ViSa Maps


WoC Team Manager
Aug 25, 2006
Question about the earth map?

Is it possible to take a "recent" civilization???

You would have to ask the map maker....the ViSa Team has nothing to do with these.
Well, with ViSa_v3 hanging over our heads, here it is, the first ViSa_v3 map:

Europe, Tiny (40*40), 27 civs

Its an adaption of part of Genghis Kais Giant Earth map. Enjoy.
There is a ViSa smartmap afaik.
And here the European map again, with only one important change:

- 3 plot city radius

To accomodate for this severall starting points had to be moved:

Austria moved 1 W
Byzanz moved 1 SE
France moved 1 E
Greece moved 1 SW
Russia moved 1 N
Troy moved 1 S
Ukraine moved 2 E

This way all 27 civs can found at least their starting town ^^.
@konserw, try the 2 maps by bastian they work i just tried both the 2 plot and 3 plot ones. as for the other i dont think they work yet for visa 3 or ask the creators.
Most of the linked maps are from me. And no, they don't work for ViSa 3 yet.

Atm I'm testplaying the two Europe maps to get a feel for the flow. So any feedback is extremely welcome. Once I polished this Europe map (its basically the same map, with just some civ shuffling to accomodate for the 3-plot cityradius), I'll go on with more of this maps, till I filled the whole Giant Earth map.
OK i made a new version of the old map of Earth, for V3, but i do not have any starting points or extra(new) resources on it, what do you want me to do??

EDIT: Just re-did, Bastian-Bux, (17 starting civs) earth map above for version 3 also, if anyone wants that?? Hope he doesnt mind??
I don't mind. ^^

Oh, as information to players: it seems MrGenie played his own april fools joke. In my current game everyone and his granny hates the duchies. ^^ For a moment I thought I was playing Total Realism. :D
Thx for those maps. :)
What is the second one like? Do Civs or resources spawn in correct locations?

I'm can't wait for the Earth I talked to Bastian-Bux about.
The Civs and resources spawning in the correct locations and what not.
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