaining. Quite hard I must say. Taking city for Capria was good too (I managed to use only Guybrush, mage and Barques). The reward is sufficient now.

Benkyo said:
The wraiths rushing Bourne were disconcerting. When one slipped through with several turns of life left I assumed I had lost, not sure why I didn't (does Bourne have defenders? are summons prevented from attacking the city?)

When you lost units Mercurians have a chance to get an angel. This saved the day for me when one demon ranger slipped through.;) Also the wraiths are summons and disappear after few turns. (How is that, when from one wraith with summon time can spawn two more without summon time:confused:)

Altogether very good scenario and much more entertaining than Momus for me.:goodjob:

EDIT: Although ending was somewhat strange. As I delivered final blow the text appear and after that nothing had happend and I had to wait few seconds and click another unit to get victory table. Nothing big but...
How do you deal with Wraiths. They move so fast, they often attack before I can hit them with Maelstrom, they can take down fortified longbowman in forest, they scatter the stack after attack and there too many of them, to control them with air elemental. I was doing pretty well in last attempt, I divided my units in 3 stacks and was holding ground, until waves of wraiths started attacking south stack and destroyed it completely in 3 turns. And even if unit survives an attack, it's useless due to wither promotion, which I can't remove.
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