TSG40 After Action Report

Game:Civ5 GOTM 40
Date submitted:2012-07-22
Reference number:26646
Your name:metalmadt
Game status:Science Victory
Game date:1880AD
Turns played:310
Base score:1635
Final score:2637
Time played:10:54:00
Submitted save:TSG40_Start_metalmadt.Civ5Save
Renamed file:metalmadt_C504001.Civ5Save

So, I knew I didn't do that well but didn't think I would get to the bottom of the list. Let's see what went good or wrong. I use a liberty start with 5 city, 2 puppet most of the game.

Religion :
I went for +1 food from camp as someone suggest in the starting thread. No problems there I believe.
Then, founder belief was science bonus from conversion.
Pagoda + food from shrine and temple + Cheap missionnary

I though that going for the missionnary would get me a lot of early sciences. Problems is, I expand a little to much and I need the Pagoda hapiness to keep the hapiness afloat. Waste all my faith this way. Should have take one or the other, but not both. In my case, I think Pagoda with Tithe would have been better but I'll need to try a Tradition/Science to make sure I'm right.

Took food from shrine and temple instead of +15% food because i'm usually always at war. But with this game, +15% would have been better. We choose our religion so early that I couldn't know it would be a game that peaceful. Might have take +X% production thou as it's a fair shot and might have save me a little 15gpt maintenant pretty much all game.

So, as always, didn't maximize my religion. I'll figure it out one day.

Social Policy

6 Liberty
3 Rationalism
4 Order
3 more rationalism to completion.

I didn't pick 50% from RA early as I only sign 2 RA's for the whole game. It was actually the last one in rationalism so I could get the 2 free tech. I sign my first RA's a little after education. Rush buy 3 universities and 2 RA's. Problem is, it was only worth 3 turns of science. Missionnary alone was worth more than that for some cheap so I decide not to use more. I guess it's what cause me to be so slow. But late RA's must have cost a lot as you are at least 2 era's ahead. Problem is, RA is the only thing I can see wich made my game slower than most.


Settle the 2 first GS near the capital.
Got 2 GE from faith and 1 from Pisa. Use those to build Big Ben, Statue of Liberty and Hubble Telescope.
Bulb the rest of the scientist. As soon as I would buy Universitie, Public School and Research lab, it would be fill with scientist.

CS :

Didn't spend more than 3000 on those. But was doing my best to do most mission. Always had 4-5 allies at the time.

Look like it, will wait for the result and study the best guy. My thought is Tithe + RA's made the difference
Strange. I completed the space ship sooner, and the only times I have played above Prince, and completed them were with GotM games.

So if Emperor was your comfort level, how could a Prince player out tech and outproduce a spaceship for a win by 22 turns?

I haven't had a science based game for a while now, but this did seem in line with when I usually complete a science game on prince.

I think I will replay this, and hope I get a much earlier finish. Maybe nothing like Attaturk's finishing date. 1690. Nice... must be a deity player.. excuse my ignorance.. If I am wrong.

Not quite sure if I get your meaning here - but there is more to scoring high than just finishing off early.
Yet the first place trophy goes to the player who finishes first in the science victory condition.
You may have said this but would like to be a bit clearer.

Winner is the earliest finish date with a Science victory. :)
Game: Civ5 GOTM 40
Date submitted: 2012-07-22
Reference number: 26652
Your name: Sh33p
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1730AD
Turns played: 257
Base score: 1117
Final score: 2190
Time played: 4:42:00
Submitted save: GOTM.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Sh33p_C504001.Civ5Save

Long time lurker, first post. first GOTM :)
I really enjoyed this kind of setup, where i really just CANT load back.

How do you post screenshots the easiest?


Long time lurker, first post. first GOTM :)
I really enjoyed this kind of setup, where i really just CANT load back.

How do you post screenshots the easiest?
Welcome to CivFanatics and GOTM. Congrats on your first game and win. :goodjob:

The game takes screenshots in .tga format. The forum does not support this format, so you will need to convert the screenie to .jpg or .png. I use IrfanView for this, but other photo software will also do it. Then you can use the forum's attachment feature or you can post the photo off site and link it back here using the image tags (mouse over icons in the heading of the post reply box and find "insert image").

Hope that helps, if not, please ask.
I too had troubles with Pacal converting me multiple times--forgot that keeping an Inquisitor in one's capital keeps it safe from Great Prophets and Missionaries. Worst moment was when I was first converted. In a fit of pique, I used up my remaining faith to buy an Inquisitor to eliminate this menace--only to realize that buying the Inquisitor in my contaminated capital, rather than in a non-converted city, made it useless. :sad:

Don't know about Inquisitors... however I can tell you that buying a Great Prophet in a city that was just converted by a foe still makes that be a GPr of the religion you founded.
Pacal also went for me - weirdly enough he wanted to convert that one city and that one city only... so I just blocked his GPr out :D

I never seen so much love.

Yeah. Everyone was friends with everyone for the whole game... except...

at the very end of the game... all of a sudden...

Spoiler :
...everyone wanted to kill Isabella!

I actually killed a CS very early on and still got friends with everyone... really weird.
Maybe because I already was friend with both civs I've met so far and killed the CS before meeting other civs:

Also Tithe was an awesome choice because the religion spread so easy on this map (or the AI didn't really bother with religion in this game).

Moreover after killing the CS - I really put my friendship with Dido and Gustavus on a stress test:

Dido asked me not to settle near her again - alright. Gustavus didn't say a word. (Diplo hit with him though for building cities too aggressively... but that vanished soon.)
Yeah. Everyone was friends with everyone for the whole game... except...

at the very end of the game... all of a sudden...

Spoiler :
...everyone wanted to kill Isabella!

I found that Isabella was hoarding cash in the two games I have played, and she usually takes Jerusalem.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 40
Date submitted: 2012-07-18
Your name: sierpinski13
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1880AD
Turns played: 310
Base score: 922
Final score: 1487
Time played: 3:58:00

A few firsts for me on this one:
My first GOTM, my first victory on King, , and my first G&K science victory.

My goal was to use religion to create as much growth as possible which would then translate to more science and production. Like many, pantheon was Goddess of the Hunt. I also chose tithe, swords into plowshares, feed the world, and religious texts. I spread to Carthage and Sweden while using inquisitors in cities to protect from Pacal. I think I was able to buy 3 GS with faith too. (Luckily I spotted Sri Pada early and I was able to steal it from the CS.)

Like a lot of others, my game was a total love fest. Sweden DoW'd early but by that point it was triremes vs caravels. Policies were Tradition, 2 in commerce, and the left side of rationalism.

In total I settled 7 academies, though i probably should have saved more GS for bulbing. I also only got one GE--from Piza--which I used on the PT. I was hoping for more, but it didn't happen. I also could have had a lot more workers sooner, as I was late turning all those forests into mills.

Overall, I was hoping for sub 300. Maybe with better RA management and more bulbing I could have done it. Still a very fun game. Looking forward to the next one!
A bit unhappy with the time, I should have been able to optimize it a bit more.

First figured I'd try for a puppet empire (Sweden DoW:ing early on helped in making that decision), so I built a fleet and took Stockholm. Then DoW:ed Pacal taking his capital as well, where he had built a couple of culture wonders. At this point I realized I wouldn't be pulling enough RAs, and switched tactics back to a nice-and-friendly game (the politics seem quite forgiving on this difficulty level) with RAs with everyone but the two civs whose capitals I owned, and Ethiopia who believed me to be a warmonger (who, me?). Remainder of game was quite uneventful until everyone suddently DoWed Ethiopia and I decided to see if my fleet (2 frigates, 4 privateers, admiral) would still be strong enough. It was, barely, to take his capital (38 def, guarded by a cannon). Before building rocket parts I blundered and sold too much aluminum to Spain so I couldn't build in enough cities in parallel. Thus, DoWed her to break that agreement.

Settled 4 cities at first before NC (one near salt to the east, buying squares to get the natural wonder, one by a mountain to the east taking wine, and one to the south (3 fish, but was sloppy and only bought the fish squares pretty late). Eventually settled a 4th city myself up north for the iron and furs.

Happiness bonus from religion plus friending most city states meant I finished the game with about 80 surplus happiness. :)
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1936AD
Turns played: 356
Base score: 1220
Final score: 1718

This was my first game with the Gods & Kings expansion and I enjoyed it, thanks. A big improvement on the vanilla game. I'm looking forward to the next one now :)
Your name: Derfel_82
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1850AD
Turns played: 295
Base score: 927
Final score: 1571
Time played: 4:18:00

Nice game.

Settled in the furs near the river.
Go for liberty open. Build GL, NC in the capital and expand for 4 cities. Build HG, ND, PT, LP, Taj Mahal, Statue of Liberty and Hubble.
Allied with Geneva, La Venta, Genoa and Sydnei.
A peace game with no war.
I haven't read everyone's results, but I finished my first official GOTM. Got my butt whipped by everyone here.

I read one who won in like 1700 with 800 beakers per turn. I was churning out a thousand in the 20th century... I just don't get how I was so far behind. Most people had fewer cities than I did... but they were first in land mass.

I think I messed up on my religious choices and I didn't get into research agreements. Too much military (1st by the end).

Here is my save and a couple of screenshots. Never done this before...

I won in 1990. I don't want to open the whole game again to get all the other stats. I just know that I finished in two days which is pretty quick for me.

I have read a few more... seems like many people went with Tradition. I went with Liberty thinking a wide empire with lots of cities would get me some magical science. I spread to the next continent and took Stockholm pretty easily. That was my only brush with war.

I had lots of city states. I'm not sure what other Policies I should have taken. I did Rationalism, a few in the City-States one to get some more science. A couple of commerce. I wasn't getting all that much culture.

I need to figure out how you all do so well. I'm on a Mac... maybe that's it. I can never finish a science victory as early as you guys do. Oh, I had something like 18 Wonders... or more. Maybe that's a part of it? I'm a wonder whore monger.


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Game: Civ5 GOTM 40
Date submitted: 2012-07-24
Reference number: 26665
Your name: hammer rabbi
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1923AD
Turns played: 343
Base score: 813
Final score: 1195
Time played: 7:39:00
Submitted save: Boudicca_0343 AD-1923.Civ5Save
Renamed file: hammer_rabbi_C504001.Civ5Save

Ugh, i really am not sure what im doing now. the timings were SO off. I moved and settled northeast 1 full move to get to the river. dropped 3 more cities in similar spots as some others, 2 on the coast, and 2 inland (and 1 by a mountain). i took Goddess of the Hunt and the one that gives +1 happiness per city that uses your religion. I filled Tradition and then missed the Rationalism opener by about 10 turns because i didnt really plan any culture very well. i was goin for tall cities and ran into happiness problems and thus growth problems. i only met 2 civs, dido and gustav, early for trading and the rest much later. i still hadnt found all the CSs before turn 300, lol. i only made 1 galleon.

it was really just a miserable game. i settled two GS early (pre-150) and saved all the rest, over 10 (3 bought with faith) and i still didnt time them right. i signed maybe 9 or 10 RAs and it still took forever. i had to overpay for most of them because after turn 150 i was constantly a full era ahead of everyone. i think i only got straight trade RAs the whole game. i actually got the apollo program somewhere around 250 and it took another 80 turns to finish because i burned a couple GS to beeline to it. in the end i finished all of Tradition and Rationlism plus 2 more policies with the bad timing. i learned a few things but for the most it was a miserable effort. i just wanted to get sub-300 and failed big time.

oh well, I named my religion Pacifism (took the Tengri symbol). I wasnt DoWd once that game but i had to force one DoW myself for the aluminum i stupidly traded 1 turn before needing it. and i very late game settled a 5th city just to get that aluminum. mistakes all around. at least it was king.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 40
Date submitted: 2012-07-22
Reference number: 26649
Your name: Zinad
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1916AD
Turns played: 336
Base score: 936
Final score: 1397
Time played: 7:56:00
Submitted save: Boudicca_0336 - 1916 n. Chr..Civ5Save
Renamed file: Zinad_C504001.Civ5Save

My first game played to completion with G&K and my first submission of a TSG. The game was very peaceful and I was friends with everybody. Only the Swedes started a war in the early game but offered peace soon later. Built 4 cities. Missed Stonehenge and GL by a few turns. Built Oracle, Great Mosque of Djenne (GE from Liberty), PT, Pisa, Sistine (with GE from Pisa), Eiffel
I like that RA's can only be made when you are friends. The broken RA's in vanilla Civ 5 were a nuisance. I was quite surprised that the AI renews trade agreements, when they finish.

Messenger of the Gods (for a science game, but with only three trade routes not powerful)
Interfaith Dialogue (I didn't find this effective)
Religious Texts

All Liberty
3 Tradtion
All Rationalism
3 Freedom
Patronage Opener

Thanks for the setup.
For as miserable as yours was, you beat me by 70 years... I thought I was rolling.

I apologize if that seems like bragging because it wasnt. the miserable part comes from residual memories of pre-GnK games where i had the timings better. maybe i shouldnt have complained as much as i did. :)

im still really enjoying the new civs. and as a bonus i was just reading the new Steam achievements and in the last 6 turns i got one unbeknownst to me: Indoctinated - Lose dominant status in your Holy City to an opponent’s Religion. Austria came in to undo my Pacifism with her Christianity. Luckily i had no use for faith points by then and had plenty sitting there so i bought a Great Prophet for 500 faith and undid her indoctrination, haha.

Some of those Steam achievements looks pretty fun. The funny names are enough for me to go for them, in particular RAM Usage - Research Satellites while playing Attila on a huge map. Seems silly enough to go for.
Wow, ok so I think I've got the worst score here :p (by 1 turn by the looks of it!)

I've never done a GOTM before. I don't think I concentrated on science enough, I was a bit too militaristic :/

Game: Civ5 GOTM 40
Date submitted: 2012-07-24
Reference number: 26669
Your name: jordie
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 2003AD
Turns played: 423
Base score: 1543
Final score: 1836
Time played: 6:58:00
Submitted save: Boudicca_0423 AD-2003.Civ5Save
Renamed file: jordie_C504001.Civ5Save

Here are some screenies:

My spaceship launching :)
Spoiler :

View over the extent of my empire:
Spoiler :

Ending demographics:
Spoiler :

My social policies:
Spoiler :
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