Unlocking Exploration and Modern Age civs.

I know that screenshot. There is a bit of black space below the line that says he unlocks Chola. Could be that it usually says "unlocks Mughals" when the screenshot is not tinkered with. Could also just be the normal distance between paragraphs. Alternatively, the other Ashoka could unlock Mughals. So, I think a "?" is still legitimate.

Btw the same screenshot confirms random leaders. Haven't noticed that until right now.
Oh, so historical accuracy doesn't matter as long as the leader's culture roughly fits.
Oh, so historical accuracy doesn't matter as long as the leader's culture roughly fits.
I wouldn't be surprised if they want every civ to have a leader that autounlocks it even if there is no corresponding leader for that civ, just for the sake of even playing field in their ability to be played as often if that makes sense. Though I would rather wait for DLC leaders that would fit better. However, I don't think allowing Confucius to unlock all the Chinas and Ashoka to unlock all the Indias is controversial at all.
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