Unit Requests: Medieval Balkans


Serbian Ambassador in CFC
Feb 6, 2006
Subotica, Serbia
My Requests for Medieval Units:
note: these units are from Medieval 2 total war MOD "Tsardoms"

Spoiler Tsardom of Bulgaria :

Spoiler :
Bulgarian Spearmen - using spear as their main weapon and clad in scale armour, are one of the basic units of Bulgarian Tsardom. Their armament and skill ensure that they can be relied on to hold a line, but they will definitely be hard pressed when engaging elite units... (research – Kavhan Isbul, skins – phoenix[illusion], model – matko, Skin of shields with stripes - DisgruntledGoat)

Bulgarian swordsmen- Similarly armoured as their spear-wielding counterparts, but armed with a sword instead. More agile than spearmen, they can be used as assault units on specific points. They will usually get the job done, provided they are not outnumbered or outskilled... (research – Kavhan Isbul, skins – phoenix[illusion], model – phoenix[illusion])

Bolyar Cavalry – Bolyar cavalry is one of the heaviest variant of Bulgarian cavalry. Bolyars of Bulgaria always maintained a strong force of cavalry. the Shishmans are reported to have maintained at least a few thousand well equipped armored horsemen, and this force obviously played a great role in their ascenssion to power eventually. They are equipped with heavy armour and use lances as their primary weapon, with devastating effects. Their skill and morale unquestionable, enemies of Bulgaria will have to be vary of them. (research – Kavhan Isbul, skins – phoenix[illusion], model –phoenix[illusion], matko)

Spoiler Tsardom of Serbia :

Spoiler :
Shielded Bowmen are the evolution of early Serbian archers. They are primarily archers, but unlike their predecessors they are armed with swords, carry shields for protection, and wear light armour. In battles they act as archers and they can fight melee but are not effective as standard infantry. They are best for weakening the enemy with a rain of arrows and for defending settlements. Historically-speaking, in feudal Serbia there was a class of people called vlasi (vlachs) who were cattle breeders. They had an obligation to provide certain number of soldiers and were archers in Serbian armies. In the famous Battle of Velbužd (1330) they inflicted great losses on Bulgarian army. Here you can see regular and upgraded Shielded Bowmen

Heavy Infantry -Historically, there were free people in high feudalism in Serbia who weren’t meropsi (peasants), but neither had they income enough to buy horses and expensive cavalry equipment (like vlastela). Because of that they became infantry (ordinary called vojnici) and formed a class called vlastelcici, the lowest ranked nobility. These soldiers are covered with mail, have a round shield and are armed with a sword. The unit can be upgraded with better armour and then the soldiers will wear scale and lamellar armour (like on these pictures).

Serbian Speramen-Historically, there were free people in high feudalism in Serbia who weren’t meropsi (peasants), but neither had they enough incomes to buy horses and expensive cavalry equipment (like vlastela). Because of that they became infantry (ordinary called vojnici) and formed a class which was called vlastelcici, the lowest ranked nobility. These soldiers are covered with mail, have a large round shield and are armed with a spear.

Serbian Horsearchers are light missile cavalrymen drawn from various nations popular known as Turcopoles. These cavalrymen are armed with bows and arrows and in close combat they use swords and sabres. For protection they use smaller shields and light armour which allow them higher maneuverability. Historically, they were mercenaries hired from Cumans, Turks, Alans and Tatars and were heavily hired in time of King Milutin (1282-1321). He used them mostly in several civil wars with his brother Dragutin and for special tasks when he couldn’t rely on the Serbian nobility. In 1321 he sent a unit of 2000 Cuman Turcopoles to help Andronicus II to hold his rule in Roman Empire. Here you can see regular and upgraded Horsearchers

Auxilia Cavalry-These horseman, recruited from among the lower nobility, are armed in Byzantine fashion. Their equipment consists from a scale/lemellar loricon, mail protection for arms and legs and an open helmet. They use spears and swords in combat. In a beginning of the 14th century they were seen as heavy calvary but now (in the year 1345), with the development of the plate armour, they should be considered as medium cavalry. Auxilia are a support cavalry for heavier troops like Vlastela; they cannot defeat western style knights in a direct battle but their speed and manoeuverability makes them useful on the battlefield.

Serbian Hussars (Gusari) – They are the pinnacle of the light shock cavalry. As the Ottoman Empire advanced further into Europe it was clear that stopping them would have to involve some changes in the military style. Their light and fast horse archers and their hit-and-run tactics proved impossible for heavier western cavalry to counter. For this purpose Gusars were created in Serbia. They are lightly armoured, use light lance as their primary weapon and switch to sabres for melee. Although they are proficient in melee, they shouldn’t be expected to hold out against medium and heavy cavalry. Light cavalry, of course is fair game. They are fast moving and have a good stamina, but they can be unruly and aren’t very fond of discipline...
In modern Serbian Gusar litteraly means pirate, but in old Serbian it meant aomething like brigand, highwaymen, outlaw often using flamboyant fighting style. After the fall of the Serbian Despotate to the Ottomans, most of the Gusars went to serve Hungarian king. They proved effective so that Hungarian version of the unit was created. Later the concept spread to Poland and most of Europe. (skins – il_duce, model – matko)

Hussars Horse Archers – Although most of the Hussars were used as a light shock cavalry, with light lances as their primary weapons, some of them were employed as horse archer. Rest of the equipment is pretty much the same… (skins – il_duce, model – matko)

Spoiler Byzantine :


I always second flavor units for European civs!
How about this for the base of the Bulgarian spear and sword?

I could make the kilt/belt/boots all civ color...or texture them leather. Whichever you think best.

The only problem is I haven't located a shield prop in that shape...I know Rob uses one but it doesn't seem to be available on the forum. I'll need to keep looking, I suppose.
well I would like everything leathered but there are people who would probably like to use these dudes for something else so I'm confused :( is there a chance for you to do civ colored version and one with none?

As for the shields I'll ask Rob, if he is in some way unable to give them to you I'll ask Bjornlo to model them :)

Thanks dude!
Sounds good...glad you think it matches well. I'll do the first round all leather (with the 3 Lions on the shield) and civ-color free. I'm starting to animate with a placeholder shield. Hopefully we get something that will work for the right shield shape.

My only wonderment is if he's too dark?

I'm not sure how long they'll be...a week-ish? We'll see what time permits.
Thirded in this request since I'm a Bulgarian.
I ended up finding a shield that comes close...though I haven't tried it as the shorter, swordsman's shield yet. Regardless, here it is on the spearman...

alright, 'final' pre-real work consultation...here is a lightened helmet (hopefully it's light enough) and a red kilt. I also changed the chainmail texture for the main garment to a lighter one. Let me know which version of the chainmail you prefer.
Alright, so I got a little obsessed and went to town on this guy...here's a quick animation preview. I'm not happy with the way the main piece of armor blends into the under mail suit at civ-scale so I'll probably be tinkering with the textures. Other than that, comments?

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