The Westen Province

My dear Mayors. I've read your proposals.

Bootstoots: I put a worker in front of your buildqueue as our civ has only 11 workers for 17 cities, far too few. I also took the liberty to differentiate between war, peace and if we can cash-rush or pop-rush. I took your proposal as war-time.

Civgeneral: I slightly changed your proposal and took it as one of our peacetime builqueues. We don't need warriors in peace but we then need spearmen. And after we have the temple + granary we should get the factory running and not waste time with units. It's designation is
worker/settler factory. It could build units for escorts, but I think the current military + the spearman are sufficient for now.

As you can see I've planned for many turns, many more than will be played zero as it turned out so the tail-end of the buildqueue could easily change.

Rik Meleet
Your Governor,
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