• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

There will be mech units.

Everyone, please read the comments on that link to Toms Hardware that was given above... (they are in spoilers below) seems this edition is not being received very well at all among a good portion of comments posted.


I don't really blame any of them, at such a high price and you don't even get babylon, it just seems like a bad deal for $100 IMO. I think the crazy decisions made by 2K are actually hurting Civ 5 more and more by the day. I hope they realize it and actually do something about it.

Spoiler :
ta152h 07/16/2010 3:47 PM
The question should have been "Are you a Civ fan, and an idiot?".

That's way too much extra cost, for way too little.
dman3k 07/16/2010 3:59 PM
I'd buy Monopoly special edition over this. I'm sure someone will rip the soundtracks on the web... (¬_¬)

Pei-chen 07/16/2010 4:06 PM
If you like the sound track, just buy it off Amazon.

Civ players are supposed to be smarter than normal FPS and RTS players. Hey, at least this isn’t a $200 collector’s edition for a bad FPS game.
Zaixionito 07/16/2010 4:21 PM
urlsen 07/16/2010 4:22 PM

Pei-chen :

If you like the sound track, just buy it off Amazon.Civ players are supposed to be smarter than normal FPS and RTS players. Hey, at least this isn’t a $200 collector’s edition for a bad FPS game.

No its not activision
moomooman 07/16/2010 4:55 PM
I might buy it for my collection of Civ games, it will stand as a monument to the time I could have spent studying, learning a language or raising children.

Instead I enjoyed my life.
Userremoved 07/16/2010 4:56 PM

I have the Civ IV special edition it was just a few bucks more but this is ridiculous.
kd1966 07/16/2010 4:58 PM

I would pay the $100 if it didn't require the SteamWorks crap. As it stands, Civ IV is the last version I will purchase unless this changes!
Userremoved 07/16/2010 5:04 PM

kd1966 :

I would pay the $100 if it didn't require the SteamWorks crap. As it stands, Civ IV is the last version I will purchase unless this changes!

SteamWorks is a great thing for the PC I was skeptical at first but now I use for most of my games. Anyways I don't think VALVe is a "crap" developer. Plus the sales there are amazing. Try it before you say it's bad.
moricon 07/16/2010 5:06 PM

Yup, no steamworks for me also, craptastic along with impulse!
Userremoved 07/16/2010 5:10 PM

Wow I did not know so many Civilization players hated Steam come on it's a great platform your just complaining you need to download a game client to play a game.
sliem 07/16/2010 5:13 PM

@kd1966: I love steam, what are you talking about
I like Civ 4 but $100 for any game any edition is too much. $60 is too much damn it.
dredg98 07/16/2010 5:20 PM

yeah games are starting to get overpriced and they wont go back to there original prices i like steam too yes you really cant sell the games but oh well i love that if i loose my game discs or cd key i can just go to steam reinstall it and not have to put in a blasted cd key. but the prices do need to change
Bolbi 07/16/2010 5:28 PM

I like Civ4, and Civ5 looks to be even better. Can't wait to stretch my HD 5670's DX11 capabilities with it! I'll be looking to buy Civ5 soon after it comes out, but I wouldn't pay extra for this special edition package.
d0gr0ck 07/16/2010 5:32 PM

"This video contains content from playcast, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

In Ohio for the record.
LORD_ORION 07/16/2010 5:32 PM

Figurines are expensive, and they add alot of extra weight. I believe the cost is justified, and this is the version I will get. (and I will airbrush the figurines too because that is fun).

Infact, that would probably be something that would spur sales. Have a painting contest for the figurines, and the winners get something spiffy.
LORD_ORION 07/16/2010 5:34 PM

Oh wait, this requires steam? I am not getting Civ 5. My bad.
tleavit 07/16/2010 5:41 PM

Ive played Civ since the beginning. I remember staying up all night playing Civ one all the time. Civ is dead. Its been basically the same since Civ 3 with nothing but a few graphics upgrades. Civ would be a power house if they would have taken civ 5 and attached it to a site like Facebook, built much large worlds and let say hundreds if not thousands of people play the game basics at one time (much like the facebook game kingdoms of Camelot if you have tried it).
dredg98 07/16/2010 5:50 PM


Oh wait, this requires steam? I am not getting Civ 5. My bad.

it doesnt require steam, steam is another place where you can get it, you can also buy it in store.
The picture is also available at civfanatics, and people have spotted this already, but there was no big discussion about it yet.

IMO near-future is cool and missed and civ4. there was a gap between the space race and the Abrams tank as best unit. I still hope they will focus on technology that is likely to come, maybe already in prototype stage.

I don't want teleportation in civ, though. Mechs are borderline...
The picture is also available at civfanatics, and people have spotted this already, but there was no big discussion about it yet.

IMO near-future is cool and missed and civ4. there was a gap between the space race and the Abrams tank as best unit. I still hope they will focus on technology that is likely to come, maybe already in prototype stage.

I don't want teleportation in civ, though. Mechs are borderline...

True. I always enjoyed that you get a guy to the moon and then immediately start building interstellar spacecraft.
Another advantage of future techs is that you get more time to use modern military concepts, like aircraft carriers or paratroopers. In civ4 most games where decided earlier, and the very diverse units of the 20th century remained unused.
Has it not been a goal of all civers since 1 to get to the moon before 1AD???:mischief:
I don't really blame any of them, at such a high price and you don't even get babylon, it just seems like a bad deal for $100 IMO.

I would disagree. The art book alone would go for $30 or more alone, and the figurines more than that. I wouldn't have been surprised to see them sell for $100 just by themselves (or more, if they were painted). Then there's the soundtrack, and those usually cost twenty bucks or so, depending on how many discs/tracks.

In my opinion, it's a pretty good deal. Honestly, I can live without Babylon just for that art book. (Heck, when I bought the special edition of CivIII at launch, all I got was a collector's tin.)
walking tanks aren't very practical.

Well with the increasing urbanization of civilizations, there's gonna be more clutter and cars in the city streets, making maneuvering a tank very difficult. A walker would simply just walk over the clutter!
Honestly, I'd love near future techs, but they should be things we are realistically projected to have in the next 20-30 years. I.E., things that are being considered today. Mechs are just too outlandish for my tastes, personally.
Robo Cop had a distaste for them too.
I know I'm pretty much alone in this, but I don't want futuristic units.

You spend the most time in the game with the last kinds of units you can build. If those units are futuristic, it'll make civ feel like a sci-fi game. So if we do end up with mechs at the end, I'm going to be hoping for an option I can turn on to stop it somewhere more reasonable.
I kind of like the idea of " near future technology". That way you would get more time to use Modern Armour and Mechanized Infantry. I wonder whether the Mech will use guns or lasers? :mischief:
I know I'm pretty much alone in this, but I don't want futuristic units.

You spend the most time in the game with the last kinds of units you can build. If those units are futuristic, it'll make civ feel like a sci-fi game. So if we do end up with mechs at the end, I'm going to be hoping for an option I can turn on to stop it somewhere more reasonable.

I think they have "stretched" out the "ages" and you can enjoy each one more, than you could in past versions.
There is some military tech now that exists and is available, but hasn't been used extensively in combat yet. I pointed out , in the thread on chemical warfare :: portable missile launchers, EMP bombs and other electromagnetic weapons, hydrofoils
There is some military tech now that exists and is available, but hasn't been used extensively in combat yet. I pointed out , in the thread on chemical warfare :: portable missile launchers, EMP bombs and other electromagnetic weapons, hydrofoils

We need new units too though. Civ warfare is mostly based around regiments of men and their weapons.

If we only had these remote arms, war would become fairly boring in the late game.
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