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Tutorial: How to create screenshots

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Feb 6, 2013
Whether you are bragging about your achievements, or seeking help and advice on a seemingly hopeless game you are playing, it's always nice to post some screenshots in addition to a save file. Unfortunately, taking screenshots in Civ 5 is non-trivial and does not work right out of the box - which seems to be a particular problem a lot of people struggle with in the Strategy & Tips forum. Hopefully, this will dispel any difficulties you may have trying to show off your awesome (or troubled) empires.

1. Steam method

If you are running Civ 5 via Steam, the Steam method is probably the better (and the easier) method. Steam provides a set of tools for generating and collecting screenshots taken for your Steam games, and USUALLY you can easily do so by pressing F12. Unfortunately, in Civ 5 F12 is bound as a shortcut for "loading last quicksave", so pressing F12 on Civ 5 will generally give you a black screen.

To my best knowledge, there are no easy way to rebind your F12 key to any other functions for Civ 5 (:mad:). Therefore, you should consider rebinding your "taking screenshot" key for Steam. To do so, from your Steam window, to go Steam -> Settings, then for the In-Game tab, change the hotkey for taking screenshots from F12 to something else (I use "\").


Every time you press the button, a screenshot is taken and automatically saved to your harddrive. To access them, from your Steam Library, right click Civ 5, then choose "view screenshots".


2. Without Steam

It's also possible to do this without using Steam, although an extra step will be needed. In Civ 5 you can press the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard to save your screen as a *.tga file in your "C:\Users\<User Name>\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ScreenShots" folder by default. The trouble, however, is that *.tga files are not very accessible and certainly cannot be opened by an average, everyday web browser. To overcome this problem, you need to convert your TGA file into a better format (preferably, PNG format). There are many ways to do this, I will mention a couple:

1. Use Gimp. Download this from gimp.org. Open the file, save as PNG.
2. Use this website: http://image.online-convert.com/convert-to-png

However, since you will have to do this for every single screenshot you take, it's a lot more troublesome.

That's it folks. I hope you will have fun posting screenshots of Alex getting beaten into a pulp by your awesome armies.
If you run the game windowed and not full screen and have Windows 7 or better then you have a built in accessory called Snipping Tool. It is an awesome tool for taking any kind of screen shot and saving it in any graphic format you want. I find it so useful I have it pinned to the menu and on windows key shortcut.

But you do need to be running in windowed mode.
Here is how I take screenshots:

Screenshot folder
Drag targa file into photoshop
Printscreen again
Upload to CF
Just changing the Steam shortcut key like the OP said is fast and painless, and saves you a lot of trouble overall.
The only legal Steam-free version of Civ V requires a Mac obviously.

You use a variant of method #2, except that there is no obvious print screen key on most Mac keyboards. In this case, print screen is Shift+&#8984;+3 (it automatically creates a JPEG file to the desktop).

If you have a mouse that has at least four buttons (the third button being the scroll wheel) and/or a graphics tablet that has at least three buttons, one additional button can be reconfigured as a print screen button.

Yes, it is possible to play Civ V on a graphics tablet, given the game's turn-based nature.
The only legal Steam-free version of Civ V requires a Mac obviously.

You use a variant of method #2, except that there is no obvious print screen key on most Mac keyboards. In this case, print screen is Shift+&#8984;+3 (it automatically creates a JPEG file to the desktop).

If you have a mouse that has at least four buttons (the third button being the scroll wheel) and/or a graphics tablet that has at least three buttons, one additional button can be reconfigured as a print screen button.

Yes, it is possible to play Civ V on a graphics tablet, given the game's turn-based nature.

Oh, I wasn't aware of this. I wondered if it was possible to run civ 5 without Steam, then I thought I should provide a non-Steam method anyway just in case someone does not want to rebind the screenshot key for Steam for any reasons.
Nice guide since many people don't know how to show screenshots. Might want to add that you can directly upload the screenshots from your computer to this website. No need for an intermediate host site like imageshack or photobucket.
Oh, I wasn't aware of this. I wondered if it was possible to run civ 5 without Steam, then I thought I should provide a non-Steam method anyway just in case someone does not want to rebind the screenshot key for Steam for any reasons.

You need a Mac (as the legal non-Steam version is in the Mac-exclusive App Store (and is the Campaign Edition)). There are no legal non-Steam versions for Windows.
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