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The 'Teers 02: The Man in the Iron Mask


Deviant Mind
Feb 24, 2006
This SG is inspired by our win on Prince as Louis of France and Dumas’ The Man in the Iron Mask (obviously!), & the subsequent 1998 film of the same name.

From wikipedia:
There have been several movies entitled The Man in the Iron Mask, all based on the final section of the novel The Vicomte de Bragelonne by Alexandre Dumas, which was itself based on the 18th century legend of The Man in the Iron Mask. The plot involves D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers and an identical twin brother of King Louis XIV of France.
But in the 1998 version, the King is depicted very negatively while his twin brother is portrayed with considerable sympathy. So the plot to switch the two brothers is presented as an attempt to save France from a very bad king, by replacing him with the one man in France who has an equal claim.
In this game, we play as Napoleon, and imagine him to be the rightful ruler of France, the one that was locked up by the Pretender.

Leader: Napoleon of France.
Difficulty: Prince
Map: Lakes
Size: Standard
Opponents: 6 random
Victory Conditions: All Enabled*

* see variant rules

Variant Rules:

1. We start the game as the Pretender-King, and he is a weak monarch. This means that: 1) we must accede to every request made to us, regardless of the nature; 2) we may not start a war w/anyone; and 3) if attacked, we can raze, but not conquer, cities.

2. We NEED Musketeers and Gunpowder ASAP (no direct beelining required). [A slingshot is encouraged.]

3. Once our first Musketeers are built, the Pretender-King is overthrown, and the true ruler of France takes the throne…and he is PISSED. We must immediately declare war on any 3 opponents. We may not make peace until they are destroyed (see Optional Sub-quests).

4. Once Gunpowder is reached, we may research normally, except that we can not research Rifling until AFTER we have destroyed our first 3 opponents AND entered the Industrial Age.

5. Finally, although all victory conditions are enabled, France may win by Conquest ONLY.

OPTIONAL sub-quests: These quests are for the four musketeers of Dumas' novel. If we complete any of these, we are able to declare peace w/any one civ for up to 30 turns. If that Civ declares on us before the end of that time, any extra turns are lost.

a) Aramis prays a lot. To complete this quest, we must found Christianity.

b) Porthos loves wine. To complete this quest, we must control at least half of the world’s wine.

c) Athos is a silent brooder. To complete this quest, we must be the first to research Banking AND immediately revolt to Mercantilism (thus closing off any OB w/any civs we're friendly w/).

d) D'Artagnan fights. To complete this quest, we must be the first Civ to eliminate another.
Closed Roster, check in when you get the chance:

1. Pholkhero
2. Lobsterboy
3. JerichoHill
4. SpriteSODA
5. Frankcor
[6. SkunkDoctor, if desired by same]

I will roll up a start tonight, and post a pic...say, 7-8 hours hence.
Holy crap! :eek: I'll never keep that list of variant restrictions in my head! :lol:
Lobsterboy said:
Holy crap! :eek: I'll never keep that list of variant restrictions in my head! :lol:
Print it out!! :lol: SpriteSODA helped me refine some of them, and the ones regarding the actual musketeers are optional ;) Sprite also sent me some pics, but since i'm at work, i can't post them, so sorry :( but they WERE cool pics!

No variant rules for Athos or D'Artanian?

Seriously, Pholk, bee-lining to gunpowder might not pick up some needed techs. (does it go through Monarchy for Porthos' sake?) That restriction alone would make this tough enough. You guys really want all the other limitations, too?
I recently made a mod to the Musketeers cus they suck - gave them 12str. and 25% vs. Melee, but upped the cost with additional 20 hammers.
Should we use it? if we do, we might want to make this harder, though I checked it at a Quick/Tiny/Noble game and they are not overpowered methinks.

Oh and rex, its not a beeline, its "get there as soon as possible"
rex_tyranus said:
No variant rules for Athos or D'Artanian?
I'm working on them...those are the two optionals. Right now, my wiki says: Aztec ~

re: Gunpowder beeline: I'm going to set the research on the first turn, but i'm going to pick up some worker techs one the way as well. So, it's a modified beeline, of sorts.

@ Sprite: no mod. thnx, but not for this one. I want to demonstrate the power of teh musketeers :lol:

Pholk's had this plan for a while that all he needs are Musketeers and Knights and he'll be able to take over the world twice as fast. Musketeers' two movement points is an overlooked advantage and his hypothesis seems plausible at times.

Of course, you still don't have anything (other than ships) with two movement that can take down an 80% cultural defense.

This'll be fun to watch.
rex_tyranus said:

Pholk's had this plan for a while that all he needs are Musketeers and Knights and he'll be able to take over the world twice as fast. Musketeers' two movement points is an overlooked advantage and his hypothesis seems plausible at times.

Of course, you still don't have anything (other than ships) with two movement that can take down an 80% cultural defense..
Do i know you?? How do you know so much about me?? Hmmm....

but that is the plan . . . think nice Musketeer pairs roving the enemy lands, pillagging, along with some Knight/Cav pairs. They can choke up the enemy while we wait for the slow-goers to catch up. the goal is conquest so we won't need the improvements anymore.
Dont forget that when we raze a city, another nasty treatorious AI settles a new one there=\
We will need an array of settlers to settle near the borders of the conquered land so the others wont get their ass to the war zone. Caste system will play a good role cus we're not creative.
well, we are only forced to raze a city BEFORE the discovery of gunpowder, so it might not be too bad. if we give in enough, we may not fight at all before then.
If we're doing the lock, then let's give us a chance to do the Oracle Sling.

Your variants say that we can't go to war with anyone until the muskeeters arrive and have to give in to demands, but say NOTHING about demanding tribute from other nations, to piss them off so we can war against them. Surely and arrogant monarch would do that!

I assume Barbarian cities are fair game in this period though.

So, I would encourage us settling very quickly at a chokepoint, and while we have to accept open borders, cancel them the first chance we get. Let's have a military on hand to back up our demands for tribute. With such a strategy, I think we can knock out 1 civ BEFORE we get muskeeters.

(me checking in)
JerichoHill said:
Your variants say that we can't go to war with anyone until the muskeeters arrive and have to give in to demands, but say NOTHING about demanding tribute from other nations, to piss them off so we can war against them. Surely and arrogant monarch would do that!
Note rule #1. The Pretender-King is a weak monarch, and so would NOT be anything but obsequious and subservient to all other nations. Thus, he is a sh*tty-*ss king that needs to be removed. So, no demands until Gunpowder, and the production of Musketeers.

Barb cities CAN be conquered and KEPT, before Gunpowder.
I dont think so... up until the Musketeers libaretes our great king from is island jail we play as a weakling pretender and it doesnt make sense that we must give up to all demands but we can demand things from other people?

We can have alot of fun if we play a King who will "SAY THINGS VERY LOUDLY TO IMPRESS HIS SUBJECTS" aka demand tribute, but whimper, cower, and give-in when someone else asks something from him.

I feel the variant is going to be difficult enough, please let us have the ability to backdoor a war!
JerichoHill said:
We can have alot of fun if we play a King who will "SAY THINGS VERY LOUDLY TO IMPRESS HIS SUBJECTS" aka demand tribute, but whimper, cower, and give-in when someone else asks something from him.
okay, i can live w/that rationale. Some kings may be ornery cusses when their turns are up.

edit: i also changed the rules a bit.
SpriteSODA said:
lol they're only power is style=P

Honestly, to me they look like men in tights ;) :D . They are the most worthless UU - to hell with the 2 movement points. In comparison to Praetorians, Cossacks or Redcoats those little imps are just wasted hammers.


P.S.: I'm gonna lurk too - if only for seeing Queen pholk getting screwed with his panty-boys :D ;) .
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