The Third World War 1989

Congratulations, Lionic. Wish you all the best.

French paratrooper?

Not quite.

May I suggest to add an Arab desert Hind and Apache?

I have no models for either. Maybe an Iraqi Hind if I could find a suitable camo. But I don't ever want to touch that Apache again, except maybe to make a longbow version if someone really needs it.
I keep getting a "fatal error"-message. I think it has to do with the labels. Please allow me a stupid question. How do I know, if I have the steam version?
Did you buy the game on steam? Do you play through steam? If so, you have the steam version. If you play by disc, or on GOG, or something else, you don't.
I bought it from GOG, and the game works perfectly on my computer. I guess I have the disc version then. I took the file "labels-steam" out of your game folder and ran it again. Everything seemed to work nicely, until I clicked on civilipedia or a city. Then I got the "fatal error"-message.
Btw, I appreciate your response on this matter. You have put an immensely amount of work in your scenario, and I would love to play it. I will now remove all of my other mods and see, if they may be the reason.
OK, so you have the Gog version then. The steam-labels will have no effect one way or another on your game. It sounds like something is missing from either the scenario or from your civ 3 files. First off, make sure you don't have the "folder inside a folder" problem if you haven't already. In the 1989 folder it should have art, sound, and text folders. The Text folder should have a labels.txt file inside it.

There should be no reason at all to remove any other mods. Feel free to post some screenshots of the errors if you like. If I can't identify the problem, there's a lot of experienced players here who are very helpful. Worse case is to delete all the 1989 files on your computer and do a fresh download. Because I'm knee deep into making the updated version, I can't test out the version now since they are incompatible. So, hopefully we can either identify the issue or somebody here can assist.
On the previous page was posted a brief update on air units and I want to expound upon that. Air units are now going into their final form and are reaching the stage where they should soon be done. The goal of the air units overhaul for the new version of the game is the same as always: improve gameplay, reduce performance issues, and create a more historically accurate scenario. As stated previously, this is being done by adjusting hit points, unit values, technologies, and costs.

In early builds of the game, there was a misguided focus on trying to match the hit points and attack/defense values on the number of aircraft per squadron. This did not function well, first because the number of aircraft and pilots per squadron differ wildly, and second because it led to bad matchups in combat. The new system concentrates more on how the air units interact with one another and with anti-air defenses. First off are the air superiority fighters whose mission in life is to shoot down enemy planes. Their base hit points are 3 (5 at veteran and 6 at elite). At the top of the heap are the F-15 and Su-27, of course, which combine long range stand-off missile capability with great maneuverability, range, and speed. This category includes the MiG-29 and Mig-23, and also the F-16 which is a true multirole aircraft and certainly one of the deadliest things to fly in the last half century. MiG-29s and MiG-23MLDs now compete much better against Western aircraft. The MiG-29 is considered about on par with F-16A, and the MiG-23MLD stands halfway between the F-4s and F-16s, as historically it was something of a Generation 3.5. The AI strategies and missions are being fine-tuned. The F-15 in AI hands is always a defensive unit, although the offensive mission is available for players. German F-4Fs, by contrast, actually have their strategies set by historical precedence (JG-71 and JG-74 have an air defense mission, while JG-35 and JG-36 have the bombard strategy). F-4s in general fare worse against modern Russian fighters, but still pack a good bombard punch.

Next up are the interceptors and strike fighters, which have 4 HP at veteran and 5 HP at elite. On one hand we have pure interceptors like MiG-25. They will shred bombers while they are on interceptor missions, but come up short when facing air superiority fighters. Tornado F3s are now part of this category. Again, great at shooting down Soviet bombers, but if the front line creeps close enough for Su-27s to start probing Britain's air defenses it's going to be trouble. Interdictor/Strike aircraft fall into this category now, so that includes MiG-27, Su-24, Tornado, and F-111. Tornado especially is still a great bomber but nerfed in air-to-air. It still has a fighting chance to survive interception but will win with a bloody nose. Su-24 is close by, and F-111 is much poorer against aircraft but has a distinct advantage in range and payload. All these strike fighters have 3 RoF, and of course with blitz you can run 2 sorties a day...if you dare.

Attack aircraft and CAS bring up the rear. They have good defense (titanium bathtubs FTW) for protecting against anti-air but their hit points (3 @ veteran and 4 @ elite) means sayonara if you try bombing in contesting airspace. Su-25s and A-10s make up for this with their sizzling LETHAL LAND bombardment. Attack aircraft like alfajets and Su-17 meanwhile have to brave interception and anti-air missiles for the slight chance of hitting something with their puny racks of iron bombs.

Many strategic bombers have been removed. The B-52s remain, and again they have great bombard but poor defense and hit points. They're great when you have air supremacy. I might add in some Tu-22s. Most of the Soviet long range stuff is either at sea or gone now. B-1s are also gone, although you can get them through the tech tree. Historically, they had not been trained yet for conventional missions. Same goes for FB-111, which can be converted to a conventional mission (as they were in the 90s) to FB-111G with all-new Delta Strife graphics.

Mi-24s are still up in the air. Right now it's 3 HP, short range, low defense but a crushing 48 bombard with 2 RoF and LETHAL LAND that lets you Shturm the hell out of NATO tanks. Not sure yet, leave me alone.

As stated, transport aircraft and helicopters have been reduced. Paratroopers and air assault brigades now can airdrop on their own, but the clever player will load them on a transport, seize an airport, and then rebase them in so they can attack or fortify. Or if you're running Flintock, just airdrop and attack.

Did I mention new graphics? Thank your friendly neighborhood Delta Strife for the beautiful 80s green nose Flanker.

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Here is a short update on the game. The original goal was to have this done before Christmas, which would have coincided with previous releases that came out in December. The mod, however, is currently dead in the water and I am unable to get it working. It is having the old memory issues and won't even load at all. I've checked the new units and graphics that have been added, and they aren't the issue. Even previous builds of the mod don't work, and so likely it's the computer itself which is the problem. Drivers are updated, caches cleaned, and malware scans are done but my guess is that something is still draining memory and the game can't cope. It is especially surprising since the current build is significantly leaner and faster.

If anyone is interested in testing the current build, pm me and we can get that set up. It would at least confirm that the issue is or is not with the mod. I've spent that last couple weeks troubleshooting so more than likely I'm going to step away from modding and unit making for a minute. With luck we can get things back on track and maybe aim for March timeframe.

Here's my equivalent of posting puppy pictures at the end of a message.

M113 C&R.png
Centurion AVRE.png
M3 Bradley.png
The mod, however, is currently dead in the water and I am unable to get it working. It is having the old memory issues and won't even load at all. I've checked the new units and graphics that have been added, and they aren't the issue. Even previous builds of the mod don't work, and so likely it's the computer itself which is the problem. Drivers are updated, caches cleaned, and malware scans are done but my guess is that something is still draining memory and the game can't cope. It is especially surprising since the current build is significantly leaner and faster.
Munch-The Scream.jpg
If you are interested in play-testing the new version of 1989, PM me.

And by play-testing, I mean thankless, frustrating bug hunting and combing the biq for errors and fine tuning, like Lionic and me have been doing for years.

If you ain't interested, hang tight. It's coming.
If you are interested in play-testing the new version of 1989, PM me.

And by play-testing, I mean thankless, frustrating bug hunting and combing the biq for errors and fine tuning, like Lionic and me have been doing for years.

If you ain't interested, hang tight. It's coming.
I have a question for your scenario; who created the terrain graphic design, It looks absolutely awesome!
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