The United Eastern Provinces

Helping toasty by betraying him? Yes of course you said you're get delphi back into kashmir, but in the IDA's eye's you betrayed him. He has no reason to trust you. You've betrayed him once.... you might do it again.
The Pi was over, Strider. I found another means of uniting the province, without violance.
I remain in my statement that VIOLENCE IS COMPLETELY NECESSARY in order to SOLVE the problem as opposed to DELAYING it.

Trivial dissent should in no way be tolerated. Much less when it is run by a non-elected, non-nominated person who has gone to lengths more than once to cause trouble.

I hope that the Domestic Department realizes the effect this will have on provincial authority and provinces with counties.
Notice to all. Baced on the switching sides of the Dom. Dep. and the statements made by Taosty, Kashmir has been admitted to the UEP.
The province of Scythia has shown great support for our movement through the Governor Havok, so Scythia has also been admitted to the UEP.
I ahve expanded the list of eligable provinces to include Scythia and Victoria, no further expantions will be made. William85 has expressed dismay at the rebellion of Delphi, but is yet to show open support for the UEP. If he does, Victoria will join us and we will be very strong indeed!!
i must urge all people to not continue this endgame-fun-part in the new game unless there is a reason for it IN THE NEW GAME

i dont know wheter we can still write to the archived old one then, but if yes we could go on there.
VICTORY for the UEP!!
Our troops have marched into Delphi backed by a MA special ops team, a unit of IDA fighter jets, some PDA tanks and of course a battalion of the El Armarna Immortal Marines.
Long live the UEP!! Long live Phoenatica!!
(at least for the next two weeks)

The UEP's primary goal has been met, but the group will remain for mutual support and protection should the solidarity of the east be threatened again.
well, no UEP troops are seen there. no victory for your troops except the cruelty against civilians there.

but what else should we have expected from those far easterners?

falcons black baret's did all the work for exposing the foreign spies. all your troops did was raping and drinking.

you tended to misinform many people about the reality... very suspect. you know we still search for the babylonan helpers. maybe we should add you to the list as you would have primarily had profit from this thing.
Originally posted by disorganizer
well, no UEP troops are seen there. no victory for your troops except the cruelty against civilians there.

but what else should we have expected from those far easterners?

falcons black baret's did all the work for exposing the foreign spies. all your troops did was raping and drinking.
you tended to misinform many people about the reality... very suspect. you know we still search for the babylonan helpers. maybe we should add you to the list as you would have primarily had profit from this thing.

OK dis, that puts you on my list of people to ignore when they ramble incoherantly.
Currently there are two people on the list and the other one is a mad prophet.
What I am saying is that you make no sense, is this evil diorganiser back again?

You seem VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY mistaken about what the UEP is, what our goals are, how we operate and who is a part of it. I have tried MANY MANY MANY times to explain it to you, but it does not seem to be getting through. I will try simple questions and answers.

What is the UEP? The United Eastern Provinces id an organisation of provinces in the east of phoenatica comprising of those provinces that, for the most part, contain citizens and leaders with Asphinxian heritage or that rely on the Forbidden Palace for anti-corruption measures. There is no formal hieracy, each governor has equal say and a consensus is alway sought.

Who is a part of it?
Asphinxia, Nouva Terra, Mohawkia, Kashmir and Scythia are the member provinces, with p#12 to join soon. Victoria is being considered for membership. All of the cities in these provinces and all of the lands of these provinces are considered part of the UEP, though the UEP as a body has no power over these lands beyond what each governor wishes to contribute. Notably, Delphi is part of Kashmir which is part of the UEP.

What are our goals?
The UEP is commited to building the commercial and millitary strength of it's member staes through co-oreration and mutual enterprise. The UEP is part of Phoenatica and respects all Phoenatican law. The army of the UEP is a standing force that was innitially designed so that members of the UEP could co-ordinate a defence should a foreign power attack. When Delphi unexpectedly declared independance, the UEP came to the defence of Kashmir, a member province. We acted to protect the soveriegnty of Kashmiri land and to return Delphi to the rightful control of the governor. The UEP is in no way antagonistic to the rest of Phoenatica.

Now to deal with some specific insults just hurled by Dis:

Why does Disorganizer hate the UEP?
I really don't know, I think the evil Dis is still in control.
He seems to think that UEP troops did some bad stuf in Delphi, but they are very well disiplined and besides, they were fighting for thier homeland!

What really happened in Delphi?
The armies of the UEP re-took Delphi with minimal casualties and the city is again under the governance of Toasty. The UEP was supported by the IDA, MA and PDA though it was always understood that this action had to come mainly from the UEP.

Are the UEP foreign invaders from the far east?
Certainly no, Delphi is about the geographical centre of the UEP in terms of east/west. Plus, the force that retook Delphi was comprised solely of UEP soldiers from neighboring provinces, they were the first on the scene. The idea that the UEP is some sort of Mongol Invasion is ludecrous and wrong.

Did the UEP profit from re-taking Delphi?
YES!! Delphi was returned to Kashmiri hands and the rule of law was upheld. Also, Phoenatica as a whole got it's spice suppy back. Beyond that, the UEP had no profit save the satisfaction of a job well done.

Please Disorganiser, disist from you senseless slander and see the UEP for the wonderfull (and lawful) organisation it is.

Long live the UEP!
josh, the almighty ;-)

falcon already stated in the military thread that he was on a secret mission. guess where he was ;-)
I stated very clearly that the UEP forces were supported by others, adn have said that one of the supporting forces was a MA commando unit lead by Falcon, but the majority of the ground troops and MPs were UEP. Dis, you are obviously very badly informed OR an imposter so stop trying to turn everyone else into the bad guys.

otherwise known as, "EVIL"
and yes, i do watch spongebob squarepants from time to time
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