Unit Request Thread 3

Ancient Chinese secret... ;)
Dragoons morphed into Cavalry as time marched on, but their original purpose was somewhat akin to motorised infantry (vs mechanised infantry).

Dragoons used to be (1600's) very heavy infantry that rode horses to key positions, then dismounted and fought on foot (like motorised infantry taking trucks and armoured vehicles to the battle, then fighting on foot).

Cavalry at this time were really anybody that fought on horseback (like mechanised infantry that fight mounted in their combat-oriented fighting vehicles).

@Nick0515 I guess I would be happy is someone would just palletteswap a blonde horseman from the link Georgestow provided to turn him into a redhead. I have some modding experience, but I've never attempted to do my own unit (I've always just taken other people's), and it just seems like a good idea to try here. If nobody is willing to give me a redheaded horseman, could somebody point me in the direction of a pallette swap tutorial?

i stand corrected. :)
*goes off to "edit" his dictionary, history book and other sources that told him what a dragoon was*
evil.. lying... :sniper:
Oh, dear fellows, it cannot be done - or, rather IIRC it can be forced in the editor, but the AI will entirely ignore it.

It STILL amazes me how, in some critical ways, C3 is a step back from SMAC :rolleyes:


I know the AI ignores it, but really, I don't care. I like the concept, therefore, it's going in my mod, even if it is only the player that builds the ocean cities.

If you make all water tiles cost 2 , then make road buildable in the sea, and the human player is the only one to do that, will it means at the end you will get navy moving 3 times faster on "ocean trail"?
i've got a simple method, swap water terrain images for land terrain images and vice versa. :)
that way you don't have to do that much modding. ^^
you can edit resources and what not to fit it as well, and the game will take it just fine. :)
"His sig" means Ripptide. So I think 1) one UN already exist ;2) it`s never made over here

His green version in the Database would make a better recolor ,I guess. But it had to be shrinked too.

Green version? I have to search better I think...
Or, Armored Cavalry version.

From GlobalSecurity.org, from a quick google search on ACAV.

"M113 ACAV (Armored Cavalry Assault Vehicle)
The Vietnam-era M113 ACAV (Armored Cavalry Assault Vehicle) version is a very important chapter in the long and proud history of the M113. Following lessons learned, in particular the loss of 14 ARVN .50 cal gunners at the Battle of Ap Bac in January 1963, the standard M113 was upgraded both in armament and armour protection to the M-113.

Two M60 GPMG's were mounted, one either side of the rear hatch, and fitted with protective gun shields. An FMC-designed armoured gun shield/turret combination was also added to the commanders cupola to afford him protection when manning the .50 cal machine gun. This vehicle was designated the M-113 Armored Cavalry vehicle (ACAV).

As a result of lessons learned, when the 11th ACR shipped to RVN their M-113's were fitted with the ew FMC gun shields and had additional M-60's mounted either side of the rear top hatch. The 11th ACR coined the term ACAV which soon became the 'official' designation of this modified M-113."
I'd like to request some Dutch / Flemish units for the Netherlands.

Knight, early 14th century

Man-at-Arms (sporting a Goedendag)

Man-at-Arms or Billman (mid-14th century)






In the bottom picture, the middle and right person are Flemish urban militiamen.
a that one! I found that one, but thats a different type is it?

I mistyped - Death McBones had it right: "Armored Cavalry". Note the shielded .50 mg atop the beast. Regular M113 was a simple "APC" ("Armored Personnel Carrier" - basically an armored battlefield taxicab).


Btw..did Riptide had more units which he didnt upload to the data base?

You mean uploaded in a thread ,but not to the Database ?
:scan:As far as I can say all of Ripptides creations are uploaded to the DB.

But I was sooo unlucky missing CDGroup. In that time I was focused downloading from this forum and only have planed to download everything there. But before I have had the chance the site was down. That`s for sure my biggest mistake with CIV-Modding at all (sigh).:blush:
So I can not really say if something has been lost there.:confused:

BTW: Do we still have a member here who possess CDG Units ? And is willing to burn them on CD and send it to my Real Life address ? IF so ,PLEASE PM me !!! (Because for `Trust` reasons : Well-known Members ONLY)
If wished I would return a `Surprise Packet` and surely add him/her to my Buddy list.
I don't call myself The Archivist for naught. Frankly, I'm not up to pouring through my massive units db looking for all of ripp's works and reposting them, but if you have anything specific in mind, just say the word.


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