I shall join and try my best.
Stat template:
Player Character:
PC Name/Player: Nero Germani
Class-Race: Engineer-Human/ no modifications, pure
Amount of Credits: 600
Name-Class: Lonely Star/Ox
Modifications: NR; IE.
Systems: Sensor II; Nav II.
Captain: Nero Germani
Crew: 10 sailors, 2 engineers.
Status-Location: Gateway.
Nero held his new wife hard as the space elevator screamed to a halt at the Gateway, Nero looked outside and saw the blue globe and sighed. His life is now behind him, the days of repairing the local rail system of the local city in his town were over. His demeaning bosses and coworkers behind him as he prepared to start a new life. The 5,000 credits in his bank that his father graciously lended to him was all that he has to his name. Together with his wife they stepped off the elevator and smiled, a new life indeed. Nero quickly found work for the Gateway's engineering system and became chief of his sector within 2 years. Nero always watched the ports in his section as they opened and closed every time a ship came in for repairs or loading/unloading. To hear those engines whine down and the crew racing around securing the ship was something Nero could see himself doing. Unfortunatly even being chief of his section in the Engineering department was not enough for many captains he asked for jobs with. Day after day Nero would walk up to a captain and ask for a position onboard his ship as an engineer, and day after day the captains say no. Oh it made no difference that Nero made a healthy sum to support his family of a boy and girl and his wife. He looks to the darkness of space as his destiny. He took a look at the local shipyard for ships available and the possibility of buying one, when he first entered he stopped in his tracks and stared at the ship he must have. When the salesman approached Nero asked how much it costed, the salesman replied, 7,500 sir, but wouldn't you rather have a newer ship? This old Ox has been battered and beaten it has been in scraps with pirates and even local security forces for illegal goods. Nero shook his head, that will do just fine.
Nero arrived home at the end of his shift and quickly sat down with his wife, together the two discussed the possibility of Nero becoming a merchant, always traveling in space going from port to port buying and selling goods. The couple looked at their bank account and saw that they only had 6,000 credits. The next morning, Nero and his family boarded the ship, the apartment long been sold for a princly 3,000 credits. Nero's father sent 1,000 to help his son start up his business. So Nero and company began the next chapter of their lives....
Nero Germani: 24 years old, ex-engineer chief of Section 2 at Gateway.
Allison Germani: 22 years old, ex nurse of section 2 at Gateway.
Thomas Germani: 2 years old.
Kristen Germani: 10 months old.
Boris: 30, served as crewman for a company that went bankrupt.
Charlie: 25, same as Boris.
Teddy: 27, same as above.
Yonki: 20, a refugee from Mars, but skilled pilot, though not certified as one.
Hemlet: 42, a crewman from a ship, skilled navigator.
Gonkers: 40, a sailor from a frieghter, excellence math skills.
Trey: 50, sailor from Troy, hated mining rigs and wanted to try his skill on a frieghter.
Vicks: 19, rookie sailor, fresh from earth.
Bobby: 18, same as Vicks.
Henri: 25, great pilot, but had license revoked by Union of Planets.
Will: 24, Joins his boss on the ship, leaving section 2 at Gateway.
Gary: 30, same as Will.
Is this good?