Unofficial Civ IV Expansion Announced:

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Spies anyone....poisoning water and destroying improvements - sounds like terrorism to me.

True. That is not all a terrorist could do but true.
I guess more than that is pushing a little too hard!
But what about for the -oh-great-unofficial-expansion? :goodjob:
A new AI called Best AI.
Improvements over the old AI are:
  • Whenever you are within 2 turns of completing a wonder an AI will have already forseen this event and finish it this turn.
  • AI will now use catapults and other siege to cause collateral damage before sending in other units.
  • An AI will remember if you backstabbed it at Friendly in a previous game.
  • Montezuma and Shaka will now build bigger armies.
  • Mansa Musa, Gandhi, Huyana Capac and Hatshepsut now place higher priority on economic techs.
You win teh Internets award for big-time funny! :goodjob: The boldfaced line is my favorite....
That's what France gets for surrendering.

America surrendered to a bunch of farmers in Vietnam. Surrender monkeys!

... and then threw their own liberty away in order to sell their souls to a certain diminutive Corsican who *still* lost. Twice.

Change the face of the world, that did. And the difference between Bush and Napoleon is the latter did have extraordinary success for a substantial length of time and was widely admired by his adversaries.

Yup, he's on my loser list.

Wow, you must be really amazing, then! I certainly want to worship a winner like you! :goodjob:
A joke and I fell for it- unbelievable but true, congratulations!:goodjob:
I read it this morning (half asleep but still..) and went to work thinking about the scary idea like "An AI will remember if you backstabbed it at Friendly in a previous game".
I was going to respond :gripe: but the little voice told me to shut up.
Thank you little voice.
Dood. *Everybody* predicted that Iraq was going to be a mess, apart from Dubya and his loyal poodle Blair. That's not anything remarkable.
Well, they were the only ones with enough courage to actually say it out loud and do something about it.

That's what France gets for surrendering.

ZZZZZZZZZ! Another WW2 reference how unoriginal!

Quebecian! You're the reason all Canadian videogames have to come with French manuals, increasing their bulk and wasting trees! Dieeeee! *chases with a sharpened spoon*
I remember in the early 1990s Albertans fuming on talk radio because there was French aside English on their cereal boxes. My god!!!!!
Hehehe! I know it's a joke, but look at this:
- Ubisoft Canada. Montreal. Aside from many others. One of the greatest city for developpers...

BTW. A law has just been presented in Qc, soon all games sold in Quebec will need to be available in French.
Wow, you must be really amazing, then! I certainly want to worship a winner like you! :goodjob:

Yeah! Saying Napoleon is a loser is an oversimplification.
It's like saying Julius Caesar is a loser because he was killed...
As if both man never had their share of great victories, conquest and military glories before their fall...

That was a pleasant early-afternoon procrastination-at-work-diversion. But it can be mean to use subtlety and sarcasm on a very international board.

But did I mention amusing?
However, am I the only one fed up of the same "french jokes" over and over again?
Could you be more unoriginal?

You think you guys have it bad? lol theres even more polish jokes!

Oh and i sigged it. See sig.
Yeah! Saying Napoleon is a loser is an oversimplification.
It's like saying Julius Caesar is a loser because he was killed...
As if both man never had their share of great victories, conquest and military glories before their fall...

I'l be sure to add Caesar to my list of losers then. You know, if you're thinking about taking a job as Dictator for life, I would advice that you read the fine print first.
BTW. A law has just been presented in Qc, soon all games sold in Quebec will need to be available in French.

You mean like the game proper? If that affects all of Canada, I will hijack a B2 and bomb Quebec. I get all my game imports from Canada ever since Sony shut down Lik-Sang. :trouble:
French jokes just remain funny :o
It's like jokes about dumb blondes (their IQ matches that of the average frenchman i geuss :D)

I live in Belgium, Speak Dutch and French and have my French friends, so please don't take this offensively :D
This must be a j/k thread. If the OP is fighting longbows with modern armors, he would obviously move up in difficulty.
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