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Uprising Empire

Uprising Empire 1.0.0


Mar 30, 2018
Gueux submitted a new resource:

Loyalty++ - adds several changes to loyalty:

Loyalty++ is a mod that adds several changes to loyalty:


  • :c5war: War Exhaustion, is a new feature who take away 1 loyalty point for every War Exhaustion points (WEP) per turn (max WEP is 300 minimum is 0):
  1. too long war With Major: +1 WEP per turn (10 turn of war = -10 loyalty points per turn in all cities)
  2. War Fight With Major: every health point lost = +0.1 WEP (if your unit take 14 damage and did 30 you will gain...

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I'm not sure all of those cases causing WEP, war can sometimes cause patriotism, I think some cases; like fighting/killing invading units should grant loyalty ("Oh no, those soldiers killed and died to protect us! we really should just leave this nation to join someone else!")

also WEP should be able to go negative to at least -50, being at peace while your nahbours are killing each others would make you nation more attrative!
I'm not sure all of those cases causing WEP, war can sometimes cause patriotism, I think some cases; like fighting/killing invading units should grant loyalty ("Oh no, those soldiers killed and died to protect us! we really should just leave this nation to join someone else!")

First of all thx for comment, but when you have too much WEP your cities do not become free cities (exept if they were not originally yours or if they are too far away from your capital), they revolt they want you to end this war and when you kill an enemy unit in your territory you gain 200 loyalty in the closest city

also WEP should be able to go negative to at least -50, being at peace while your nahbours are killing each others would make you nation more attrative!

when you are at peace you gain 30 loyalty per turn (not shown in wep but in "other effect")

and for the moment, I did not find how to change loyalty pressure with lua, and did not search with sql but sql is too limited... so may be later I ll try to see how I can do this ...

if you have any other idea or question I am there. BISOUS
Gueux updated Loyalty++ with a new update entry:

Better tooltip and some other adds

War Exhaustion now have tooltip that give all event of this turn and the previous turn

now government change set government stability to -100 (minimum)
and changing policies is now -5 per policies

added a revolt type when you have less than -50 WEP or Government stability every city within 10 plot who have a negative loyalty per turn revolt the same turn

now revolt reduce yield for 30 turn going from -100% first turn then -96.6% on second turn ect.. till reach -0%

Read the rest of this update entry...
Gueux updated Loyalty++ with a new update entry:

Separatism + migration + better compatibility with other mods

sorry for not having given news for so long, so finally update is here,

Sepratism : When You make peace or defeat a player every city you decide to keep will become Separatist, more the city have citizens and culture per turns more it will be long to change the city culture, culture is based on who found the city, the only way to change a city culture is to have 0 separatism in the city.

  1. War migration, citizens will flee country who have War Exhaustion, more WEP =...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I wanted to say thanks I like your "Loyalty++" mod a lot! Is there anyway I can support your efforts in further developments for this mod?

Also the “separatist” city and being 30 plots away from capital and then the city becomes a free city doing a revolt is really brutal… can you maybe make it so separatist cities becoming a free city is it own thing not linked to a revolt but still keep the revolts in separatist cities happening. That way a separatist city can still revolt a lot. And make it so having a military unit in the separatist city and/or governor and so on reduces the chance of a separatist city becoming a free city by a big amount unless loyalty pressure from another civilization is more than your loyalty pressure in the separatist city.

Basically make it so it is still possible to hold a city that is not losing loyalty, as I have lost two cities from the revolts (they become free cities) one city yes, it was losing loyalty when I built it and it said I had 5 turns before it became a free city but the very next turn before I could buy a monument or do anything really it revolted and I lost it. The next city, a conquered capitol had a governor and the loyalty was rising but the city still revolted and I lost it too.
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Hey Really appreciate your Feedback, it help a lot,

In next update that will arrive within 1 or 2 weeks city won't become free city like that there will be barbarian, like other revolt but if you don't kill them they take the city and the city become free and if it was a colonial revolt(30 plot away and no separatism) it can create a new nation, sorry for not giving news, I am on anothers mods and I want to finish all and test all in a big game and then I ll upload (I ended develop the next update of this mod but I need to test it),

Other mod I need to test are "Replay history" and "spreading science", they are not upload anywhere, if you want to test them or anyone just mp me I ll send it to you that would help a lot.

"Replay history"

You can replay history like at the end of civ 5 game, I put many info everywhere.. many useless info but I like useless stat, I added so many thing that I should have upload it one month ago but got a new idea everytime I was about to test it

"spreading science"

Science and culture will spread to neighbour empire depending on number of neighbour city and Visibility On the other empire for every Tech/Civic that you have and your neighbor do not has + Every Combat Give science to evolve your Unit (ex if you combat with a warrior you'll get science for the swordman tech)

Now You know everything Have a good day
Nice ideas, I give it t try! :)

EDIT: game unfurtunately will not start with this mod...
it says "ERROR - 3045188730"

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May be try this version (last version, may have some bugs) if it doesn't work, may be you use an incompatible mod?


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