UnOfficial Expansion: Rise and Fall of Empires, Alpha Release Soon


Jun 9, 2012
Disclaimer: The Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods and Kings 'UnOfficial Expansion: Rise and Fall of Empires' Modding Project is a WIP (Work in Progress) Customization of Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods and Kings. However this Project, even if owning no completed project, includes several minor released Customizations, more commonly know as [GandK] ModMods. This thread has the purpose of providing a source of information about the Delevopment and Announcements rather than including discussion about this Moding Project.

About the Project

Our Purpose

UnOfficial Expansion: Rise and Fall of Empires has grown to be a large project. Altought including only a small team of people who, with non-commercial profits, dedicate themselves, in their free time, to delevop a customization of a game they greatly apreciate. Modding is as Game Delevopment, itself, an art, requiring imagination and time, but with some unfortunate limits due to programming issues. Programming in Game Delevopment is an Art as well, and also a Science, to convert ideas into code, to make those ideas actually happen. Computers rule the world, and are resposible for a lot of our confort and are a part of our lifes.
Gaming is a way to stimulate imanigation and as reading, to let people live new experiences, new world, alternative events, and to provide hapinness, a critical dimension of human beings. There are many people who's life goal is to reach the perfection of happiness, while others want to leave a mark, their own ideas, creations, to contrbute to this world, even if History nevers recognize them. The main purpose of this Customization of Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods and Kings is to provide a source of happiness to every player and to the delevopers of this Mod.

Our Goals

UnOfficial Expansion: Rise and Fall of Empires' main goals in the Customization of Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods and Kings are to enhance Gameplay Exprience, provide and polish Historical Accuracy, an important dimension of this game, as History is an important part of our lives, because we are not who we are just because who we are, we are who we are because of who we are and our culture, who 'we' were in the past, the past of our ancestors, provide a Challenge to all the players, stimulate their capacities to solve a situation, as there is not one option, but many, and also to increase Immersion, make the player actually being inside the game, provide a simulation with the highest possible level of realism

Delevopment Team

UnOfficial Expansion: Rise and Fall of Empires is delevoped by a team of three members of the Civilization Fanatics Centre. While most of the work is handled by the Lead Designer and Programmer, there are also large contributors to this project. As most of UnOfficial Expansion: Rise and Fall of Empire's work is compatibility between other existing Customizations of Sid Meier's Civilization V, there is no real author of this Mod, only of it's original content, which represents a smaller part of this Project. None of the delevopers have professional experience in Programming or Game Delevopment. Firaxis Games has made possible that customizations are easily implemented without any major knowdlege of Programming. Derek "Kael" Paxton has created the "Modder's Guide", in which consists most of the Modding experience of the developers. Even if you don't know anything about Modding, as long as you have time and want to learn and help, you have a place in this team.

Genghis.Khan - Lead Designer and Lead Programmer (eXtensive Markup Language; Structured Query Language)

mrc2022 - Designer and Programmer (eXtensive Markup Language)
Main Assignment: Building Designing and Programming

crawf0rd - Designer and Programmer (eXtensive Markup Language and Structured Query Language)
Main Assignment: Beliefs Designing and Programming

Special Thanks

The UnOfficial Expansion: Rise and Fall of Empires Development Team would like to thank the following individual and entities for their contribuition to the Development of this Modding Project, If you think you should be referenced here and you are not, please, send a private message to Genghis.Khan at the Civilization Fanatics Forums.

Firaxis Games for providing Modding Tools necessary to the Delevopment of this Mod and for making Sid Meier's Civilization V highly customizable

Derek "Kael" Paxton for providing the "Modder's Guide", an excellent tutorial about Sid Meier's Civilization V Modding that made this Project possible

lemmy101 for providing the Indie Stone Visual Tech Tree Editor, making the process of Technology creation much easier

CaptainBinky for providing the Indie Stone Visual Tech Tree Editor, making the process of Technology creation much easier

Drawmaeus/Strabo for helping and directing this Team through DLL an Lua Modding

Thassalicus for helping and providing code in Lua Modding

whoward69 for helping and awnsering several questions allowing more extensive Modding

Sir Shivfngle for believing in this Modding Project right from the start and helping in Testing and Debugging and provide Suggestions to Improve this Project

SOT_Mohawak for believing in this Modding Project from the start and providing Suggestions to Improve this Project

PawelS for helping with the Colonies! [GandK] ModMod

General Tsao for helping with the Colonies! [GandK] ModMod

Gorhaaz for helping in Debuging this Modding Project

FramedArchitect for helping and believing in this Project from the beggining

Gedemon for helping and awnsering questions which allowed this Project to happen

Irkalla for helping and creating the pseudocode of the Exploding Volcanos concept

black123 for believing in this Modding Project from the beggining

Teutonic_Rush for believing in this Modding Project from the beggining

Craig_Sutter for helping in the pseudocode of the Dynamic History Scenario Project

NotSoGood for helping in the Dynamic History Scenario Project by awnsering Lua-related questions

Liztiago for contribuiting to this Project's designning
Released [GandK] ModMods

The Delevopment Team of the Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods and Kings Modding Project 'UnOfficial Expansion: Rise and Fall of Empires' has chosen to release separate Mods including fewer changes to Players willingly to play only a slightly customizated game, and to also act as a test and bug catching tool, allowing improvements and changes to the concepts in order to mantain Game Balance, Historical Accuracy, Gameplay Enhancement, Language Accuracy and Immersion. The enjoyment and acomplishment of a Modding Project is more than the delevopment the release of the customization, allowing people to see the game within a different perspective, your own.

Released ModMods

We have chosen to post the released ModMods both in the Civilization Fanatics Centre Database and in the Steam Workshop, to provide different sources and allow players to reach our Customizations through different ways, not requiring a service. The first released ModMod "[RFE] Gameplay Enhanced and Slightly Improved AI" focuses in Gameplay Enhancement and providing a Challange, by imrpoving the AI to play more competitively. The second released ModMod "[RFE] Colonies" adds a whole new different concept in the game and focuses on Immersion, Historical Accuracy, by displaying a relevant part of History ignored by Sid Meier's Civilization V and Gameplay Enhancement.

[RFE] Gameplay Enhanced and (Slightly) Improved AI

Steam Workshop Download Link
Civilization Fanatics Centre Download Link

Development Information: Version 1.1 Beta
Version 1.2 Beta in Development

Spoiler :
Spoiler :
Cities have less defensive strength and gain slightly less new strength with new
Cities now only loss 10 per cent of the population when captured
Captured Cities now only lose 30 per cent of their styrength
Cities now heal more slowly

Happiness Mechanincs
Spoiler :
Reduced growth penalty when unhappy.
Reduced production penalty when very unhappy

Spoiler :
Updgrading units is now fifty per cent cheaper

Spoiler :
Units are fifty per cent cheaper
Settler has now 3 moves
Atomic Bomb and Nuclear Missile Rnage increased (2)

Research Agreements
Spoiler :
Research Agreements have now effect in 15 turns

Spoiler :
Puppets now generate more culture and science

Spoiler :
First Policy cost reduced to 20. Therefore every policy is now slightly cheaper

Starting Locations
Spoiler :
Players will now only start in locations with six or more land tiles
Starting locations will now include more production tiles

Spoiler :
Strategic Resources are now likely to spread in quantityy of 6


AI Changes

Spoiler :
AI is less likely to hate warmongers
AI is more likely to rushbuy units and buildings
AI now is more likely to defend their land with more units
AI should now have more units in their capital city
AI now has less chance to form permanent wars
AI now values much more the policies you chose (Autocracy, Freedom and Order)
AI now values less gold per turn
AI is now more likely to build cities on resource tiles
AI now values hills more
AI is more likely to accept Peace Deals
AI is more likely to accept cooperation in War

Spoiler :
Specialists have extra yield

City States
Spoiler :
Enchanced Influence Gained by Trade Missions (50)

Spoiler :
Instant Heal now grants you more health

Spoiler :
Increased Max XP Gained from Barbarians (30)

Spoiler :
Faster Culture Growth
New Cities now increase less cost of acquiring future policies

Diplomatic VC
Spoiler :
Owning the UN grants you now 2 extra votes

Spoiler :
Great Prophets spam since you acquire 150 faith and have greater chance of spamming once you get 150 faith
Pantheons now only increase costs by 3 faith

Score Calculation
Spoiler :
Technologies Score Value Increased (6)

[RFE] Colonies!

Steam Workshop Download
Civilization Fantics Centre Download

Development Information: Version 1.4 Beta


Creates the Colony Improvement which can be created by the Colonist unit, avaible at Navigation. Colonies can only be build outside your borders and cause all the adjacent tiles to be yours. Altought causing 1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness and being slow to build, the Colony Improvement grants you 2 :c5production: Production and 3 :c5gold: Gold, and connects any resource placed on the centre tile.

Downloading Issues and Bugfix

Downloading Issue - [RFE] Gameplay Enhanced and (Slightly) Improved AI

Reported by: Gorhaax
Causes: Unknown
Consequences: After Downloading An Empty Folder was Created
Fix: Issue fixed by Downloading a zipped version of the [GandK] ModMod, which can be found here
Concepts Index (in progress)

1. Civilizations
1.1. Unique Abilities
1.2. Unique Components

2. Buildings
2.1 National Wonders
2.2 World Wonders
2.3 Regular Buildings

3. Units
3.1 Melee Units
3.2 Ranged Units
3.3 Naval Units
3.4 Special Units

4. Technologies
4.1 Technology Tree

5. Colonialism
5.1 Colonists
5.2 Benefits
5.3 Revolts

6. Balance Changes
6.1 Gameplay Changes
6.2 Building Changes
6.3 Units Changes
6.4 Civilization Changes
6.5 Miscelanneous Changes

7. Emmigration

8. Global Warming

9. Taxes
9.1 Benefits

10. Technology Diffusion

11. Cultural Diffusion

12. Slavery
A Little Preview of the Tech Tree (UPDATED and RESIZED)

Someone who can use Gimp 2 and make this .png files into .dds

This looks like a large project with some great changes!

I don't think you need a converter for the art you mention here. You just need a program that can open png files. Photoshop reads pngs and since this is kind of an old format, probably many other art programs will, too. Once the file is open you can save as a dds if you have the add-on. This goes for any file type actually - jpg, psd, tiff etc.

Btw, are you still working on the Rome project?
I'm curious why you seem to be limiting the new civs in your mod to only those planned by Irkalla, when there are quite a few other high quality civ mods by other authors also available.
This looks like a large project with some great changes!

I don't think you need a converter for the art you mention here. You just need a program that can open png files. Photoshop reads pngs and since this is kind of an old format, probably many other art programs will, too. Once the file is open you can save as a dds if you have the add-on. This goes for any file type actually - jpg, psd, tiff etc.

Btw, are you still working on the Rome project?

Thanks :)

My problem is not read .png files is make them fit the circles and save it as a .dds file.

Yeah, I plan to add it as one of the scenarios


I might maybe include more new civilizations, maybe Hukkah's or other but I am a huge fan of Irkalla's project I think it is a great gamelay balance + historical accuracy + art (at least for what I've seend of the icons) combo, so I am going to include it
Holy crap this is a dream mod. Basically all the problems I had with Civ V are addressed here. Thank you SO much for putting your effort into this!

:) Thanks. Guess I am going to have an Alpha Tester :goodjob:

Btw I worked with the Tech Tree Editor Using the autosaves .xml files... It is great, done with Techs by now
List of Planned Scenarios:

Rise of Rome [Alpha Release]
Alexander's Conquests [Stable Release]
The Discoveries (1415 AD) [Beta Release]

Maybe I'll have to include them in separate Mods, dunno how to create a ModPack including Scenarios :sad:
PLZ re-make industrial techs!!!
Dynamite before railroads?, c'mon Firaxis even the Civilopedia tells you thats wrong.

The last bonus for the Internet. "Technologies already acquired cost 30 per cent less"? is that if other civs has acquired them?

The "Abolish death penalty" isn't that more of a SP thing?! It seems a bit odd that you have to have a prison in all cities for you to abolish capital punishment(the US should have abolished it years ago if that was the case). Maybe rename it to The Alcatraz, San Quentin, Spandau or Stammheim. Or another famous prison. Sotta like the Oxford University is a british university that all nations can build.

Otherwise I'm looking forward to this "expansion"!

P.S. one could argue that the TV station improvement should give a penalty to culture instead:rolleyes:
PLZ re-make industrial techs!!!
Dynamite before railroads?, c'mon Firaxis even the Civilopedia tells you thats wrong.

The last bonus for the Internet. "Technologies already acquired cost 30 per cent less"? is that if other civs has acquired them?

The "Abolish death penalty" isn't that more of a SP thing?! It seems a bit odd that you have to have a prison in all cities for you to abolish capital punishment(the US should have abolished it years ago if that was the case). Maybe rename it to The Alcatraz, San Quentin, Spandau or Stammheim. Or another famous prison. Sotta like the Oxford University is a british university that all nations can build.

Otherwise I'm looking forward to this "expansion"!

P.S. one could argue that the TV station improvement should give a penalty to culture instead:rolleyes:

Yeah, I might reconsider changing some things.

Maybe Include Abolish Death Penalty in my New Social Policies... I already have a lot of happiness buidlings, so I might just well delete it.

The Internet... Yes, but I will look if I can see it...

Btw I am considering adding a few units/buildings from Technologies that Already Exist:

Nuclear Central (Nuclear Fission). +8 :c5production:, +5 :c5science: . Requires 1:nuke:
Nuclear Fusion Central (Nuclear Fusion). +15 :c5production:, +10 :c5science:. Requires 2 :nuke:

Maybe some:

Globe Theatre (National Wonder). Requires a Theatre in all Cities. +10 :c5culture:, + 25% :c5culture: in every city.

And Improvements (If That Is Possible).

Mine Field (Avaible at Dynamite). Demages enemy Units in X HP per Turn
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