The Third World War 1989

Hello my game cannot save. Why do you think this is? I have Civ3 Conquests version.
The funny part is when I initially opened and started the scenario I was able to save just once.
But once I started to fiddle with the diplomatic negotiations, signing right of passage agreements the game went awry and cannot save any more. very annoying and disappointing.


  • cannot save bug.jpg
    cannot save bug.jpg
    457 KB · Views: 71
the game files are somehow too big and can't save at times . Am pretty sure this was reported at least once in the previous pages of this thread .
The game is too large and therefore unstable. Sometimes it works fine, but when it runs out of memory it won't save and it can't be fixed.

On the home stretch for the new version. Civilopedia updates, bug hunting, and maybe 3-5 units. Then it's ready. Much more reliable and faster build.
The game is too large and therefore unstable. Sometimes it works fine, but when it runs out of memory it won't save and it can't be fixed.

On the home stretch for the new version. Civilopedia updates, bug hunting, and maybe 3-5 units. Then it's ready. Much more reliable and faster build.


New version of the 1989 scenario is now online. There are two available links on the download page, one each for Mediafire and Mega. A third link to Moddb will follow at some point.

As there are too many updates to allow for a changelog, here is a list of the major changes in this version.
  • Speed and stability - the primary goals for this version. Just about every area where memory use could be saved was affected. Primarily, this means that the number of starting units has been severly cut down, with emphasis on reducing battalion-sized forces and reserves. A great number of reserve units are now represented by what you build after the scenario begins. The Guyanan conflict was removed, and the Caribbean States replaced by Syria. AAA guns for the most part were removed and the AA defense of appropriate line units increased in response. Neutral nations not in combat on day 1 have been trimmed. The result is a game that runs noticably better with shorter in-between turn times and fewer crashes.
  • Overhauled combat - While the map may look the same, every aspect of land, sea, and air warfare has been updated. Hit points, attack and defense values, and special abilities have all been tweaked with the combat calculator as reference. The result has been greater realism, improved combat, and more tactical choices for the player. Air defenses values are improved across the board, and artillery is more effective. Submarines now have stealth attack for greater lethality. Warfare hasn't gotten any prettier, and with the reduction in unit numbers, mistakes can have grievous consequences. Expect a more terrifying Soviet offensive.
  • Comprehensive tech tree and unit-building update - As mentioned in the thread, each nation has been individually updated to have a wider range of options in the tech tree. Military Alliances and Mutual Protection Pacts have been removed to stabilize the international game, but more build options mean you can drive through different eras or sub-branches to reach unique units or hedge your bets and do a little of each. Airborne, air assault, mountain, and marine infantry are available, as well as ships for naval powers and more import options. Although this build stretches the bounds of credibility in terms of nations raising new brigades in a matter of weeks, it makes for more balanced gameplay. And while the number of starting units is cut down, the number of unit types has been expanded with graphics from Delta Strife and gwendoline and a few new units as well. Higher prices across the board also reduce AI unit spam early on. But the map will get crowded late game for sure.
  • Improved economics, resources, and map - The new strategic resources are Automotives, Machinery, and Consumer Goods. Resources have been balanced, with many corresponding to their real world locations. This helps national trade to be more effective, especially among the Warsaw Pact, with appropriate surpluses and shortages. Individual city improvements have been updated for many cities. Certain areas of the map have been redrawn to be more accurate, including the Caucasus, northern Norway, Spain, the Carpathians, Russia, and of course Germany. The Alps are better organized to disallow movement if they stay neutral but still allow connections if they are invaded. There are plenty of regional tweaks from Syria to Jan Mayen, so watch out for how units flow differently. National forces are also more historically accurate as new information has become available the last few years, with changes to The U.S., East Germany, and Czechoslovakia.
  • Flintock capable, but not dependent - This was the balance I was trying to strike. CXE has allowed for Civ III miracles to be performed, but this incredible tool remains in development. The game is still capable of being run normally without CXE, but a large number of changes are now available. Chief among them is the use of "stealth bombardment", that is, the ability to choose targets for stealth attack when bombing or bombarding. This means counter-battery fire for long-range guns and rockets, SEAD and interdiction for aircraft, and more lethal bombardment. It will get ugly. A CXE config file will be included with my recommended settings for the current R16 release. Twiddle with these settings at your own risk, as I've spent a great deal of time choosing those I think work best without wrecking game balance. For example, allowing airborne units to attack after dropping allows even the dummy AI to overrun NATO on the first turn, so this setting is off by default.
  • Updated civilopedia - It's all for nothing if the player has no idea what's going on. New units have new entries, and existing units have been updated with corrected hit points and abilities. There are new entries on which special abilities are available with which units, and separates the regular version from Flintlock-only upgrades. There are also some GCON icons for historical interest.

Special thanks to Lionic for playtesting and bug-finding. Also thanks to Delta Strife for requested units.

Link to download page.
Jeez has it really been 9 years since I congratulated you on the first release? Time sure fly's and with new improvements in C3X the sky is the limits lets see what we both can do in the next 9 years! ;) I cannot wait to see what improvments have been made in this impressive scenario.
Thanks fellas, and hope you enjoy. Feedback is welcome and if we gather enough improvements then I can make a smaller balance & bug-fixing patch at some point. Delta, I didn't get everything done that you sent but plan to finish up a few more in the future.

Congratulations on releasing it! It's been an honour to explore it firsthand.

Thank you, and again I appreciate all the work you put into improving this game.
Tony, congratulations on the release of the new version of your 1989 scenario. :clap:
Thank you all and the support is much appreciated. Now, at the end of a modding cycle is a good time to catch up on what everyone else has been making. Also, the new units will make it into the database here at some point and the unit threads need reorganization.

After which we're taking Flintlock worldwide.
Hello my game cannot save. Why do you think this is? I have Civ3 Conquests version.
The funny part is when I initially opened and started the scenario I was able to save just once.
But once I started to fiddle with the diplomatic negotiations, signing right of passage agreements the game went awry and cannot save any more. very annoying and disappointing.
H'mm, do you have the game installed in the Scenarios folder?
Tried to play as Bulgarians (failed) and Czechoslovakia (in progress). Red land units seem to be a bit stronger, there are more chances that say Soviet mech infantry may would win defensive battle against similarly sized Western formation from the same generation. AI uses artillery more often (although not as often as Human player would) which is cool. Some very nice new graphics with Spanish M113, Italian M60 and engineer tanks being my favourites.
Questionable IMHO are changes to unit availability and introduction of aircraft with Lethal Land Bombardment+Stealth Attack. AI may not be bright but it is still smart enough to target Artillery and SAM's in your stack wiping 'em out during the single run.
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