The SCENARIO LEAGUE information thread


SLeague Staff
May 9, 2005


1) Contents and Introduction
2) News
3) Current projects
4) Recently completed / released projects
5) Essential Threads
6) Useful threads
7) Links to related sites
8) Links to resources
9) Links to scenario archives
10) A guide to starting scenarios


Welcome to the Civilization 2 Scenario League. This forum is home to Civ2 scenario designers, playtesters, graphics artists and enthusiasts. The emphasis is on user created scenarios so if you enjoy designing or playing scenarios then you are in the right place!

As you will see in the 'Current Projects' there are a lot of scenarios under development. If you want to try out any of the scenarios made by the members here or by past masters please check the 'Links to related sites' section or 'Links to scenario archives' section. Our own Scenario League site has some of the best and most recent scenarios but there are plenty of other great works out there!

If you are new to Civ2 and need advice on how to get anything to work please read the 'A guide to starting scenarios' section (post #9) or start a new thread about your issue and the members here will be happy to help. We hope you enjoy visiting the Scenario League :)

After our move to CFC from Apolyton our SL Wiki site is still being rebuilt. If you want to help rebuild it (it is really quite easy!) please let us know in the SL Wiki Upload List thread which lists the pages that still need building.
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16th March 2013 - Petit releases a collection of ToT conversuons / mods in the Modified Scenarios Workshop thread (post #79).
They include: The Peloponnesian War, Struggle for Empire, The Seven Years War, The Spanish-American War: The Carribean, Crises of the New World Order, 2013: A Union Divided, Moria A Journey in the Dark and The Lord of the Rings by Harlan Thompson.

7th October 2012 - Nicheal releases Blood and Sieges

26th September 2012 - Techumseh releases TechMod

18th September 2012 - Skulb releases Space Mod for ToT

8th September 2012 - Tootall_2012 releases Battle of Iwo Jima 1945

18th August 2012 - Nicheal releases The Cruzan Colony (See post #12)

24th June 2012 - Metro Polis releases Star Trek Mod for ToT

12th February 2012 - tootall_2012 releases Battle of France 1944

3rd October 2011 - Nicheal releases The Silmarillion

12th September 2011 - Nikoagonistes (aka Ghost of Disco) releases Jan III Sobieski v.1.0 (See post #11)

14th August 2011 - Curtsibling releases American Kingdoms

24th June 2011 - Petit releases a collection of ToT conversuons / mods in the Modified Scenarios Workshop thread (post #53).
They include: Age of Crusades, In Nomine, Medium Aevum and Drole de Guerre

15th March 2011 - Nicheal releases The Lord of the Silver Skull

26th February 2011 - Petit releases a collection of ToT conversuons / mods in the Modified Scenarios Workshop thread (post #11).
They include: The Great War: Highway to Hell, How Few Remain, The War of Cuba and The Mongols: From Genghis to Kublai Khan

19th February 2011 - Curtsibling releases Battle of Zarklaw

16th February 2011 - Harry Tuttle re-releases Beach Assault

15th February 2011 - keu releases a modified ToT version of Michael Daumen's Moscow - The Third Rome (post #17)

13th February 2011 - John Petroski releases Germanicus on the Rhine

12th February 2011 - Petit releases a collection of ToT conversuons / mods in the Modified Scenarios Workshop thread (post #7).
They include: The Age of Crusades, The Anglo-Boer War, Bonaparte II, Congo!, First Strike, The Lord of the Rings IV, The Russian Revolution and Yugoslavia: Suicide of a European Nation.

12th February 2011 - Custsibling re-releases Kingdoms of Steel

11th February 2011 - Petit releases a collection of ToT conversions / mods in the Modified Scenarios Workshop thread (post#3).
They include: The Italian Wars, Historibus Europae, Hannibal's War, Gold Gulch, Struggle for Empire, Colonialism II, Carolus Invictissimus, The American Civil War and the Thirty Years War.

11th February 2011 - Keu releases a modified ToT version of Micheal Daumen's The Great Game

9th February 2011 - civ2units releases American War of Independence

4th February 2011 - Curtsibling re-releases Soviet Steel for MGE

3rd February 2011 - Curtsibling re-releases Bitterfrost for MGE

29th January 2011 - Curtsibling re-releases Kaiser

28th January 2011 - Curtsibling releases Dalek Tyranny

27th January 2011 - Curtsibling releases Dictator - The Eurasian Wars and Extermination!

24th January 2011 - After move to CFC the first new thread is posted at the Scenario League


Genius launcher by Elys. Allows almost unlimited units, turns, money etc...


Tanelorn's Civ2 unit modelling thread

Ancient/Pre-Steam Unit Graphics

Industrial Unit Graphics

WWII Unit Graphics

Modern Unit Graphics

The City Graphic Thread

The Terrain Graphic Thread

The Icon Graphic Thread

Unit Request Thread

Animated Units for Civ2 ToT


The official "looking for scenario"-thread!

Need to track down an old classic, post here and someone is bound to have it tucked away in a folder somewhere!

Modified Scenarios Workshop

The thread to discuss modifications ranging from graphic mods of old MGE scenarios through to full ToT conversions.


Codehappy made this backup of the Apolyton archives before they were lost. Good work!

Archive of Ancient Civilization

The Civilization 2 Scenario League at Apolyton

The Scenario League Site
Home to the Scenario Leagues scenarios and resources.

Civilization Fanatics Centre
The other major Civ2 scenario creation forum on the internet.

We Play Civ
A new Civilization site with a small but active Civ2 forum.

The Cradle of Civilization
This fertile valley is home to Civilization Test of Time. Loads of great resources, a real goldmine!

Civ2 Group on Facebook
Our very own Scenario League group on Facebook.

Civilization Webring Forum
A German language Civilization Forum.

Civ2 - Multiplayer at the Civilization Forum
One of the last bastions of CivII multiplayer. My own personal recommendation!

Catfish's Cave
Resources for Civilization 2: Test of Time as well as his epic War of the Rings scenario.

Tecumseh's village
Home to our very own Tec(h)umseh's ToT scenarios as well as several classic scenarios by other designers converted to ToT.

Mercator's Civilization 2 Site
Need a Utility for Civ2? Look no further than Mr Vermeiren's treasure trove!

The Spanish Civilization Site
Available in Spanish and English. Home to a fine collection of scenarios.

Carl's Scenarios for Civilization II
Five of Carl Fritz's own scenarios (all very good) and three very useful utilities (Civ Tweak, Civ City and Civ Hot).

Civilization Gaming Network

Prometeus' Classic Civilization Home Page

Sacrificial Blood 2.1: Rise of the High Native Empires
A Civilization II Multiplayer Gold Modpack created by Shay Yates Roberts.

The Swedish Civilization II Site

BeBro's Civ2000 Site

C-evo Empire Building Game

Free Civ

1) Make sure the scenario you wish to download is compatible with your version of Civilization. For example a scenario designed for Test of Time will not work if you only have Multiplayer Gold Edition and vices versus. You may also need to add a patch. If you are not sure look for a 'Read Me' text file in the scenario folder. This should state the version needed.

2) Unzip the downloaded scenario and put the folder into your Civ2 folder. I normally create a new folders called Scenarios to keep them in order. You can play the scenario from your desktop if you wish but keeping them somewhere in the Civ2 folder helps you keep track of things.

3) Make sure you check in the scenario folder for a notepad file called "Read Me" or "Players Notes". These documents may contain important information regarding the installation of the scenario as well as background info. Some scenarios come with a batch file that must be run before starting a game. The batch file normally re-names certain rules, events and graphics files automatically and you may need to repeat this at various points in the scenario. If you are running Windows XP or Vista you will need to download this:
Choice will allow XP and Vista to run the batch file.

If does not work for you then try CHOICE.exe which can be downloaded in this thread:

4) If you encounter any problems that you cannot resolve please feel free to ask for help in this forum. Enjoy your scenario!
Looks like I managed to sneak in and post the first thread to christen the Scenario League in its new home. Do I get a prize?

I will do some work on it to make sure the links are up to date, the images are transfered to CFC and there is nothing on there that breaches the rules of our new host (I can only think of one possible baddy!). I would also like to expand a few of the sections. If anyone has any good ideas please let me know and I can edit them into the posts!
You get massive thanks for putting this amazing thread together, sir! Bravo!

Though, one thing that springs to mind - I wonder if it is OK to link to Apolyton?

Probably no real problem from linking - Just being a bit paranoid! :)
I have to go through the links to ensure they are up to date. I also need to upload the images here (there aren't too many and they are mostly png files) as it seems wrong to expect Apolyton to keep hosting them for another site. I was told somewhere that if you link to an image on another site it take up some of their bandwidth (or whatever the correct term is), though I'm not sure how big a problem that is for larger sites like CFC and Apolyton.

There is a version of this thread in the Civ2 Scenario creation forum. I was wondering if it might be a good idea to remove its sticky status. I will only be updating and maintaining the one here. To have two versions on the same site seems like a waste. Its up to you. If you want to keep the shorter version let me know and I can copy and paste the relevent posts periodically to make sure it is up to date. I don't mind either way :)
The scenario league link for the Imperum Romanum redux is broken; it leads to the apolyton thread which has its attachments show up as corrupted/removed.

Got the files from Catfish's cave. Just thought you should know.
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