Narcissistic Nehru - Always War on Civ3 Conquests
Map: standard, pangaea, 70% water
Condition: wet, temperate, 4 billion years
Civ: India
Difficulty: Monarch
Opponents: 7 random
Barbarians: sedentary
Rules: all victory conditions enabled (including wonder), AI respawn is off.
AW Rules: Upon 1st contact with a civilization, you must declare war before closing the diplomacy screen. No making peace, ever.
Additional rules for this game:
We are narcissistic, anything that is not Indian is worthless. All enemy cities must be razed, not captured. Regarding Wonders of the World: If we didn't build it, we don't need it. All enemy slaves must be killed. Slaves may either be killed on the spot, or forcibly marched to the nearest Indian city for sacrifice with a gain of two shields. Slaves may not perform labor on their march.
We are also "Tactless". No trading of anything with anybody. Non-Indian knowledge is merely superstition, and no one but Indian cartographers are to be trusted.
Each player must open the F4 screen prior to playing the first turn of each round (i.e. the passed IT). We must be at war with all civs known to us before the IT is ended. In our last AWM game we had an AI civ ignore us for 30 turns. The Almighty Nehru will not stand to be ignored!
Prohibited Exploits: The only possible exploit (as far as I can see) that we have to avoid is the negative science bug.
Version: C3C v.1.12
Greebley (out until 01/06/04)
We were looking for a fifth to join us, (sorry, roster filled ) previous AW experience is helpful but not essential. If you have read accounts of AW games on this forum or on RBCiv, that counts as experience. Just so you get the general idea and basic strategy.
Interested parties should peruse GR2- Sherman's War to see what you are getting into with this crew. We talk a lot, and the humor skews middle-aged. I promise not to make any more Gone With the Wind jokes in this game. This crew also turns the game around very quickly.
Players with reserved spots should RSVP in this thread.
Once the C3C version is decided, I'll roll a start.
You have 24 hours for an "I got it" and 48 total to play. If you need a days extension, then mention this before the 48 hours are up and it is yours. If you can't play within 72 total, I would prefer players switch places, or you can ask for a skip (you can also play fewer turns, if you can't finish them).
Map: standard, pangaea, 70% water
Condition: wet, temperate, 4 billion years
Civ: India
Difficulty: Monarch
Opponents: 7 random
Barbarians: sedentary
Rules: all victory conditions enabled (including wonder), AI respawn is off.
AW Rules: Upon 1st contact with a civilization, you must declare war before closing the diplomacy screen. No making peace, ever.
Additional rules for this game:
We are narcissistic, anything that is not Indian is worthless. All enemy cities must be razed, not captured. Regarding Wonders of the World: If we didn't build it, we don't need it. All enemy slaves must be killed. Slaves may either be killed on the spot, or forcibly marched to the nearest Indian city for sacrifice with a gain of two shields. Slaves may not perform labor on their march.
We are also "Tactless". No trading of anything with anybody. Non-Indian knowledge is merely superstition, and no one but Indian cartographers are to be trusted.
Each player must open the F4 screen prior to playing the first turn of each round (i.e. the passed IT). We must be at war with all civs known to us before the IT is ended. In our last AWM game we had an AI civ ignore us for 30 turns. The Almighty Nehru will not stand to be ignored!
Prohibited Exploits: The only possible exploit (as far as I can see) that we have to avoid is the negative science bug.
Version: C3C v.1.12
Greebley (out until 01/06/04)
We were looking for a fifth to join us, (sorry, roster filled ) previous AW experience is helpful but not essential. If you have read accounts of AW games on this forum or on RBCiv, that counts as experience. Just so you get the general idea and basic strategy.
Interested parties should peruse GR2- Sherman's War to see what you are getting into with this crew. We talk a lot, and the humor skews middle-aged. I promise not to make any more Gone With the Wind jokes in this game. This crew also turns the game around very quickly.
Players with reserved spots should RSVP in this thread.
Once the C3C version is decided, I'll roll a start.
You have 24 hours for an "I got it" and 48 total to play. If you need a days extension, then mention this before the 48 hours are up and it is yours. If you can't play within 72 total, I would prefer players switch places, or you can ask for a skip (you can also play fewer turns, if you can't finish them).