TOON: The Cartoon RPG


The Poster Formerly Known as MartinLuther
Jun 5, 2009
-20.625473359554267, 166.30584491201324
Do you like cartoons such as Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, and Popeye? Then this is the RPG for you! TOON tries to emulate the fast-paced silliness of those old cartoons by being fast-paced and silly. Before I tell you how to play, let me lay down some rules.


  1. Don't be dramatic. This is a silly game.
  2. If you're going to give your character a backstory, don't put too much effort into it. It'd be time wasted since we're never going to address it.
  3. Please make an original character. I don't want this to turn into bad crossover fanfiction.
  4. If you want to use a certain skill don't say you want to use it, tell us how you use it.
  5. Have fun

How to Play:

So whenever you do something I have to tell you the results of what you did by rolling 1d12 (in the original game it's 2d6 but I don't by your rules, MAN!) If the number rolled is less than or equal to your level in that skill, it was successful. If I roll a 1, that was a critical success and you do better than just succeeding at what you were doing. If I roll a 12, that was a critical failure and you do worse than expected.

As for fighting, I will roll for both you and the person you're fighting. In order for one of you to do damage, one of you has to succeed in your roll and one of you has to fail. Afterwards I'll roll 1d6 (or more depending on what you used to fight) and that will be the damage received. If your hit points drop to zero, you will not die but instead fall down. After a while you'll get back up. The Fire Gun, Throw, and Fast-Talk skill work similar to fighting, except that you have to do a dodge roll for the first two and a Resist Fast-Talk skill for the third.

After a session ends, I'll hand out plot points to all of you. The plot points are for completing a goal, upholding your character's beliefs, accomplishing your character's goals, or making me laugh in some way. Plot points can be spent between sessions to upgrade your skills or shticks. Some shticks may require plot points to use. If you don't want to spend your plot points between sessions, just tell me.

How to Make a Character:

Here is a blank character sheet that I remade in Google Docs.

Making a character is a bit complex but compared to other Tabletop RPGs, this is quite easy. First thing we'll do is make your character.

Spoiler :
Name: What is your character's name?
Species: What species is your character? If they have an occupation (which is optional) put it in here. Note: any human character must have an occupation.
Natural Enemies: What does your character not care for? For example, if your character was a mouse, your character wouldn't really care for cats. Note: You can not have a specific person, you must have a group. So you can't make Richard Nixon your Natural Enemy, but you can make Politicians your Natural Enemy.
Beliefs & Goals: What does your character hold true to themselves? What does your character wish to achieve in life?

Possessions: What does your character carry with them at all times? You should have 8 possessions in total: 4 are things that are completely normal for someone (or someone in your occupation) to carry around (Note: this doesn't have to be something you'd carry in your pocket, it can be something you'd carry in your purse, backpack, suitcase, lunchbox, etc.) The other 4 are things that'd be unusual for someone to carry around (i.e. a fridge, a rubber chicken, rubber baby buggy bumpers, etc.) You do not need to have a carrier of your possesions because it's implied you keep it in your back pocket. Note: If your possesion seems a bit overpowered, I'll have a way of making it hard to use, i.e. making you spend plot points or you have to get a very low roll in order to use it.
Picture: Supply a picture of your character. This can be something you found when you looked up "cartoon werewolf" or it can be something you drew. I don't care as long as I can tell what it is.
Description: What is your character like? This shouldn't be a physical description because we already see that in Picture.

Next what you have to do is put points into your attributes. I'm giving you 14 points total to put into your attributes. Your attributes can't be higher than 6 or less than 1.

Spoiler :
Muscle: How strong is your character? Note: Muscle will affect how many hit points you have.
Zip: How agile is your character?
Smarts: how you character do the brain thing?
Chutzpah: How assertive is your character?

Next we'll work on your skills and shticks. You get 30 points total to put into your skills and shticks. Your skills will start out equal to their associated attribute. For example, if your Muscle level is equal to 3, your fight skill will equal to 3. A skill or shtick level cannot go over 9. A shtick is like a super skill and because of this shticks are more expensive. When you buy a shtick, it'll start at level 5. You can't have more than 2 shticks and the second shtick costs 5 more points than the first one. If you want to make up your own shticks, you need to tell me how it works before you make your character then I'll okay it. Afterwards I'll decide how expensive it is. You do not need to have shticks nor do you need to have 2 shticks.

Spoiler :
List of Muscle Skills:
Break Down Door
Pick Up Heavy Thing
List of Zip Skills:
Drive Vehicle
Fire Gun
List of Smarts Skills:
Hide/Spot Hidden
Identify Dangerous Thing
Resist Fast-Talk
Set Disarm Trap
Track/Cover Tracks
List of Chutzpah Skills:
Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods
Sleight of Hand

List of Shticks:

Bag of Many Things (5 points) - You pull out a bag (or other item you can pull things out of [insert sex joke here]) reach in and pull out what you want. However, you have to make a successful Shtick roll to get what you want, otherwise you'll pull out something useless. Note: The bag will not be one of your possessions.
Change Shape (5 points) - Change your shape into something else, your skills and attributes will still be the same regardless. If your shtick roll is successful, you change into that thing otherwise you'll change into something you didn't mean to. Note: Some physical attribute about your character will always stay no matter what. So if your character wears sunglasses and you change into a dog, you'll be a dog but wear sunglasses.
Coat of Arms (4 points) - You have a coat, hat, utility belt, etc. that has many gizmos and gadget you can use. I'll let you make a list of 3 gizmos/gadgets that are in the Coat of Arms when you buy it. Any additional gizmos or gadgets will cost you 4 plot points. If you succeed a roll, you get the gadget you want otherwise you'll get the wrong gadget, you get a gadget you didn't know you had, or the coat goes bezerk.
Cosmic Shift (10 points) - You can change reality to your whim. If the BBEG paints a tunnel, you run straight through the tunnel. Since this is such an overpowered shtick, you have to ask permission to use it. Once you have permission, I'll make a shtick check and if it fails reality is changed in a way that screws you over. Note: Getting a critical failure will result in reality changing in a way that screws over everything.
Detect Item (2 points) - Your character can detect a certain item, if it's hidden in the room they'll find it. When you buy this shtick, you need to specify what item you can detect. So if your character is a rabbit, it'd make sense for them to only detect carrots.
Flying (4 points) - Your character can fly! After you make a successful shtick check, every time you change direction or do something that isn't flying you need to make another shtick check.
Hypnosis (Costs 5 points) - You can make a character do anything you want, even what would be impossible for this character, until they snap out of it. If you make them do something dangerous, you need to make a shtick check to see if they snap out of it while doing it. Characters can snap out of it by receiving damage, getting wet, or being told to snap out of it by the hypnotist. You can't get a hypnotized character to do the same thing twice. If you fail to hypnotize someone, you hypnotize yourself.
Incredible Luck (3 points) - Whenever danger strikes and you make a successful shtick check, you not only avoid it in a spectacular way (i.e. someone shot at you but it missed because you bent down to pick a gun off the ground.) If the roll fails, you're still in danger but less in danger (i.e. the bullet grazes you.) Once per game, if I have to decide something that would be done through random chance, you can say what your desired outcome is followed by "I feel lucky" and I have no choice but to do your outcome.
Incredible Speed (6 points) - Your character can go really fast and can outrun people who make a successful run, ride, or drive vehicle check, if they succeeds in a shtick check otherwise they crash.
Incredible Strength (5 points) - Your Muscle skills have more improved outcomes. You can also do things people with a 6 in Muscle wouldn't be able to do like carry a mountain.
Invisibility (5 points) - You turn invisible and other characters can't see you. You can do sneaky things without needing a sneak check. However, there is a fault: if you interact with physical things people will know your whereabouts, especially if you're carrying something with you. Be aware that people can still smell or hear you so you can give away your location if you reek or make a loud sound.
Pet or Sidekick (3 points) - You get a second character to control. They're created the same way a regular character is made, but they can't have a pet or sidekick so you can't have a bunch of characters. Any roll you want them make will cost you a plot point. Pets/Sidekicks cannot earn plot points so if you want to upgrade them, you have to spend your plot points for them.
Quick Change/Disguise (3 points) - You can disguise your physical attributes, but you can't change weight or size.
Stretching (3 points) - You can stretch your limbs far out! Note: you can't stretch yourself into another item, so you can't stretch yourself out to look like a chair.
Teleport (6 points) - You can teleport anywhere as long as it's in your line of sight.

And that's all you need to do to make a character! Sorry for the wordiness.
Name: Squeaky Warnut
Species: walnut general
Natural Enemies: Nazis
Beliefs & Goals: democracy, killing Nazis

Spoiler :
Possessions: Riding crop, pearl-inlaid pistols, general's helmet (inc. sunglasses), jeep, fake arms and legs, ACME bazooka, The Luggage, Bazooka Joe bubble gum
Picture: he's saluting with his other nonexistant hand

Description: Patton but a walnut the size of a human torso and squeaky voice. Can manipulate objects and move without having actual arms or legs.

Muscle: 4
Zip: 3
Smarts: 3
Chutzpah: 4

List of Muscle Skills:
Break Down Door 4
Climb 4
Fight 8
Pick Up Heavy Thing 5
Throw 4
List of Zip Skills:
Dodge 6
Drive Vehicle 8
Fire Gun 8
Jump 3
Ride 3
Run 3
Swim 3
List of Smarts Skills:
Hide/Spot Hidden 3
Identify Dangerous Thing 3
Read 3
Resist Fast-Talk 8
See/Hear/Smell 3
Set Disarm Trap 3
Track/Cover Tracks 3
List of Chutzpah Skills:
Fast-Talk 8
Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods 4
Sleight of Hand 4
Sneak 4

List of Shticks:

Pet or Sidekick (3 points) - You get a second character to control. They're created the same way a regular character is made, but they can't have a pet or sidekick so you can't have a bunch of characters. Any roll you want them make will cost you a plot point. Pets/Sidekicks cannot earn plot points so if you want to upgrade them, you have to spend your plot points for them.

Name: The Luggage
Species: The Luggage
Natural Enemies: anything between it and its owner
Beliefs & Goals: following its owner; eating anyone threatening its owner, between it and its owner, near its owner, or near it

Spoiler :
Possessions: (a lot)

Description: TEETH

Muscle: 6
Zip: 6
Smarts: 1
Chutzpah: 1

List of Muscle Skills:
Break Down Door 9
Climb 7
Fight 9
Pick Up Heavy Thing 7
Throw 6
List of Zip Skills:
Dodge 6
Drive Vehicle 6 (can't actually drive)
Fire Gun 6 (doesn't have hands)
Jump 7
Ride 6
Run 9
Swim 6
List of Smarts Skills:
Hide/Spot Hidden 1
Identify Dangerous Thing 1
Read 1
Resist Fast-Talk 4
See/Hear/Smell 1
Set Disarm Trap 1
Track/Cover Tracks 1
List of Chutzpah Skills:
Fast-Talk 1
Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods 1
Sleight of Hand 1
Sneak 1

Bag of Many Things (is one) (5 points) - You pull out a bag (or other item you can pull things out of [insert sex joke here]) reach in and pull out what you want. However, you have to make a successful Shtick roll to get what you want, otherwise you'll pull out something useless. Note: The bag will not be one of your possessions.
Incredible Strength (10 points) - Your Muscle skills have more improved outcomes. You can also do things people with a 6 in Muscle wouldn't be able to do like carry a mountain.

Name: Sally the Spider
Species: Spider
Natural Enemies: Centipedes, Men
Beliefs & Goals: To be accepted by society for who she is, and not just conform to what 30-60s America expects her to be.

Possessions: Flowers (for attracting bees), honey (for attracting ants), Ace corporation bug anti-repellent (for making any object attractive for bugs) textile machine (BECAUSE SPIDER), deck of cards, hand mirror, books, double barreled shotgun

Spoiler :

Description: One of the various antagonist characters from the hit cartoon Nigel the Nimble Navigator. Nigel, a centipede that wants to "make the backyard great again", is protrayed as a noble, valiant, and patriotic arthropod who helps the citizens of the backyard against those who hate the current way of life. Sally, a free she-arachnid who lives by herself, does not seem interested in male spiders (confirmed bacheleorette ;) ), and defies traditional gender norms is of course in no way is intended to be a political statement by the creators of Nimble Navigator. Nosiree. Nor is Mao the Japanese Beetle (who sounds and acts more Chinese either way), Senor Mariposa the Monarch Butterfly, or Mammon the Bee (with a thick Middle Eastern accent).

Muscle: 1
Zip: 6
Smarts: 6
Chutzpah: 1

Spoiler Skills :
List of Muscle Skills:
Break Down Door 1
Climb 6
Fight 1
Pick Up Heavy Thing 1
Throw 1
List of Zip Skills:
Dodge 6
Drive Vehicle 6
Fire Gun 6
Jump 9
Ride 6
Run 6
Swim 6
List of Smarts Skills:
Hide/Spot Hidden 6
Identify Dangerous Thing 6
Read 6
Resist Fast-Talk 6
See/Hear/Smell 6
Set Disarm Trap 6
Track/Cover Tracks 6
List of Chutzpah Skills:
Fast-Talk 8
Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods 1
Sleight of Hand 3
Sneak 6


Spider Web (5 points): Sally can create a special, sticky web which is able to ensare objects, along with being able to be used as a grappling hook, or be used as a platform that she can walk over.
Incredible Luck (3 points)
This looks fun, def joining. :D

EDIT: Would aliens be allowed? Just throwing ideas around.
FYI: I felt as though I worded the Incredible Luck Shtick wrongly, so I reworded it.

Beliefs & Goals: To be accepted by society for who she is, and not just conform to what 30-60s America expects her to be.

FYI: While that pretty much is the setting, not all of our cartoons will take place there.

Spoiler Skills :
List of Muscle Skills:
Break Down Door 1
Climb 6
Fight 1
Pick Up Heavy Thing 1
Throw 1
List of Zip Skills:
Dodge 6
Drive Vehicle 6
Fire Gun 6
Jump 9
Ride 6
Run 6
Swim 6
List of Smarts Skills:
Hide/Spot Hidden 6
Identify Dangerous Thing 6
Read 6
Resist Fast-Talk 6
See/Hear/Smell 6
Set Disarm Trap 6
Track/Cover Tracks 6
List of Chutzpah Skills:
Fast-Talk 8
Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods 1
Sleight of Hand 3
Sneak 6


Spider Web (5 points): Sally can create a special, sticky web which is able to ensare objects, along with being able to be used as a grappling hook, or be used as a platform that she can walk over.
Incredible Luck (3 points)

Your points adds up to 35, not 30.

I did it but he still doesn't look right

It's fine by me.
I roll fast-talk to get you to care.
Name: Super Conservative Rabbit
Species: Rabbit
Natural Enemies: Commies
Beliefs & Goals: Conservatism
Description: Smart mouth and happy go lucky

Spoiler :

3 carrots, grass.
Photos of Reagan, machine gun, whip, dynamite.

Muscle: 4
Zip: 3
Smarts: 3
Chutzpah: 4

Spoiler :

Break Down Door - 5
Climb - 5
Fight - 6
Pick Up Heavy Thing - 5
Throw- 5
Dodge - 4
Drive Vehicle - 4
Fire Gun - 4
Jump - 4
Ride - 4
Run - 4
Swim - 4
Hide/Spot Hidden - 4
Identify Dangerous Thing - 4
Read - 4
Resist Fast-Talk - 4
See/Hear/Smell - 4
Set Disarm Trap - 4
Track/Cover Tracks - 4
Fast-Talk - 6
Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods - 5
Sleight of Hand- 5
Sneak- 5

Bag of Many Things
Name: Peu Garçon
Species: goblin adventurer
Natural Enemies: elven and fairy royalty, goblin hunting humans, steampunk fanatics
Beliefs & Goals: Chaotic Cute:
Possessions: a breastplate (with a pelvis guard, an enchanted sword that is always on fire (it will burn Peu if he fails a fight role), grey shirt, grey trousers, harmonica, a slip of paper with spoilers of the Mouse Trap on it (a most British weapon of mass destruction), a light blue towel and a mobile phone (which may go off when the goblin tries to sneak about; both the off and silent buttons are broken)


Description: brave, curious, mischievous, optimistic; the protagonist of the French cartoon "Goblin Adventure." The cute adventure hails from the goblin kingdom of Lutindor; he goes off exploring the lands for quests, loot and fun, often getting into trouble with the Elven King Louis LIV and the Fairy Princess Ysbal along with Guy Voleur & his goblin hunters and his rival the goblin prince, steampunk fanatic and mad scientist Heagel von Heisenberg. He is friends with the hot blooded dwarf paladin Gabrielle Marteau (she is his best friend), the orc (terrible) bard Dan Sanglier, the mad goblin wizard Leo Vogue and Michelle Foucault. Though small Peu is determined and uses crazed cunning to make up for his low strength and lack of common sense.

Muscle: 2
Zip: 4
Smarts: 2
Chutzpah: 6

Spoiler skills :
Fight 3
Climb 1
Throw 1
Dodge 2
Run 2
Jump 2
Hide/Spot Hidden 1
See/Hear/Smell 2
Ride 1
Track/Cover Tracks 1
Fast-Talk 1
Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods 1
Sleight of Hand 1
Sneak 3

Incredible Luck
Name: Haemo
Species: Medical Leech (p. Doctor)
Natural Enemies: Quacks, Bdellophobes, Leech Collectors
Beliefs & Goals: Wishes to bring about peace between leeches & humans. Haemo believes that every little girl leech & little boy leech should have a sick person all their own to heal & drink from. He also wishes to end the heinous practice of euthanizing medical leeches after they have helped one patient.
Possessions: Scalpel, Stethoscope, Syringe, Tablet, Gun that shoots medical textbooks, unicycle, Carambola Tree in a pot, Chewbacca mask
Spoiler Picture :

Description: Happy-go-lucky. Is unable to comprehend why anyone would have any problems with letting leeches feed on them. Does not need hands/feet to operate things one would normally need hands or feet to operate.
  • Muscle: 2
  • Zip: 4
  • Smarts: 3
  • Chutzpah: 5
  • Muscle Skills:
    • Break Down Door 2
    • Climb 2
    • Fight 2
    • Pick Up Heavy Thing 2
    • Throw 2
  • List of Zip Skills:
    • Dodge 4
    • Drive Vehicle 4
    • Fire Gun 6
    • Jump 4
    • Ride 4
    • Run 4
    • Swim 6
  • List of Smarts Skills:
    • Hide/Spot Hidden 3
    • Identify Dangerous Thing 3
    • Read 3
    • Resist Fast-Talk 3
    • See/Hear/Smell 3
    • Set Disarm Trap 3
    • Track/Cover Tracks 3
  • List of Chutzpah Skills:
    • Fast-Talk 8
    • Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods 5
    • Sleight of Hand 5
    • Sneak 8
Schtick: Cosmic Shift 6
Schtick: Cosmic Shift 9 (I'm not sure if each level in this costs 10 points or if it's 10 points to get it & then 1/level; I will adjust my points if it is the former)

10 Points to buy it and 10 Points to upgrade it.
what would happen if I upgraded pet
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