Turnchat instruction thread 980 AD: Monday, April 12, 17:00 GMT, 13:00 EDT, 12:00 EST


Retired Moderator
Mar 2, 2003
All officials who are empowered to post instructions are to do so in this thread. All instructions must be posted at least one hour before the turnchat to be valid.

Game save

This is not a discussion thread
Back to my old trend of being the first to post instructions...

Instructions for Sérliënorë

Groton: Knight, Knight, Knight

Mure: Musketeer, Aqueduct, Knight.

Grand Bricolage: Harbor, Aqueduct, Barracks.

Worker instructions: 1) Up to the DoI or the President’s judgment.

Other: Upgrade the Spearman in Mûre to a Musketeer.
Military Advisor -

Upgrade all spears and pikes that can be upgraded (select a spear, and pike, and press shift-u). The senate is voting on it now.

Start moving all knights towards Mure (Do *NOT* do an auto goto! For the main reason incase Russia decides to sneak attack us, and we need troops). They must pass through Groton to effectively use the Russia ROP (if it is signed). I would like the 4 knights in Bootsville to head to Groton.

As I said before, please use all knights, even if that leaves the cities without a military garrison. There's no immediate threats from the north (save for a tsunami...). Antilla is building a musket that could be rushed at a later date, especially if we wind up in a golden age.

Move the Warrior in St. Octaviansburg to Skarkeygrad.
Move the warrior in Groton to the iron tile NE of Groton.

In Between Turns - *PLEASE* tell me what units are built. I don't want to see, "cities built stuff...".

Troop Movement - You may use an auto goto, but only as long as they arrive at the designated tile on the same turn. (i.e., auto goto for 6 tiles in one turn). This is so that we can catch incursions without wasting a turn.

If a sizable incursion occurs (2 defenders, 2 or more attackers), please distribute defenses accordingly. The Babylonians and Germans are fighting, but the Russian's have poked into our territory before.

And the most important thing - Do not trust those Communist Russians! :o
Build Queues

Mr. Rogers Neiberhood
Switch to Barracks, queue Granary

Build Library, queue Granary

Switch to Courthouse, rush if approved by the Senate, queue Granary

Production Tiles

Mr. Rogers Neiberhood
Continue working N, SSE. Change 2SE into E and SW into SWW
When MRN SE is cleared from jungle, change SSE to SE

No change required

Change NE into NEE. If growth occurs, please work E (just cleared of jungle).

Cash Rush Requests
Rush Courthouse in Acheron, if approved by the Senate (200 gold, or less if rushed later)

Instructions are given in order of priority
- Finish ‘clear jungle’ in MRN SE and 2SW (4 more turns)
- Build mine MRN SWW
- Please clear jungle NW of lake (NNW for MRN respectively)
- Build mine Acheron E
- Send workers off to Alluares to Clear Jungle which already have roads (i.e. Mr Rogers NW/S)
Vandelay: work a flood plain instead of a mountain

Cijam: work SW instead of W

New Morgana: work flood plain instead of plains

Ooligaroa: work the irrigated plains instead of the mined

Internal: work the mined desert instead of the flood plain

Build Queues

Vandelay: bank, barracks, knight, knight, ...

Cijam: university, bank

St. Octaviansburg: granary, bank

Raven's Flight: market, harbor (instead of temple)

New Falcons Heaven: university, harbor

Cabaret Voltaire: market

Ooligaria: university, bank

Internal: market, aqueduct

New Morgana: library

Sharkeygrad: library

Kadessa: library (hurry if money is available), market

standing wishes
once a tile is improved, if possible please mm city in order use "best" improved tiles

worker actions in Audiac
I want to very much urge the DP to follow my instructions.

Sorry; not enough time this time. The irigated deserts at Kadessa should be roaded. Otherwise continue to improve New Morgana's tiles.

Rush Jobs
Kadessa's library, if money is available
I apologise for not posting these instructions before the 1 hour deadline, unfortunately when I came to post the forums went down. I realise that these instructions are not therefore legal, but for your information, this is what I would have posted had I been able.

War Declarations:
  • We intend to go to War with Babylon. When we have 20 knights on the Eastern Front, 10 on the Western Front - probably within 10 turns or so, please look out for Babylonian intruders in our territory. When they arrive, demand they leave. They are almost certain to declare war. This is likely to be towards the very end of the turn chat, so if they do not declare war or there are no intruders we can discuss it in the forums without losing too much time.
  • If war is declared on us by another Civ, please stop the chat so that we can decide what to do in the forums.
Right of Passage: Just before declaring War on Babylon (or encouraging them to declare war that is) Please form a Right of Passage with Russia. They should pay us for this, currently 20 gold and a World Map, but this will change as the game progresses. Please get the most you can for it at the time. Do not trust the Russians however, and treat any Russian troop movement in our territory as if it were an incursion.

Military Alliances: Please do not form any Military Alliances this chat. As more information on how the war is progressing becomes available, we can reconsider this option in the forums.

Peace Treaties:
  • Initiate none this chat.
  • If asked to renegotiate peace by another Civ, please do so.
Tribute Demands: Again, 2 sets of instructions, one for if we have deals we want to protect, the other if we don’t.
If deals we want to protect are at stake:
  • If a Civ with whom we have a deal we want to protect makes a demand, pay the demand up to a value that you judge makes the deal still worthwhile in gold, gpt or maps, but do not pay cities, techs or resources.
  • If Persia makes a demand and the deal we want to keep is with a Civ that relies on the route through their coast (Aztecs and Zulu), pay in the same manner as above.
If there is no deal to protect (either directly or indirectly) please use the standard options below:
  • Please reject all tribute demands from Persia, Aztecs, Zulu and Iroquois.
  • Please reject all tribute demands from Russia unless the demand is trivial (10 gold or less and/or a territory map).
  • Once we are ready for War with Babylon, reject all demands from Babylon, as another way to persuade them to declare War on us.
  • From other countries, pay all tribute demands that do not exceed 40 gold or 2 gpt or that include technologies or cities. If the demand exceeds 40 gold, 2 gpt, or includes contacts, techs, or cities, reject the demand.
Territory Incursions: Once we are ready for War with Babylon, demand that they remove any troops that trespass in our territory, otherwise:
  • Do not request or demand that any nation move its troops from our territory during this turn chat.
  • Please monitor incursions within our territory and report during the chat, so that the route is recorded for future reference.
  • Please if possible block the route of any Settler/Defender pairs that attempt to cross our territory.
  • If what appears to be a possible invasion force arrives near a city, please stop the chat so that we can determine what to do in the forums.
The senate has approved:

Item 6:
The upgrade of 4 Pikemen to Musketeers for 240 gold ?
Yes: 4
No: 0
Abstain / not voted: 1
Item passed

item 7:
The upgrade of 3 spears to Musketeers for 240 gold? ?
Yes: 3 (1 vote "after the pikes")
No: 1
Abstain / not voted: 1
Item passed

item 8:
The cashrushing of a courthouse in Acheron for 200 gold ?
Yes: 1
No: 3
Abstain / not voted: 1
Item failed

item 9:
Pay for a MA with India Vs Babylon ?
Yes: 3 (1 vote "up to 5 gpt or 75 gold")
No: 0
Abstain / not voted: 2.

Keep the tax at + 53 gpt.
Research speed must be maintained, please adjust slider, if possible, just before we researched our new tech.
No lux setting required.
Turnchat summary:

We signed an ROP with Russia during the preturn to facilitate moving our knights to Mure. Three turns later, a stack of three Russian archers moved into our territory near Groton. In Turn 4, they moved closer to the city, and a spear moved into our territory near Mure. Turn 5 saw the spear near Mure move onto the iron mountain next to the city, a longbow moved to a mountain SSE of Groton, and the archer stack moved directly south of Sanction. In Turn 6, Russia violated its ROP and declared war. The iron mountain near Mure was pillaged and Sanction was attacked. Our musketeer defeated the first archer attacking, triggering our GA. The other two archers moved SW of the city. Also, the longbow tried attacking a knight and was killed by our forces. We retaliated by killing the archers still on our territory and by killing a spear that moved onto a hill. We now will be able to get Military Tradition in 2 turns with a gpt of +187, and Russia will not be alive for long. ;)
Turnchat Log

(note - I got confused about the turnchat time, since boots had 12:00pm EDT in the title, but the forums weren't working, so I didn't know he meant 1:00pm EDT. The only extra thing I did was build queues, and move knights towards Mure, as were in my instructions already). Handed the chat over to boots once he arrived. I always get confused about the times when Daylight Savings time starts and ends. :/
I couldn't post the Tech and Trade instructions due that my internet was out for the whole morning and part of the after noon.

Strider will be back for the next TC.
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