Tiptoe through the tulips


Apr 11, 2011
I have seen enough exploits to sink the Spanish Armada, enough abuse to make a bouncer blush and enough views on what is wrong to weigh down the strongest weight lifter.

What I want to see is what we like about the game... The positives, the things we as individuals like without disagreeing about other peoples choices.

I love

The Eureka and Civics
That the AI can move and shoot now.
The improvement of variety in unit promotions.
The more definitive personality traits of the leaders.

cmon, cheer me up a bit
Small things I'd not heard about and discovered myself:

  • My spy got captured but then was ransomed back to me!
  • Coastal resorts make any island a viable late-game settlement
  • You can ambush barbarians (don't chase them, just move one tile away from their line of sight and they will unwittingly move within striking range when they think the path is clear)
Get to build my own district and city puzzle is the best part, looking at the land, changing the potential layout as more tiles are uncovered is really fun (did not expect that), while all the time have to worry about the AI (not as much as you know, them issues)
I like:

No more global unhappiness or science penalties for settling cities!
The stacking factories, while insanely OP in the current build, make me feel like I'm actually industrialising my country. The big cities get factories up and suddenly my smaller cities get a massive boost to productivity, then they get factories and the snowball just keeps rolling.
I love the idea of districts, it's so much more engaging than just building the same buildings in every city in the same order. They need some rebalancing sure, but it already is one of the best new mechanics.
The governments are really cool too, you can really adapt your strategy on the fly now.
The districts, definitely ... they are a really positive difference between Civ VI and previous versions :thumbsup:
Unstacking cities, policy cards, builders, coastal pillaging, eurekas, promotion, more unique civs, no global happiness, housing/freshwater requirements. It's all great stuff! Thanks for these awesome concepts. I would like spies more, if counter spying wouldn't be so tedious. It's a great idea, too!
Placing pins on where my districts will go on turn 20, counting tile adjacency bonuses and even planning tiles for wonders early game and after that doing the same with every new city as my empire grows, has added such an enjoyable experience for me.
Amenity system stopped me from being afraid of expansion, i used to play tall all the time because i hated empire happiness system and the boring city management, but no more !! This had the biggest impact for me as i'm playing a very game now and i'm loving it. I feel actually involved with my cities now.
Have you heard about unstacking the cities? What about leader agendas???
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