Thrawns Random SG


Jan 30, 2002
New Zealand
Domination Victory!

[party] [dance] [party]

I've had an idea for a succession game, here are the details.

Map Size:Standard, with the default number of civs.
All other settings:Random
All Victory Conditions enabled.

Other rules, these really shouldn't need to be said;):
No worker automation
No use of autosaves.

24 hrs to say you've got the game, 48 after that to post the save + summary.
You need v1.17f

Use of goto I don't mind, as long as whoever uses it tells the next player what unit, and where, is on goto.
Can I sign up

Map Size:Standard, with the default number of civs.
All other settings:Random

Other rules, these really shouldn't need to be said:
No worker automation
No use of autosaves.
24 hrs to say you've got the game, 48 after that to post the save + summary.
You need v1.17f

I usually play standard games
I can try Warlord ;)
okay I got it, its random
I never use worker automation
I never use autosave (dang cheaters :lol: )
okay I can try 24 hours and summary
I got v1.17f
I'd like to throw my name in the hat.


- still a newbie Civ3 player
- working my way up in difficulty, Warlord should be fine, I'm in a SP Warlord game myself, and doing ok
- haven't played a large variety of different civs, so this should be interesting
- I don't automate workers or use autosaves
- the time constraints should be ok, I'm a student so the only precedence is homework, which shouldn't be too much of a problem, therefore I usually have enough time to play at least 20 short turns early on, and at least 5-10 when each turn takes somewhat longer
- yes, I have the 1.17f patch

Note that I am still a newbie to Civ3, and my Civ2 tactics don't work so well, however I am willing to learn new strategies.

Originally posted by Firestarter
I'd like to throw my name in the hat.


- still a newbie Civ3 player
- working my way up in difficulty, Warlord should be fine, I'm in a SP Warlord game myself, and doing ok
- haven't played a large variety of different civs, so this should be interesting
- I don't automate workers or use autosaves
- the time constraints should be ok, I'm a student so the only precedence is homework, which shouldn't be too much of a problem, therefore I usually have enough time to play at least 20 short turns early on, and at least 5-10 when each turn takes somewhat longer
- yes, I have the 1.17f patch

Note that I am still a newbie to Civ3, and my Civ2 tactics don't work so well, however I am willing to learn new strategies.

great we now have two people applying for the job ;)
Im just trying to get to know my co-leaders. :lol:
that is if I get the job :p
Don't crowd the forum so fast people! J/k :jump:
I'm up for it, but i'm warning you, i'm not very good yet. Hehe...i've only beat the game Twice, Once in the year 2050 by score, and once through Culture in like 1850.
Great, we've got 3 players, I'll start the game sometime today, got to mow the lawn, ugh. Looking for one more player.
After the initial turns, will the turn order be the same as the order we signed up?

Also, are all victory conditions and special units going to be enabled?

Oh, and what about the barbarians?

That's about it for now, I'm itching to get things started!
Originally posted by Firestarter
After the initial turns, will the turn order be the same as the order we signed up?
I think It would be easiest so Im gonna guess YES

Also, are all victory conditions and special units going to be enabled?
I don't see why not those are the standard rules ;)
So again Im gonna guess yes.

Oh, and what about the barbarians?
thats part of the RANDOM

That's about it for now, I'm itching to get things started!
Yea Im dying to know who we will be playing as, Im hoping for the Greeks :lol:
what about you guys?
If that spare space is available I'd like to take a shot at this.

I'm currently playing in Brian's Aztec succession game and have posted in the Japan open succession game a number of times, so I'm getting the hang of this now. I seem to have plenty of Civing time available, so I forsee no problems in keeping my turns.

I normally play Warlord or Regent. I have a preference for religious civs, but am happy with anything.

Actually I'm not from Arizona or Colorado. I was born and raised near London England :D

I've been in the US for nearly four years now, living in Phoenix Arizona until November last year. I totally adore the place and have a long term aim to move back there eventually. The move to Colorado was brought about due to the mass replacement of programmers with cheap offshore labour in India. This I guess is the latest management 'fad' at the moment and is happening at a frightening rate. I was one of the fortunate ones - my boss of several years landed a senior management position at a large company in Colorado, and I was one of the people he brought on board.

To keep this on topic... I'm looking forward to the game. :)
Originally posted by Arizona_Steve
Actually I'm not from Arizona or Colorado. I was born and raised near London England :D

I've been in the US for nearly four years now, living in Phoenix Arizona until November last year. I totally adore the place and have a long term aim to move back there eventually. The move to Colorado was brought about due to the mass replacement of programmers with cheap offshore labour in India. This I guess is the latest management 'fad' at the moment and is happening at a frightening rate. I was one of the fortunate ones - my boss of several years landed a senior management position at a large company in Colorado, and I was one of the people he brought on board.

To keep this on topic... I'm looking forward to the game. :)
Great like I said its earlier its good to know about your co leaders but I was just making a comment on your name and location.
oh look at that Iv'e talked for almost half the tread ;)
Alright we've got our last player, welcome Arizona_Steve. I'll get it started and post the save in a few hours. Can't wait to see what happens.

And yes, all victory conditions are enabled.
After many years of wandering, a nomadic peoples decided to settle down. Their leader was known as Chief Thrawn. :king: A lake was nearby, and there was wandering cattle. There were some hills nearby, and a mountain in the distance. These peoples didn't know what to call themselves, but settled on Iroquois, and founded the city of Salamanca. They soon discovered that fish was available from the nearby coast, but they would not be able to utilise it for quite some time. They also made the momentus decision to start counting down the years from 4000, and named this year 4000 BC, the BC standing for Before Custard. ;) The people of Salamance didn't know what custard was, but they were sure that it would be very important by the time they reached 0.

In the year 3950BC, a courageous man decided to scout the local area, to see what was out there. During this year, Thrawn directed his to mystics began research into a substance called 'bronze', and how it could be used to better defend their warriors.

Some hundred years later, in the year 3850BC, some disappointing news arrived from the mans descendants. There was a sizable desert to the north east. :(

Another 50 years later, Thrawn received more joyous news. A strange substance which smelled rather nice had been discovered near the other side of the desert. This substance had been named 'incense', because of its nice smelling properties. The people could not wait to receive the incense!

In the year 3750BC, a brave warrior finished his training and set out to explore the area to the south of Salamanca. Chief Thrawn began to look for more people willing to scout the local area. To the west had not been explored yet, and he wished to know more about these lands.

More wandering cattle is discovered to the south of Salamanca by the exploring warrior, and Thrawn knows it will be a good location for a city one day. One day. The people are not yet ready to expand.

In 3600BC, strange animals which can be hunted, but are not like the local cattle are discovered further south, and cold lands are found also.

50 years later, the second scouting party is formed, and they set out for the west. Another warrior begins his training.

The people discover that they may know catch the fish in the nearby coast! There is much rejoicing at having another source of food to feed the hungry populace! The scout to the east comes upon a strange village. He enters cautiously. The people there call themselves Incans, and teach our scout about Warrior Code.

Many years later, in 3350BC, after much exploring, the second warrior finishes his training, and he receives orders to wait in Salamanca, until enough people have been found to settle a new city.

Two more sources of the smelly substance known as incense are found to the north, another is found to the far east!

Many years after settling Salamanca, in 3150BC, the northern scout spots an orange border! Possibly the first contact with other people!

Before contact is made, our southern warrior comes upon a strange tribe(didn't get the name) in the year of 3100, who offer a gift of 25 gold. Our warrior accepts this gift with gratitude.

Also, red borders are spotted by the eastern scout, and we make contact with the Babylonians! They already know the art of using the substance known as bronze, but want to much(Pottery, Warrior Code, and 14 gold) before they will teach it to us. Chief Thrawn declines, knowing our own mystics are well on their way to making these discoveries themselves. He offers them a gift of 1 gold, but they are still cautious.

50 year later, the northern scout spots another strange tribe, who call themselves the Illinois. They teach him how to use letters, and call it an Alphabet.

1000 years after founding Salamanca, a new band of settlers forms, to go forth and expand the Iroquois empire! Chief Thrawns dying words were:"go north and settle near the incense and wheat near the strange orange borders, and take the warrior for protection".
And heres the save. Our starting position isn't too bad, theres quite a few grassland/shield squares, just a pity about the desert. :( Just keep expanding, grab the incense to the north with the settler/warrior pair, who have already started on their way. They are not on goto. As the next player will notice. ;)

The Iroquois aren't too bad a civ either, being expanionist, goody huts are nicer to us, and being religious means only 1 turn between govts and cheaper temples. :)

Also, I haven't seen any barbs at all in my exploring, so the random might have turned them off. hehe.

And how was that post? It was my first attempt at an in-character summary. Comments on it would be nice.

Good luck to Kefka!
I don't think there's a setting to turn barbs off completely, but you may have rolled Sedentry, which locks them in their villages.

Good start
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