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Too Old to play

What age groups play CivIII

  • 0-10

    Votes: 18 0.5%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 381 10.8%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 719 20.3%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 1,192 33.7%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 739 20.9%
  • 41+

    Votes: 424 12.0%
  • been playng so long that I've lost track of my age!!

    Votes: 66 1.9%

  • Total voters
As I posted before I'm 35 and have been playing for about a year. My seven year old son just started playing and is hooked like a rat on crack! He wakes up at 6:00-7:00 everyday (summer vacation) wanting to play the game and pesters us constantly about being allowed to play. It was getting so that I couldn't play so I had to go out and by another copy of PTW so we can both play.............of course he gets the 21" monitor and I'm stuck with the laptop.
Originally posted by Norlamand
As I posted before I'm 35 and have been playing for about a year. My seven year old son just started playing and is hooked like a rat on crack! He wakes up at 6:00-7:00 everyday (summer vacation) wanting to play the game and pesters us constantly about being allowed to play. It was getting so that I couldn't play so I had to go out and by another copy of PTW so we can both play.............of course he gets the 21" monitor and I'm stuck with the laptop.

At least you have another comp.
Imagine your life with only one comp at home :(
How long it would take to buy one more comp ? :rolleyes:
21, and playing civ since the very first version... Also played Colonization, CTP 1+2 and SMAC.
I'm 22 and have only just got Civ3, but I played Civ2 for about 3 years.

I play quite a few first person shooter games like HL:TFC and Q3, and by far the best thing about the Civ community compared to them is the maturity; there is almost zero ego or arrogance here and it makes such a refreshing change :)

Oh, and you're never too old to play games ;D
It's nice to know I'm not the only person out there who doesn't have a life. I'm on a new "Play all day, post all night" method of Civfanatic-ing.:)
I am 29.

I started playing civ1 on my Atari ST in 1993/4. I got my first PC three years later and actually negotiated with the guy who sold me the computer to replace those sh*tty games I was about to get with my new purchase for the game I really desired: Civilization 2.

After I discovered this site, I also purchased FW and MGE and ToT so I could play those great scenario's like Al-Andalus, Colonies and al those others I spended to much time on. :) I also play smac and smac-ax. I also tried CTP and even CTP2 but I found both very disapointing.

Now I do play civ3 with PTW and I am sure I will buy the next expansions. I guess I am not that hooked as some of the other players here. I also play other games and even boardgames. (Yes, I also have the Civilization and Advanced Civilization boardgame). My wife also plays games (board and computer) including Civilization (all of the versions I guess...)
I'm 18, started in on Civ 2 at 14, just got Civ 2 Gold, ToT is coming in the mail as we speak . . . I didn't even know anything outside of Civs 1-3 proper even existed until I came to this site!
im 18
i discovered the civ series with civ2, which i played a lot a number of years ago. i also got alpha centauri, i didnt play it that much, though. when civ3 came out i got it immediately and have been hooked on the game and the expansion PTW ever since. i dont know if, years from now, ill still be playing games like this (Civ 8?) when im in my 30's or whatever.
38! Baah..:(

But i feelin' like a little kid!:) And enjoy to play civ3 (start 6mon. ago) and visit cfc.
I'm 22. Buddy of mine got me hooked when I was 15 years old, back when Civ2 just came out. I stared in awe at it and just couldn't wait until I got a computer that could run it. (Had a P-60 at the time, it took forever once you got to about the 1300's.)
Since then I've bought just about every game that had "Civilization" or "Sid Meier" on it. Even stooped so low as to burn a copy of AoE2 and play it on my machine.
There simply is no better in the realm of TB strats, or maybe even strats, period. And strats are what I love!
I've been playing since I was... I think 8 maybe? I still have a save of my first ever game, but Civ 1 can't play on my computer anymore... too fast... :(
no one is to old to play
I'm 20, will be 21 soon. I've been playing since my brother-in-law introduced me to Civ2 back in '96. I have always loved history, social studies, and computer games, so Civ was a natural fit for me. ;)
whoa your back here again...

yeah im 16 myself... never told anyone my age on this forum but might as well
Registered just to reply to this topic. I'm 33 and I've been playing since I got a year old Civ 1 floppy from a friend. It was the one where every so often you had to look up a word in the book to keep playing.

So far I still like Civ2 better. Just like the mods more. I also play first person shooters like Half-Life, Castle Wolfenstein as well as the online game EverQuest. Been playing games since the PET was installed at school.

I just changed majors at college. I was a computer science major, found out that I stopped touching my computer at home so I switched majors....polisci is my bag now.
Welcome to CFC, alerias! You're not the first person to switch majors or the first person to lose their CFC posting virginity on this thread.
I'm 16. My posts reek of immaturity. :D
I'm 21. I play Civ since 1994, when I was eleven almost twelve.
I still remember the compact disks my friend gave me to try at home. He just arrived and said "Hey man, I know you are on stuff like SimCity, have a try on this".... Civ I for DOS!

Civ for me is a passion that is not likely to fade.:cool:

I'm not surprised with the results of the poll, for me it's quite expected that the majority is between 21-30. And more than 50% of voters are "legally responsible for themselves"

In the Brazilian Civ3 forum, the ages vary pretty much the same, between 12-28 the most players. But sometimes we see some 40ish or 50ish mate around and normally they play very well.

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