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The War Room - an LHAC

Mission 2 Complete!

Everyone earns 1SP.

The in-game decision was made to press the assault on the Kenner-Krantuck river valley immediately, not giving Stalberg the opportunity to dig fighting positions but forcing you to advance with only one reinforcement.

Units in need of reinforcement are: Sixteenth Infantry, Fourth Dirigibles, Fourteenth Infantry, Ninth Infantry.

Our next mission will take place at 6PM EST on Wednesday, May 16th. I am willing to postpone 24 hours if that timeslot doesn't work for everyone, but let's shoot for making that this time. I'll see you there!
Everyone earns 1SP.
Is that a 1 or a 7? I can't quite tell...:mischief:

SP Spending:
31st Cevik Suvari- Savant (1SP)
Muhendisi Janissary Lotarum - High Speed Low Drag (1st Savant SP)
Muhendisi Janissary Lotarum - Flame Tanks (2nd Savant SP)
Muhendisi Janissary Lotarum - Savant (3rd Savant SP)
31st Cevik Suvari - Tactical Genius (1st-2nd Savant SP)
31st Cevik Suvari - Crawler Killers (2nd-2nd Savant SP)
31st Cevik Suvari - Adaptable (3rd-2nd Savant SP)

Reinforcements: My Thoughts.
16th Infantry: A moderately-promoted PC infantry unit. Not unique. Medium Priority.
4th Dirigibles: Our only dirigible unit. Still. Also Brigadier Thiemann's pride and Joy. High Priority.
14th Infantry: An NPC unit with no promotions as far as I can tell. Low Priority.
9th Infantry: An NPC unit with no promotions as far as I can tell. Low Priority.

Not Doing Anything to make the GM rethink Savant :shifty:
Mission Three Complete.

Her Majesty has agreed to a cease-fire and meeting with the Usurpers and their perfidious treachery, in the name of defeating the Perrellian invaders coming over the northern border.

Everyone earns 2SP, but I recommend not spending them just yet.
Trust me, or don't: your call. Also, Patchy has 3 unspent SP from Missions 1 and 2, and Danwar has 1.

Our next session will be next Wednesday, the 23rd, at 6PM EST. It will be a noncombat RP mission, centered around the conference. Be there or be square!
Mission Four Complete!

The Truce has been signed. All PCs earn +1SP.

Else von Anhalt-Stalberg has joined the Joint Command. Her character post will be updated shortly, and her units listed.

Speaking of that, the alliance between the Loyalists and the Usurpers has provided you with an influx of new recruits. All units have been reinforced to full.

In addition, more troops are now available due to certain fronts closing off. Everyone may add a new unit to their forces.

Next mission will be Wednesday, May 30th, at 6PM EST, as usual.
SP Spending:
Muhendisi Janissary Lotarum - Training Montage: Speed (1SP)
501st Kara Mayilari Lejyonu - Training Montage: Crawler Dragoons (1SP)
Unspent Pending New Unit Promotion Tree: 1SP

New Unit:
Infantry: 501st 'The Wasps' Kara Mayilari Lejyonu - Bimbasi Taner 'The Glass Corsair' Tayyar

Spoiler for More Details :
Name: 'Cam Korsan' (The Glass Corsair) Taner Tayyar
Rank: Bimbasi (Col. Equivalent)
Command: 501st Kara Mayilari Lejyonu
Description: Taner Tayyar is famously insane. Never seen without an impressive cigar, the left half of his face, along with his shoulder and arm, have been mostly replaced with opaque glass, the animation of which consumes most of his modest magical power. These scars tell the story of his expulsion from the Flying Corps after singlehandedly killing one of their dragons in what he insists was a contest of honour. He has since wracked up an assortment of equally outrageous feats as he adventured across the world, before finally landing in the lap of the Avalonian Civil War. Upon observing the battlefield, the man known to the world as 'The Glass Corsair' immediately hatched another of his crackpot schemes: The Land Marines. Although his old friend the Duke Krenner-Krantuck rejected his scheme for crawler-mounted infantry, when word of the idea trickled back to the Imperial Armaments Vizier in Abarsi, Taner found himself a backer for his plan. Although poorly suited to military discipline, The middle-aged man is brave to the point of foolhardiness, possessing an air of easy charm that enthralls soldier and civilian alike.

501st 'The Wasps' Kara Mayilari Lejyonu:
The brainchild of the Cam Korsan, the Land Marines are a mix of the foolhardy and the desperate. With each man carrying specialised gear, the soldiers can attach themselves to nearby crawlers for transportation at speeds normal units can achieve only with dirigible assistance. One Avalonian officer who witnessed a training session described their disembarkation procedure as looking 'as if somebody had kicked some kind of demented wasps nest', and the 501st have quickly adopted the appellation of 'the Wasps', or 'Esekarisi' as their own. Split into squads each capable of being carried on a single vehicle, the unit requires an expanded medical contingent just to endure the attrition of their chosen form of movement. Unable to carry the usual heavy guns, the Wasps must make up for their lack of firepower with unit cohesion, aggressiveness, and extensive close combat training. Their unusual organisation, eccentric commander, and mad mission have resulted in an independently-minded unit that eschews traditional discipline, causing them to be almost as much a headache for their allies as their enemies. Despite having obtained a few crawler officers from the 282nd, the majority of the Wasps lack any meaningful combat experience, and their particular style of warfare has yet to endure the baptism of fire.

For those who take such things into account when picking their new units, the additions at time of posting have brought us to a grand combined total of 2 dirigibles, 2 steam armour, 5 infantry, and 5 support.

Fun Fact: According to the Name List I was using, Tayyar could mean either 'Flying' or 'Vaporising'. It was the perfect name. :)

DT, here is your new unit promotion tree:
Spoiler :


Sorry for the delay, life. Everyone else, I will process any units added before 10AM on Wednesday. After that, any that you add will not be present for Wednesday's mission.
Kaylee: Psychological; Savant
Percival: Combat Engineer

Savant Upgrades:
Percival: Savant
52nd Combat Engineers: Supply Wizards; The Adjutant; Bloodthirsty
34th Infantry: Band of Brothers; Rocket Crawlers

New Unit:
25th Armored Battalion "Rust Buckets" (Steam Armor)
Commanding Officer: Major Silas Frederickstein

Will flesh out later
Okay. Sorry for the delay, but some serious things cropped up in the last few days. Everyone earns 2SP from Mission Five.

Units in need of Reinforcement: 25th Armored, 14th Infantry, 13th Armored, 9. Mechanical.

You only have enough to reinforce 2 Units.

Also, I have just remembered that I have a business dinner this Wednesday night. My Thursday night is also taken, as is Friday, and my entire day Tuesday is shot and I'll want to relax that evening, so I am postponing Mission Six by one week. I'll see you next Wednesday!
SP Spending:
501st 'The Wasps' Kara Mayilari Lejyonu - Bayonet Ya (1SP)
501st 'The Wasps' Kara Mayilari Lejyonu - Psychological (1SP)

Reinforcements: My Thoughts
25th Armored: Being the only player unit in need of reinforcement gives these guys the edge despite having no promotions. High Priority.
14th Infantry: An NPC unit with one promotion. Low Priority.
13th Armored: An NPC unit, but highly promoted and part of the armoured arm of decision that did so well last mission. Medium-High Priority.
9. Mechanical: An NPC unit, moderately promoted and with more versatility than standard infantry. Medium-Low Priority.

You could argue that a wider air-defence net is of more utility than an additional crawler unit, but armour has more punch and especially more speed, which to my mind gives it the edge.

I think that I'm going to drop out of this game. This is fun, don't get me wrong, but it isn't guaranteed that I will even be able to get on the Internet in a few days, and I'll miss at least 3-6 sessions then. I think it'd just be better if I quit. Have my character die to an assassin or make him a NPC, I really don't care.

However, I did enjoy this game, and I might get back into LHAC soon enough. But for now, I am signing off.
I'm going to have to end this game, I'm afraid. My work schedule is picking back up on several fronts - that working dinner last week was just a precursor to a whole wave of activity - and that combined with car work and continuing publishing drama means I'm not going to have the time to prepare missions and run the game if I want any time left for my own entertainment. I'm happy you all joined, and I'm sorry to cut it short - I was looking forward to later missions. I'll host again eventually, but not for a while, not until my schedule evens out.
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